There are many amazing and confounding things happening in the news but this is one of the most confounding of all.
President Trump told reporters Friday that he still has confidence in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administration Scott Pruitt amid continuing ethics and spending scandals.
Asked by CNN’s Ryan Nobles at a White House meeting with Pruitt, automaker executives and others whether he has confidence in the EPA head, Trump responded, simply, “yes, I do.”
Pruitt was sitting two spots away from Trump at the time.
I long ago lost track of all the reasons why Pruitt should lose his job. Commentators long ago ran out of anti-superlatives to describe the degree of his corruption and poor judgment. I can remember some really bad cabinet members and department heads. James Watt comes to mind, for example. But no one has ever compiled a record like Pruitt.
This doesn’t even begin to cover it:
Pruitt has been at the center of a slew of ethical and spending controversies in recent months, including over a $50-per-night condo rental last year from a lobbyist, a security detail that has cost taxpayers more than $3 million, a $43,000 soundproof booth for his office, frequent first-class travel on the government’s dime and more.
The controversies section of his Wikipedia page is only modestly shorter than a Dostoevsky novel. My favorite remains the housing controversy but your tastes may differ.
The president has fired half (more than half?) of the people he’s appointed to high positions in his administration but he refuses to can Pruitt despite the bad press he causes nearly every day. It’s not like someone else couldn’t come in and take a sledgehammer to environmental rules and regulations without being a constant source of embarrassment. I keep hearing Republicans say that they like the job Pruitt is doing, but is there some reason he needs to be the person doing it?
I guess he really excels at triggering the liberals. That’s the only explanation I have for why he survives. If I were running the White House I would have fired him for this if nothing else:
In April 2018, it became known that Pruitt had raised the salaries of two of his closest aides whom he’d brought from Oklahoma, despite rejection of the submitted increases by the White House. Pruitt sought to increase the salary from $107,435 to $164,200 for one aide and from $86,460 to $114,590 for the other. The provision was intended to allow the EPA administrator to hire specialists into unique roles in especially stressed offices. Instead, Pruitt circumvented the process by using a provision of the Safe Drinking Water Act which allowed him to autonomously determine the salaries for the two aides. The compensation of the two staffers was substantially higher than the salaries of staff in similar positions in the Obama administration. The method of raising their pay also allowed both to avoid signing ethics pledges meant to deter conflicts of interest, an issue raised by Democratic Senators Tom Carper and Sheldon Whitehouse for consideration of an investigation. While Pruitt claimed in an April 4, 2018 televised interview with Fox News correspondent Ed Henry that he didn’t know anything about the raises to his two close aides, the Washington Post reported on April 5, 2018 that two EPA officials and a White House official told The Post that Pruitt instructed staff to award substantial pay boosts to both women, who had worked in different roles for him in Oklahoma.
Yet, Trump obviously doesn’t care.
I wonder what it would take for him to lose confidence in Pruitt.
I guess dump has some notion that he looks less troublesome in comparison and Pruitt is thereby a useful fixture. Pruitt takes up some of the headline real estate that would have otherwise outlined yet more unpresidential embarrassments.
Why would you expect that anything Pruitt would do would cause Trump to “lose faith” in him? Trump has no moral standard that says “out!” for doing this of that. Trump probably has some actual sympathy for his fellow grifter, or at least a willingness to let him rape and pillage the Treasury, becausew that’s Trump’s mentality too.
The only way Pruitt goes is if Trump begins to feel that Pruitt’s corruption is hurting him in some material way. Otherwise it’s “business as usual.”
It’s a good question, given that the ethically-challenged Doc Price was for some reason told to clear out, but of course Repub and “conservative” hypocrisy is part of the answer. Generally a Dem needs only the merest whiff of scandal to be vociferously and endlessly denounced, but a “conservative” can reek to high heaven of it and it will be studiously ignored, with professions of continued support. And is the corporate media actually covering Pruitt’s corruption on a daily basis? He was obviously a corrupt OK public official long before he was given the EPA to wreck.
Pruitt has compiled, without question, the longest and strongest track record of hatred for environmental protection and willingness to do anything to destroy the environment, all while piously claiming to be “protecting” it. He is a known quantity, doing the Lord’s Work of destruction. Sure, some other “conservative” nut-job can assert that they would work to destroy the environment just as fanatically as Priutt, but why trade the franchise away just because of a few, um, missteps that are utterly meaningless to the fans?
Which gives the other clue: Pruitt’s a Christianist, a creature of the Fundamentalist Right. A “Good Steward” indeed, haha. They are famously the greatest hypocrites on the planet, and ethical and financial scandals are a dime a dozen to them. So tossing Pruitt would offends that absolutely critical component of The 46%, which is an absolute no-no. Even a doofus like Der Trumper knows this.
Trump wants him for AG. He wants him in that job BECAUSE of his corruption.
Trump wants to be an oligarch, in the Russian mold. The only way to truly achieve that is to bring corruption to the Justice Department, preventing any unpleasant investigations. Never forget, the over riding sin of Trump and everyone he prefers surrounding him is greed. Sessions does not quite fit that profile. Pruitt does.
Period, end of story.
Nalbar, although other commenters have provided some good reasons for why Scott Pruitt is untouchable, I think yours is most accurate. Time will tell.
We might REALLY be screwed. Internationally; remove all our troops from Korea, absolutely devastate our relationship with the EU, start a trade war with…everyone, split NATO, and get in a war with Iran….with us allied with Israel and Saudi Arabia! Domestically; pack the courts with young RW nuts (let alone the SC), wreck or remove pollution controls, remove all wilderness protection, then pack the Justice Dept with sycophants so no investigations. Then create more slush funds for the cash to pour in. And it WOULD `pour in’.
That’s what he can do no matter who is in control of the House.
God, I left out why he can get away with it all….because he will deport every brown person he can find, including US citizens, making him untouchable by 40% of the population.
That is also what makes him 50/50 to be re-elected.
This whole thing reminds me of scenes out of Gotham. So freaking unreal it’s a joke.
with a favorable rubber stamp senate that won’t get squeamish about confirming known wiseguys and cranks. he doesn’t have a suitable jumo to replace him that is confirmable. in a word: ~ loyalty ~
Pruitt, Zinke, DeVoss and Carson all should have been dumped last year. They all represent the utter lack of governing skills necessary to run their departments. But because they were chosen for their ability to destroy rather than elevate those departments and because they raise the hackles of every Democrat with their despicaavle acts, they are all probably safe. I’d like to see all of them frog-marched out of office.
These people are utterly and completely unsuited to or competent in any way for the positions for which they were hired. Didn’t Sleepy Ben, himself, say that he didn’t have the knowledge, skills or ability to do run HUD? Yet there he is: wasting your tax dollars and mine to buy himself expensive furniture while burning down HUD.
Trump doesn’t give an iota of a shit whether shithole Pruitt wastes million$ of tax dollar$ enriching and enhancing himself because that’s exactly what Trump is doing. Trump’s probably all “Good boy, Scotty.”
No, rather, Pruitt is delivering the goods to Trump. He’s despoiling the environment, which is a favorite conservative thing to do, whilst probably also collecting lotsa sweet sweet payola from the various corporations and businesses that are poised to wreak havoc on our environmnet.
My bet? Pruitt may be one of the world’s greediest shitholes, but he’s not utterly stupid. No doubt, he’s crossed Trump’s tiny palms with lotsa loot.
The sweet sweet icing on the cake is destroying some pulic lands that Obama named as national parks or monuments. Pruitt probably got a double plus bonus from Trump for accomplishing that goal.
Money talks, bullshit walks.
Done and done.
The short answer is nothing at all. If he couldn’t find a reason in all the things Pruitt’s done to date then there really is no trigger. Once, it was said, that, if Trump felt an underling was making money because he was taking advantage of Trump’s indulgence, he would fire him. That supposedly was the basis for Price and the VA secretary. Clearly, Pruitt’s wanton corruption doesn’t matter.
Does Pruitt have something on Trump (however unlikely that may seem)? Probably not. Trump just doesn’t give a damn.
I wonder what it would take for him to lose confidence in Pruitt.
If Pruitt started a reality show that had better ratings than The Apprentice.
Aren’t you essentially asking why a criminal organization continues to employ an arsonist to burn down everything the criminal organization wants burned down?
The answer seems obvious. Pruitt is performing his job especially well, and as long as we’re talking about Pruitt, we aren’t talking about Strongman Trump.
I would venture that Pruitt hates Obama just as much as Trump does, and that is all that matters.
Pruitt needs to be awarded The Golden Fleece Award. He should also be forced to pay back the monies out of his own pocket.
As long as DeVos Carson, Pruitt, etc. keep saying “Yes sir, your wonderfulness!” Trump is fine with them.
Perhaps Pruitt is a form of toxic waste.
The White House nowadays is a Superfund site.
Though perhaps Mueller can succeed in fulfilling the EPA’s mission of cleaning up that particular toxic waste dump.
One can hope.
Republicans were ragging on Pruitt earlier, but then Pruitt had a publicized meeting with DT. DT then came out and told the Republicans to lay off dragging on Pruitt. Seems obvious to me that some form of ring-kissing took place. Pruitt found a way for DT to make money on whatever it is he’s doing–the boss got his cut. Pruitt knows how to play the game. It’s a simple as that.
Trump probably realizes the he needs every pre-confirmed cabinet member that he can get at this point.
Kevin Drum nailed it:
Sure did. Spot on.
Nailed it.
Thought of another reason Pruitt still has a job: Blackmail. He might have something damning on DT.