Well, isn’t this special?
Russian state TV is celebrating after seeing the recent report that Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea belongs to Russia because the people there speak Russian.
Trump’s statement, which parrots the Kremlin’s talking points on Crimea, was widely interpreted in Russia as an official declaration by the U.S. that Russia was justified when they illegally invaded Crimea and annexed it from Ukraine.
The ignorant proclamation made by Trump was quickly turned into propaganda and touted by Russian state TV hosts Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov, who triumphantly reported on the remarks Friday.
“Krym nash, Trump nash!” Skabeeva declared to the audience, which in English means “Crimea is ours, Trump is ours!”
The GOP seems to be rather overcompensating for their previous Cold War zeal.
For Trump/Bannon and for Putin, the indigenous Crimean Tatars, whose land was stolen and who were eventually sent into decades-long exile, and who strongly prefer belonging to Ukraine, simply don’t exist. They’re only (mostly secular-minded) Muslims.
This is so far beyond anything even a Manchurian candidate could furnish. ‘Trump is ours’.
And that is the truth.
It’s not only trump. There seems to be quite a right wing sect out there now that have imbibed the Russian racial/cultural/sexual politics. The rest of us are just treasonous cultural marxists. Quite a turn around.
It’s the most amazing and incredible thing I have ever seen;
The xenophobes are in thrall to a foreign authoritarian.
I love when we get together every year and say “In every generation, a person must consider himself as if if it were him whom Michael had put on a plane to Vegas, under the protection of Don Francesco.”
“Treachery can’t be forgiven”
If you showed a modern US conservative the TV coverage and them proclaiming that “Trump is ours”, the dumb ones would yell at you about fake news, and the smart ones would just make a 20 minute, schizophrenic-esque argument about how Strongman Trump is just doing what libruuuls would be doing if they actually loved America.
Again, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention for the past 40 years.
Right-wing authoritarians are going to support their approved fascist authority figures.
Cognitive dissonance and projection: the twin pillars of modern US conservatism.
I suppose the surprise here is just how out in the open the braggadocio is. While the FBI was looking into wiretaps on how Trump’s gang was communicating to Russians in reality it was right there on tv, he stood in front of a mic on a regular basis and talked directly to them.
Though Americans, Russians and the rest of the world doesn’t need to be told that Russia owns Trump, I’m just not sure that Trump comprehends that fact.
It’s like the people who believe in super convoluted conspiracy theories about secret societies that run the planet, who ignore the rich oligarchs who out proud and openly say exactly how they’re planning on fucking over everyone else in order to gain a little more power and wealth.
Anyone who has been pathing attention are alert that right-wing authoritarians have been programmed to be…well… right- wing authoritarians.
Murc’s Law, man. Murc’s Law.
. . . I’d seen references that gave contextual hints at what this “law” said, but not any definition.
I now know the definition.
But not the origin (e.g., who is/was “Murc” and when/where/how did s/he articulate his/her “law”?). Mr. Google seems to think it’s strictly an LGM thing (at least judging by the first page results for “origin murc’s law”, which was all I had the motivation for)?
Murc’s Law: “Only Democrats have agency.”
Which looks to not be applicable here.
Murc comments at LGM, a lot. So does Cleek, of Cleeks Law fame.
I was referring to the subject-line of the comment “Like the DNC”.
They DON’T ignore “the rich oligarchs who out proud and openly say exactly how they’re planning on fucking over everyone else in order to gain a little more power and wealth.” They praise, support, and defend them.
So does this means that Republicans are becoming the radical party overthrowing the existing world order and Democrats are becoming the true conservatives? The radical Republicans of Lincoln’s time became the conservatives of Reagan. Are they about to reverse polarity again?
Sadly, Frank…no. In a three-dimensional world there is always a third choice. What it really means is that many Republicans are throwing in the “conservative” towel and allying with an apparently much more efficient kleptocratic system than either the Republicans and/or the Democrats have ever managed to create. A Putinocracy, to coin a word. A system where real, effective opposition is met with secretive death while a dumbshow “democracy” is hoisted up as a diversion from what is really going on. The Russian people are aware of this game. They go along with it because they can still remember what followed the collapse of the U.S.S.R…years of serious, nationwide poverty. No food in the stores, people on the street selling their shoes to get by. I was in Moscow at the height of it. One day, in central Moscow…equivalent to midtown NYC…I went on a three hour afternoon walk. I saw no open food stores or restaurants the entire time, and only about three makeshift open air markets selling a little produce and whatever household belongings that might raise a few rubles. The Russian musicians with whom I was working clued me in. Almost everyone was living in little families or communes…several people to an apartment. Everyone was working on anything that might raise money…legal or illegal (The black market was flourishing!!!)…and one person in each group had only one daytime job. It was to leave the apartment early and wait on lines at various food stores to buy necessities before they ran out.
Putin’s approach changed all of this.
Fairly rapidly…within several years, I believe.
It’s a criminal enterprise on any number of levels, of course, but the Russians are going along to get along. I was in St.Petersburg several years ago. It was thriving, but the people on the street (and in the airports and hotels both there and in Moscow) looked to me to be fairly unhappy. Not broke, just under real pressure. Sullen, in a word. Caught in a web of absolute lies in order to prosper.
Trump appears to have similar ideas, only the U.S. is not in the sorry state of Russia pre-Putin.
Not yet it isn’t, anyway.
Another 6 years of Trump? Something that is looking more and more likely as more and more DC Republicans are accepting his rule to protect their positions while the Democrats are essentially running the same game that lost to him in 2016?
Anything could happen.
Massive media opposition has so far been completely ineffective. Trump still has effectively the same approval ratings that he had before he was elected…numbers that were lower than the truth of the matter, as all of the Dem wannabe/wishers found out on Election night. The Democrats are now actually edging rightward in an effort to co-opt Trump, while still playing bureaucratic hardball to checkmate the Sanders wing. The Mueller investigation and/or state-level investigations of his financial crimes appear to be our last hope, and my view is that even if they do come up with some real dirt on him…real, provable criminal actions…how will they enforce their findings? Say a NY court finally states “We find Donald Trump guilty as charged!!!” Then what? A bunch of NY State troopers bust into the White House and arrest him? Give me a break!!! Or the Mueller folks say the same thing. Then the Republican-dominated Congress and Supreme court play the stall game while Trump’s numbers remain the same or go higher and he is re-elected?
As I asked above…another 6 years of Trump?
Anything could happen.
Bet on it.
This is now a standalone post:
Another 6 years of Trump? ANYTHING could happen.
Please go there if you wish to comment.
Thank you…
Arthur claims Trump has received “massive media opposition.” What a despicable, lying clod Arthur is.
Maybe he could try
absorbing some factual information
from time to time so he might stop spreading propagandistic misinformation.
Arthur claims Trump has received “massive media opposition.” What a despicable, lying clod Arthur is.
Maybe he could try absorbing some factual information
from time to time so he might stop spreading propagandistic misinformation.
Arthur claims Trump has received “massive media opposition.” What a despicable, lying clod Arthur is.
Maybe he could try absorbing some factual information
from time to time so he might stop spreading propagandistic misinformation.
Also, too, this completely unsupported claim…
“The Democrats are now actually edging rightward in an effort to co-opt Trump…”.
…is false. It’s just not happening in any broad way.
Arthur is a well-established liar who wishes to suppress votes for Democratic Party candidates so the ideologies of Ron Paul and Cliven Bundy, radical right wing movement leaders who Arthur openly admires, can see their policy implementations thru the current Administration, Congress and Supreme Court. Arthur has repeatedly defended his views that social welfare programs are bad and Federal civil and voting rights laws should not be enforced.
Arthur should own up to the fact that he admires Trump, approves his actions and statements, and is attempting to help him. Look at Arthur’s pathetic attempts to taunt the community, all in his slavish service to a horrible President who is a terrible person.
It’s hard to let this shit go. They are now planning on putting kids in tents in Texas with temperatures around one hundred degrees. What has happened to us? And this in the name of religion per Jefferson Beauregard. What religion does this other than ISiS? We appear to be walking up to the edge of the holocaust. And yet we call ourselves a Christian nation. Just an angry rant.
. . . angry rant!
To the posters above who seem to think that Trump has not met with “massive media opposition”…NO MATTER HOW DESERVED…where the fuck have you been over the past several years?
If you do not see that continuous, regular criticism of Trump’s every move…again, no matter how richly deserved or not deserved… has been part of the Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, NBC, ABC, the various NBC outposts, Time and Newsweek mags and who knows whIch else mainstream, neocentrist outlets, then all I have to say is that you must only pay attention to Drudge Report, Fox News and Breitbart.
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
For someone who has long claimed a vanguard position as a MEDIASTRIKEr, it’s interesting that you now claim to have universal knowledge of what is happening at “…the Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, NBC, ABC, the various NBC outposts, Time and Newsweek mags and who knows whIch else mainstream, neocentrist outlets…”.
It’s like you might be a shameless liar or something.
Perhaps some more reading might explain to you how those media outlets enable Trump and Republicans.
You know…those media outlets you avoid.
Dear centristdj…
Obtaining “knowledge of what is happening at .’..the Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, NBC, ABC, the various NBC outposts, Time and Newsweek mags and who knows whIch else mainstream, neocentrist outlets…’ ” is as simple as reading the headlines at Google News.
Y’oughta try it some time.
For example…and not at all an isolated example over the past couple of years:
Today (Tuesday, 5/19/18), top of the page:
I happen to agree with all of those sentiments, but not because they are being voiced by centrist, Deep State-allied anti-Trump mass media or featured on a Google News aggregation that is itself patently anti-Trump. These same media…and other outlets like them…vociferously supported the supported the disastrous Iraq invasion, just to give one example. The NY Times actually sent Judith Miller…a CIA hack if there ever was one…into the center of the problem to sow deadly disinformation about Saddam Hussein’s supposed WMDs in order to inflame the general public’s anger and fear. Since the assassination years, the same “Operation Mockingbird” sort of cozy relationship has lied to the American public about everything of great import to the country, from the Vietnam War and the assassinations that supported it right through to today.
Being anti-Deep State is by no imaginable means equivalent to being pro-Trump except in the minds of simpletons and/or Deep State propagandists.
The strongest evidences that you’re pro-Trump:
You claim these stories reveal an “…anti-Trump mass media…”
The immigration policies the Trump Administration is executing are morally indefensible and will remain ineffective at reducing the number of people seeking to emigrate to the United States. If you’re wanting the media to be neutral in the face of being lied to so outrageously day after day in pathetic attempts to gaslight Americans into helpless acceptance of this immorality, you’ll get no support for that position in this community.
But you’re a Ron Paul and Cliven Bundy evangelist who doesn’t believe Federal civil rights should be enforced, so it’s unsurprising you want the media to be more pro-Trump in response to this issue.
Finally, you entirely evaded the evidence provided to you that the mass media continues to provide assistance to Trump and Republicans.
. . . Reality”.
“The facts have a well-known liberal bias.”
If the media are doing their job of reporting the facts that comprise Reality, their reporting must of necessity, by definition, be “anti-Trump”, since Trump lies like he breathes. (That’s without even considering the moral reprehensibility of evil policies like child-hostage-concentration-camps.)
What could have been more predictable than ag finding an anti-Trump mass media bias in that?
Agress on, oaguabonita.
When…and if…the Deep State regains control of the segments of the U.S. government now controlled by the Trump Gang, you will obviously be very happy to continue to support U.S. policies that continue insane corporate profits over human lives both domestically and internationally.
And you may be right.
Trumpism/Putinism is even worse.
You…and people like you…resemble those who would rather die from medical/pharmaceutical/insurance malpractice than from cancer.
It’s a “choice,” of course…but not the only one.
Bet on it.
Limp on.
. . . from Planet Ten by way of the 8th dimension regain “control of the segments of the U.S. government now controlled by the Trump Gang, you will obviously be very happy to continue to support” Lord John Whorfin.
“And you may be right.”
The very best thing about you, ag (and I mean this sincerely!) is your complete incapacity for seeing how utterly ridiculous you are. No way to put a price on the entertainment value of that.
Thank you, oaguabonita. Your obsessive mockery is like rain on a parched plain. It gives me hope for the future.
Yours truly…
. . . normal, sane member of the Reality-Based Community.
When ag *”finds” something in the Corporate Media that supports — or even can be twisted to seem to support — some belief/position that ag already holds . . .
. . . the unavoidable delay in rushing to post it here (with a disclaimer about how “surprising” it was to find truth in such a discredited source, but, yeah, this one time it’s totally credible!) is excruciating for ag.
At all other times, Corporate Media sources must be dismissed out of hand as thoroughly and permanently discredited (Judy Miller, Iraq War Crime enabling, [blah blah blah] . . . but oddly enough, not a mention that I can recall of Jeff Gerth/whitewater fools for scandal misconduct!).
It’s confirmation bias, all the way down.
Of course, completely lacking basic critical thinking/reading skills (he’s a Counterpunchdrunk 9/11 Troofer, ferchrissakes!), what choice does he have?
*(or, as seems more probable, somebody else finds it and points ag to it to then cite here without crediting the finder)
Facebook nash.
. . . about Facebook for my long-standing conclusion that “nah, don’t think I want these folks privy to ‘my data’, thank you very much, but no thanks.”
Still mystifies me that so many folks, including many friends who seem quite smart and well-informed, reached different conclusions.