The evidence is in.
No matter which party is nominally in power, we live in a state of permanent war against societies that do not want…for whatever reasons…to play the “Democracy Now!!!” simulation game, and we also live in a state of permanent injustice that is used to keep whichever groups of people…groups that have been unlucky enough to draw the most recent societal short straws…poor enough to take the shit-cleaning jobs.
As the U.S. rapidly moved into a simulacrum of a “majority middle class” status after WW II, Lenny Bruce presciently observed:
But…but…who’ll clean the shithouse???!!!
Ask not for whom the shithouse bell tolls. If you disobey? Or you are simply born into the wrong caste? It tolls for you!!!
Bet on it.
Read on.
From Counterpunch:
The Simulation of Democracy
by CJ HopkinsOne of the most complicated and frustrating aspects of operating a global capitalist empire is maintaining the fiction that it doesn’t exist. Virtually every action you take has to be carefully recontextualized or otherwise spun for public consumption. Every time you want to bomb or invade some country to further your interests, you have to mount a whole PR campaign. You can’t even appoint a sadistic torture freak to run your own coup-fomenting agency, or shoot a few thousand unarmed people you’ve imprisoned in a de facto ghetto, without having to do a big song and dance about “defending democracy” and “democratic values.”
Generating the simulation of democracy that most Western consumers desperately need in order to be able to pretend to believe that they are not just smoothly-functioning cogs in the machinery of a murderous global empire managed by a class of obscenely wealthy and powerful international elites to whom their lives mean exactly nothing, although extremely expensive and time-consuming, is essential to maintaining their monopoly on power. Having conditioned most Westerners into believing they are “free,” and not just glorified peasants with gadgets, the global capitalist ruling classes have no choice but to keep up this fiction. Without it, their empire would fall apart at the seams.
This is the devil’s bargain modern capitalism made back in the 18th Century. In order to wrest power from the feudal aristocracies that had dominated the West throughout the Middle Ages, the bourgeoisie needed to sell the concept of “democracy” to the unwashed masses, who they needed both to staff their factories and, in some cases, to fight revolutionary wars, or depose and publicly guillotine monarchs. All that gobbledegook about taxes, tariffs, and the unwieldy structure of the feudal system was not the easiest sell to the peasantry. “Liberty” and “equality” went over much better. So “democracy” became their rallying cry, and, eventually, the official narrative of capitalism. The global capitalist ruling classes have been stuck with “democracy” ever since, or, more accurately, with the simulation of democracy.
The purpose of this simulation of democracy is not to generate fake democracy and pass it off as real democracy. Its purpose is to generate the concept of democracy, the only form in which democracy exists. It does this by casting a magic spell (which I’ll do my best to demystify in a moment) that deceives us into perceiving the capitalist marketplace we Westerners inhabit, not as a market, but as a society. An essentially democratic society. Not a fully fledged democratic society, but a society progressing toward “democracy” … which it is, and simultaneously isn’t.
Obviously, life under global capitalism is more democratic than under feudal despotism, not to mention more comfortable and entertaining. Capitalism isn’t “evil” or “bad.” It’s a machine. Its fundamental function is to eliminate any and all despotic values and replace them with a single value, i.e., exchange value, determined by the market. This despotic-value-decoding machine is what freed us from the tyranny of kings and priests, which it did by subjecting us to the tyranny of capitalists and the meaningless value of the so-called free market, wherein everything is just another commodity … toothpaste, cell phones, healthcare, food, education, cosmetics, et cetera. Despite that, only an idiot would argue that capitalism is not preferable to despotism, or that it hasn’t increased our measure of freedom. So, yes, we have evolved toward democracy, if we’re comparing modern capitalism to medieval feudalism.
The problem is that capitalism is never going to lead to actual democracy (i.e., government by and for the people). This is never going to happen. In fact, capitalism has already reached the limits of the freedom it can safely offer us. This freedom grants us the ability to make an ever-expanding variety of choices … none of which have much to do with democracy. For example, Western consumers are free to work for whatever corporation they want, and to buy whatever products they want, and to assume as much debt as the market will allow to purchase a home wherever they want, and to worship whichever gods they want (as long as they conform their behavior to the values of capitalism and not their religion), and men can transform themselves into women, and white people can deem themselves African Americans, or Native Americans, or whatever they want, and anyone can mock or insult the President or the Queen of England on Facebook and Twitter, none of which freedoms were even imaginable, much less possible, under feudal despotism.
But this is as far as our “freedom” goes. The global capitalist ruling classes are never going to allow us to govern ourselves, not in any meaningful way. In fact, since the mid-1970s, they’ve been systematically dismantling the framework of social democracy throughout the West, and otherwise relentlessly privatizing everything. They’ve been doing this more slowly in Europe, where social democracy is more entrenched, but, make no mistake, American “society” is the model for our dystopian future. The ruling classes and their debt-enslaved servants, protected from the desperate masses by squads of hyper-militarized police, medicated in their sanitized enclaves, watching Westworld on Amazon Prime as their shares in private prisons rise and the forces of democracy defend their freedom by slaughtering men, women, and children in some faraway country they can’t find on a map, and would never visit on vacation anyway … this is where the USA already is, and where the rest of the West is headed.
This is, of course, ceremonial magic … but then so is everything else, really. Take out a twenty dollar bill, or a twenty Euro note, or your driver’s license. They are utterly valueless, except as symbols, but no less powerful for being just symbols. Or look at some supposedly solid object under an electron microscope. Try this with a tablespoon. As that bald kid in The Matrix put it, you will “realize that there is no spoon” … or, rather, that there is only the spoon we’ve created by believing that there is a spoon.
Look, I don’t mean to get all spooky. What that kid (among various others throughout history) was trying to get us to understand is that we create reality, collectively, with symbols … or we allow reality to be created for us. Our collective reality is also our religion, in that we live our lives and raise our children according to its precepts and values, regardless of whatever other rituals we may or may not engage in on the weekend. Western consumers, no matter whether nominally Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, or of any other faith, live their lives and raise their children according to the values and rules of capitalism. Capitalism is our religion. Like every religion, it has a cosmology.
In the cosmology of global capitalism, “democracy” is capitalist heaven. We hear it preached about throughout our lives, we’re surrounded by graven images of it, but we don’t get to see it until we’re dead. Attempting to storm its pearly gates, or to create the Kingdom of Democracy on Earth, is heresy, and is punishable by death. Denying its existence is blasphemy, for which the punishment is excommunication, and consignment to the City of Dis, where the lost souls shout back and forth at each other across the lower depths of the Internet, their infernal voices unheard by the faithful … but, hey, don’t take the word of an apostate like me. Go ahead, try it, and see what happens.
Do I see a way out of this situation?
But there is a way to modify it…to make it less efficient.
In Mechanical Engineering 101 terms, if gears are machined too finely, they will lock rather than function as “gears.” There needs to be a little play in their interaction. Not too much, not too little. Juuussst right, in the Goldilocks sense.
Same same here.
Resistance is not futile, even if it doesn’t win. Probably more accurately, especially if it doesn’t win, because if it wins it must then create its own magic (un)reality, a nasty process that more often than not is unsuccessful no matter what the cause.
But “resistance?”
Tha’s what makes the societal gears work.
Without that resistance?
And all the rest of the failed, rigid authoritarian systems throughout history.
Luckily…for us , anyway…our original consitutional system left quite a bit of wiggle room. But that wiggle room is being rapidly closed up by the current controllers. Mass surveillance coupled with economically-enforced-from-above control of the mass media threatens to eventually almost totally freeze up the societal gears, and after that?
After that…soon after that…there will be some sort of hell to pay.
That is a sure bet, on the evidence of all of human history.
So…what to do, what to do?
Well, you can’t “resist” if you do not understand the magical reality control system under which you live, so I guess the first thing we all need to try to do is:
Resistance is not only not futile, it is a positive necessity, win, lose or draw. And you cannot resist if you do not understand the reality of the situation.
We been had. We live under a Unitocracy. Two parties, two sides of the same counterfeit coin that has been minted by the controllers, WWE-style. Trump? We might as well have Vince McMahon as preznit. He’d be even closer to the truth of the matter. As things stand now? In 2020, we’ll get another “good guy”…Obama-style.
And the beatdown will continue.
It’s not necessarily about “winning.”
But it is about survival.
Bet on that as well.
Looks like someone gave up on pretending to take the high road, like he gave up before he tried to get back to the high road.
The high road of course doesn’t mean a thing if no-one believes you are on it.
And pretending isn’t very effective when you turn it on and off to fit it with personal moods.
It sure is a spectacular display though.
I see Oui is still abusing the ratings here. To Oui, I say, “non.”
This comment by nalbar, which included a link in response to JonF was troll-rated by JonF. As near as I can tell, the point of the reply and link was to address a comment made by JonF regarding the prospect of Cohen being pardoned by Trump. There is nothing in the reply that by any sensible definition of the term would be considered trolling. And yet Oui went on a troll-rating rampage and targeted numerous comments such as the one linked. Oui will not reply to my simple query. In the meantime, I wonder if Booman needs to impose another troll-rating time-out? Apparently, the temptation to stealthily troll-rate comments weeks after they were posted is just too tempting for one of our users.
In the meantime, here is more documentation of Oui’s abuse of the ratings system here, here, here, here, and here for starters. I could get warmed up pretty easily. Oui should have the courage to explain how each of these comments in their context was “trolling”. He should be the one defending his ratings, as he’s the one who made them. In this life, each of us may have plenty to answer for. What marks us is how we answer or fail to answer. This is now a small enough blog to where those of us who still bother to post are its life blood. Ratings abuse like Oui’s merely threatens what life remains. Those currently targeted a pretty thick-skinned, thankfully. But maybe they shouldn’t have to be. Maybe these behaviors – whether it’s this passive aggressive crap or the more active dissembling and ranting (e.g. AG) drive good people away. People I might actually give a damn about. Perhaps people I may never have the chance to give a damn about because they never bother to set up and use accounts here. So, I’ll keep calling this crap out. It’s a sad state of affairs when I am thanking my lucky stars for Twitter.
Your thinking is biased and erroneous. Nalbar has ALWAYS been the initiator with a few disciples in his slipstream. He had been warned for relentless retaliation at a time of my choosing. I refuse to post comments because of troll rating abuse here @BooMan. So don’t blame me DD, that’s quite dishonest. I’ve posted one or two diaries about his abuse eons ago. I will stick to the international issues on the right side. I’ll keep smiling – nothing will change that in my lifetime.
Actually, you do post comments – on your own posts, no? So, here you contradict yourself. Beyond that, my impression (whether you agree with that impression or not) is that you have chosen to follow the wrong people (or person, as the case may be these days), and have chosen a form of passive aggressive “retaliation” that almost borders on stalking. Maybe one day you’ll realize. Maybe not. Regardless, as of now I am no longer an ally to you. That’s something that genuinely saddens me.
. . . (re-confirming previous confessions and the case you documented), oui’s abuse of the ratings is conscious, deliberate, intentional, and as he just confessed, “retaliatory”, i.e., having nothing whatsoever to do with the content and merits of the particular comments he downrates.
That he so debases himself in defense/enabling of ag’s grotesque dishonesty is just pathetic.
That form of behavior contradicts the spirit of the community that Booman intended to cultivate when he started this blog around 13 years ago. I would expect someone who has been on this blog for as long as Oui has been to recall the community Booman attempted to cultivate and live by it as an example to us all. Instead, he’s chosen to contradict the primary group ethos: “don’t be a prick.” Retaliatory down rating on a massive scale, targeting a person or small group of persons regardless of the content and its merits is “prick-like” behavior. The perpetrator of that behavior of course is free to disagree or dislike that he will be viewed as behaving like a prick, but that’ just too bad. I wish Oui had chosen a different path. This was someone I once respected a great deal. I expected better, and once upon a time I think my expectation was realistic. No more. Sad. Just sad.
. . . For this oui routinely troll-rates me. Case closed.
Agreed. I suspect both of us are in Oui’s cross-hairs these days for precisely the same reason. I’ll use that as encouragement to continue to hold AG accountable as well.
Keep in mind, I am practically bullet-proof. One of the nice things about knowing the truth.
In the meantime, you still have plenty to answer for.
. . . not jonf.
That was my intention – troll rated by Oui. Jonf is entirely innocent.
In Internet slang, a troll (troʊl, trɒl) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion
Hence a rating of 1
. . . for his initial quarrel-starting lie that
. . . then, when confronted with factual refutation of that lie, doubling-down with the breathtakingly grotesque dishonesty of switching “half of Trump supporters” in place of “working class whites” in a self-serving attempt to save face and justify his original lie (attacking me with falsehoods in the bargain, but who cares?)?
Well, I’m gobsmacked to learn that, but good on ya, voice! Based on past experience, I’d have never expected such integrity from you.
Now that would be something.
Voice…as I said in the title of this piece:
That was aimed directly at these neocentrist trolls. I don’t mind a rational disagreement…in fact, I have learned a great deal from many of them in my life…but this kneejerk distortion of whatever I say, the lying, the namecalling? There is no end to it.
There is no use calling them out and…since Booman operates a very free system here…there is no getting rid of them. I tried rational communication, but it was doublespoken into pure hatred again and again. Now I simply ignore them and go about my business.
I don’t downrate them…never have, as a general principle…and the only defensive action that I take is to save every zeroable comment or reply I write here to make sure that if they try to zero me out, the only real result will be a standalone post that will bring more attention to what I was trying to say.
So it goes at the tail end of the “Information Revolution.”
Now trolls elect presidents!!!
And other trolls oppose them.
The very definition of “truthiness.”
Like every other revolution, this one has gone 360 degrees and now stands as the “Disinformation Revolution.”
As In explained, I troll rate for trollish behavior, not because I disagree. If I disagree, I generally do not rate. I’ll even 4 rate a comment contrary to my beliefs that is excellently presented. If the blog is an echo chamber like dkos, there is no reason to go there.
Precisely Voice!
I’ve been there a decade ago and ran away, unbearable.
Sorry, had to change the headline first comment 😉
. . . with . . .
Um…this comment may have been strongly worded, but worthy of a troll rating? Dunno. I didn’t see it that way, but then again, I’m not much of a fan of either Kucinich or Assad. But given your claim to have never downrated folks here, and to simply ignore instead? I call b.s.
What part of “…as a general principle” do you not understand, DD?
The that I downrated wrote:
This blog advertises itself as a “progressive” site. I downrated the post becuase…despite his failures and possible missteps…Dennis Kucinich has been and remains an undoubtedly “progressive” Democrat.
On the first page of 30 ratings on my user site, there are only two downratings…this one and on one of possibly hundreds of personal attacks on me and on my positions by the entity “oaguabonita.” On the second page there are none…all 4s both pages aside from these two. I could go on and examine the rest of my ratings pages…go ahead and do it yourself if you’re curious or simply kneejerk hostile…but I will waste no more time on it, myself.
However seabe’s statement was worded (and you may not like it, and I may have worded things differently while noting that Kucinich is a loon and supports dictators and causes I find abhorrent), it was not a personal attack or threat aimed directly at anyone with whom s/he was interacting. I have refrained generally from down rating your posts for the most part because they don’t appear to be personal attacks per se – in fact given that you have stated to at least one other blogger here that you don’t even view us as individual people I would wonder what the point in doing so would be. Upshot – seabe did far better from Oui, who has so far failed to address me. Upshot is that the serial down rating of others for simply posting under their user names is not appropriate, and fails the blog’s first rule: “don’t be a prick.”
You write:
Seabe wrote:
That’s not a “personal attack?”
It is in my neighborhood.
Bet on it.
At least you are finally acknowledging that your initial statement was not truthful. That’s the first step, I suppose. By the way the is neither of our neighborhoods, nor do our various neighborhood rules apply. If you want to play tough guy in your own neighborhood, have at it. Expect to be called out here when you make a statement about your behavior that can be demonstrated as false. You won’t be able to escape, even in your standalone diaries.
Again: What part of “…as a general principle” do you not understand, DD?
No I do not finally acknowledge that my initial statement was not truthful. It was perfectly truthful, as a little research on my user pages would plainly show. As a general principle, I do not downrate. End of story.
Now…you are either:
1-Too stupid
2-Too argumentative in a lawyerly/ouagbonitaish/neocentrist/kneejerkish way to acknowledge the truth of what I am saying.
Keep trying, though.
You people hang yourselves a little further every time you run this game.
The truth will outlast you all.
Have a nice day…
WRONG! You have been caught with your pants down once already. I have yet to see you be honest with me in ages. Why start now? Want me to keep going? Best quit while you are not too far behind.
Hijacking AG’s thread and adding multiple posts in his diary as harassment/bullying is indeed trollish behavior. “Don’t be a prick” as Martin has stated when starting his blog. Yes, I’ve been here from the start and have seen how this community deteriorated in time. I do not seek “allies” as DD seems to need, I don’t do group think and I hate echo chambers. I would love elegant debates and discussions, sift through various points of view. So the troll ratings abuse by marduk and nalbar is a sign of the times. Like I said, put the blame at the source of mischievous behavior. I’m fine posting diaries on the international topics and foreign affairs. I primarily uprate where there has been abuse of the ratings system and I don’t care whether it was directed at AG or Marie3. You don’t need to dig further than what has been so obvious from the beginning.
I don”t need to befriend people on blogs nor do I participate on social media and “like” persons. The virtual community is cold, ignorant and narcisissitic, not my cup of tea. Yes I try to post comments in my own diaries, objections? The trolls usual roam the front page story to instantly troll rate my comments. Not obvious?
In real life? You guys don’t know me although I have attended meet-ups through European Tribune and have met bloggers from Booman Tribune in real time. A lot of water has passed through the Rhine river since the last occasion in Amsterdam. My joy lies in real life and spend my days with friends and as I have written and spoken about the volunteer work I do with youth. No DD, I don’t aspire to stoop as low to be your “ally”. Not anytime soon. Don’t like my writing? Pass it over and offer your views elsewhere. Same reasoning for diaries by Arthur Gilroy. But don’t bully or harass people and do stop troll-rating fellow bloggers or line-up behind those that stoop that low.
I’d be hesitant to make sweeping generalizations about social media, as apparently even psychologists are increasingly skeptical and may have some data on their side. Often those of us who are “less young” (and that includes my own age cohort) tend to engage in moral panics about the technology used by those darned kids. I’m sure that blogs once fostered “cold, ignorant, narcissistic” behavior. And before that USENET, and before that…you get the idea. Perhaps I am too sanguine, but the data so far appear to be on my side apparently. Make of it what you will. For the record, Oui, I do not assign zeros or ones to your posts. Nor have I threatened or harassed you. I have posted some content challenging you and your behavior as of late. Your rather passive-aggressive response speaks volumes to me. I did engage you directly and civilly, and at one point there was an opportunity for us to converse. Sadly, you have squandered that opportunity.
Feuds rarely end well for those involved in them. Given that, I think I shall pass. I will note simply that if you thought rating abuse was happening, you could have always emailed Booman – repeatedly if necessary – as he is ultimately the one who could insist under no uncertain terms that indiscriminant troll rating stop, and he has the power to ban those who continue to anyway. In a previous life I moderated a blog and made some of those difficult decisions, and I can understand why anyone in such a situation would be hesitant to act – you’re kind of damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Maybe this really will go away one day. I doubt it will be done so by escalating your apparent war with others of us here. I maintain my unilateral cease-fire with regard to you, AG, etc. I urge you give peace a chance.
Booman doesn’t need to be “reminded” of what has been going on with the troll-raters over the past several years. It’s plain to see. I am not sure of this, but I think that he tries to be the least deus ex machina that he can be here, and I applaud him for it. I ran a blog on musical issues for a while and I too refused to be some sort of “politeness” cop on the site. Instead of reprimanding or banning troublesome members, I simply restricted their posting to a single area…I called it “The Alley,” referencing those backdoor alleys in rough neighborhoods where bar fights were sent so as to not disturb the happy drinkers…and let whoever wanted to do so whale away to their hearts’ content.
I objected here to the zeroing-out of valid comments and…whether it’s because of my own tactic of saving all comments and posting them as an article if the zero fiends struck, some intervention by Booman or a combination of the two…they seem to have subsided.
The nasty attempts at post hijackings and personal insults? They are too weak to be able to hijack, they just tear down the site itself. Again…I don’t know. Maybe Booman has had enough of this site. My own position is that if for some reason I were to be banned or the site went down, I’d save hours every week not trying to wake dedicated sleepers the fuck up. I could take up knitting instead, or some other truly useful hobby.
I do keep trying.
You can bet on that!!!
Booman did seem pretty fed up with this blog last year. I was genuinely amazed that he decided to maintain it a while longer. Grateful, but amazed nonetheless. At best, I am guessing, it’s a loss-leader for him. Perhaps it offers him a way to work out ideas that he can then publish where he can make some genuine coinage. Hey, we all have to make a living somehow. I suspect he does enjoy the opportunity to interact a bit as well. It has been nice to see him do more of that as of late.
This blog took a turn for the worse some time ago. We all know it. Your shenanigans over the years, which have become more shrill recently, have not helped matters. I am convinced you add to the toxicity. We will disagree on that, no doubt, and I harbor no illusion that your mind can be changed on the matter. Comme ci comme ça. As a community member, I’ll do what I can to clean up the mess being made here – including uprating those in Oui’s line of fire and whatever else needs doing to encourage our remaining community members that this is a sufficiently safe space for civil and even contentious discussions. If this blog does fold, I have already found some of the BT diaspora on Twitter and FB and will simply redirect my energies there.
You did succeed in waking me up, for what it’s worth, although perhaps not in the way you intended. I am now thoroughly awakened to the damage that self-styled radicals do to whatever their particular cause and you have convinced me to take a much more moderate course going forward. Oddly enough I owe you a debt of gratitude for that. Merci.
You write:
I answer:
I recently wrote here:
You think that my “shenanigans” on this blog have been useless, right?
Could be.
Some peoples’ minds simply cannot be changed.
So it goes.
But…as I said…”win, lose or draw”…I will continue to try. It is within the very effort to speak the truth that truth really lives.
It is commonly said “no harm, no foul.”
I say “No effort, no truth.”
Gandhi knew.
He named his autobiography “The Story of My Experiments with Truth.”
That…in my own small way…is what I have been doing here.
My own, small way.
Deal with it or not. I do not care.
As musicians often say, “Straight ahead and strive for tone.”
That I am doing and will continue to do so.
You use the word “radicals” above.
Oui, myself and a very few others here are not “radicals” in the currently common political use of the word…flag-burning revolutionaries about to storm the White House and Congress. The only thing “radical” about what we are saying and doing is an effort to publicize the truth as we see it rather than the way it is distributed through the corporate-owned media.
This blog advertises itself as a “progressive” site.
The U.S. has mostly “progressed” backwards since FDR’s death, and it has done so through every possible permutation of power available to a two-party system that is controlled on both sides by massive corporate money and influence. No matter who is in the White House or who controls the houses of Congress, we are going nowhere fast. Except possibly down, if you look at the hundreds of seemingly “random” acts of murder being committed within our own country for no real, apparent reason whatsoever except blind rage.
Go ahead and continue to try to be a good “progressive,” DD. Up is not down and down is not up, no matter how charming and/or inexorably evil our leaders may be.
You don’t need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing, and you don’t need the media, either. All you need to do is look around. It’s blowing down!!! And if you think that what I am doing is some sort of “shenanigans,” what do you call a so-called Peace President who pursues multiple wars and massive surveillance of the mostly innocent populace?
I call it evil personified!!!
Your results may differ.
But are they “progressive?”
Not as far as I can see.
“… you could have always emailed Booman – repeatedly if necessary – as he is ultimately the one who could insist under no uncertain terms that indiscriminant troll rating stop, and he has the power to ban those who continue to anyway.”
Getting into arguments and not getting your facts straight …
It must have slipped under the radar and your awareness, but I have done all those steps you mentioned. I have written a few diaries about the trolls here @BooMan and offered peace in a very early stage. All was neglected or response was simply to downrate my posts. As AG mentions in a post on this thread, the blog owner stated he will not interfere in internecine wars, let them fight it out. So I made the promise to those who continue to downrate my comments on fp articles, I would return in kind at a moment of my choosing.
I’m done to add further comments on this bs and to those unwilling to abide by the common rules of decency. I’m quite disappointed in you DD for pretending you are taking the high road without knowledge of the facts how this ratings abuse started. There is nothing wrong with my memory and I will not be bullied by the few. Trump is a representative of what is wrong in America and how the right-wing has managed to propagandize violence. I have made my choice many decades ago and live a good life in Europe. I have been very fortunate in life living in a country where people care for one another and there is still sufficient social cohesion. Yes, still a social democracy of which American progressives can only dream of. Must be quite similar to Canada, so why should I really bother to write my diaries and get abuse in return.
Yes, it used to be a totally different community at the pond. Belief you me, I haven’t changed over the years except for leaning still more to the left in my views. The 9/11 attacks changed America, changed Europe and changed how people view one another … all for the worse. It has split families and friendships. As I have written on many occasions, xenophobia and hatred has risen exponentially and all political parties have chosen the path of populism and right-wing talking points. Don’t blame Russia, the root cause lies within Western society. We are living in times with a degradation of society. AG as an artist/musician has an attenna for the vibes of change in society, I appreciate him for that part. I do not always agree with the contents of his posts, but I will defend his right of freedom to express himself.
This is a basic premise of a liberal society. He has taken a lot of abuse in a different degree as to Marie3 who is gone for some months now. Me? I’m an old fool who has witnessed too many wars and conflicts, but I won’t run away from this kind of bullying. The many “friends” I had here at the pond and those who expressed their appreciation are long gone DD. Like you said, the community has deteriorated for the worse.
CARPE DIEM is my life’s expression and extends to all my loved ones. I’m living the life I have always wanted to live with no regrets. The election of Trump is a confirmation I made the right choice eons ago. Take care DD and wish you personally the best in good health.
PS awaiting the next troll rating by one of your “allies” DD!
Seems like you are the perp these days. I really hope you are proud of yourself. Seriously. I expected better from you. I was wrong.
Please link booman stating that.
I remember those exchanges. I remember booman’s quite (deservedly) harsh smackdown of at least one of your and/or ag’s pathetic, whining hissy-fits over here on the right wing.
I don’t remember him stating what you claimed above, though. If it happened as you described it, I think I would remember that. So I doubt very much that it happened as you described it.
. . . the crown. There’s a name for the logical fallacy you commit here:
If your description were valid, then your conclusion might be also. But the former isn’t, so the latter isn’t either.
And since I’ve consistently linked the factual basis for continuing to confront ag with the facts that demonstrate — inarguably and unequivocally — his serial lying and related dishonesty and then running away from confrontation with and factual refutation of them, you have no excuse for your misrepresentation of what’s going on here.
As long as ag continues running away from thorough, definitive, factual refutation of his lies/dishonesty, continuing to confront him with that factual refutation is not “harassment/bullying”, it is simple accountability. It is driven by his choice to run away rather than accept responsibility for the false statements he routinely makes here.
You write stuff here, you’re accountable for it. It’s false, you’re accountable for that. You self-servingly replace what the dispute’s about with what it was never about to pretend it’s about that instead, you’re accountable for that breathtakingly hideous and grotesque dishonesty.
. . . to add to Don Durito’s documentation of examples of you troll-rating comments that bear no slightest resemblance to trolling under any definition ever.
A simple, factual correction of an indisputable error by Don Durito. An error he appropriately acknowledged in accepting its correction as being needed (see, this is what basically decent, honest people do when their errors are pointed out to them — you should pay attention!).
Both the original error and the accuracy of my correction of it can be verified simply by clicking on the link above, then on the ratings link there. You troll-rated it. Jonf did not. DD mistakenly wrote that Jonf troll-rated it. I corrected this mistake.
In your twisted “mind”, this simple, undisputed, uncontroversial, factual correction — with no dissension or drama anywhere — merited troll-rating.
Of course, you’ve repeatedly confessed to deliberately abusing the ratings system for “retaliatory” purposes — with multi-fold escalation — so this additional example merely confirms what we already know about you.
But boy, howdy, is what we know about you fucked-up!
. . . head yet again.
Don Durito:
You, the serial liar (astonishingly first quoting the critical, obvious, valid, universally recognized — including in law, e.g., libel/slander/defamation — distinction that DD made in order to then ignore it and pretend that it had not just been made and doesn’t exist):
Seabe wasn’t interacting with Kucinich. Also too, Kucinich doesn’t live in your neighborhood. Duh.
Breathtakingly dishonest.
. . . understand, you disgusting liar?
You’re the most hideously, grotesquely dishonest person ever to pollute this site.
Keep in mind, I am practically bullet-proof. One of the nice things about knowing the truth.
In the meantime, you still have plenty to answer for.