Not much commentary is needed about the following latest development….the Clinton/Schumer/Pelosi wing is tightening its grip on the DNC and also using so-called “identity politics” to prove its non-racism. (Identity politics…the use of people with darker skins and/or Asian/Spanish names in positions of public prominence while simultaneously fronting for the same-old same-old aforementioned neocentrist Clinton/Schumer/Pelosi wing.)

Don’t be fooled. They are simply beefing up the DNC control system in the face of challenges from people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Bernie Sanders-allied democratic socialists.

Read on.

DNC taps former Perez chief of staff for CEO

The Democratic National Committee tapped Seema Nanda to serve as its new CEO and handle day-to-day operations, the committee announced Friday.

As midterm elections continue and the 2020 election draws closer, hiring the management-oriented Nanda is a move away from more explicitly political executives who have led the troubled party in the past.

“I’m beyond excited that Seema is bringing her talent and brilliance to the DNC,” DNC Chair Tom Perez said in a statement. “She is a seasoned manager who has a proven track record of success.”

Nanda previously worked as Perez’s chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Labor. She replaces interim CEO Mary Beth Cahill, who took the helm of the DNC in February after replacing Jess O’Connell, a seasoned operative who left after less than a year on the job.

“People are hurting all across our country. I believe that Democrats are offering the positive solutions so desperately-needed right now — solutions forged by the strength of our diversity, the rigor of our ideas, and the decency of our values,” Nanda said in a statement.


Poltics as usual in theDemocratic Party these days.


Stampede to the middle while claiming “inclusionary” status using identity politics.

Identity politics is racism/sexism, only turned on its head and given a brand new paint job. If you think that this appointment is based totally on merit, there’s always a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you. Now…I have no idea how competent Mr. Perez and Ms. Nanda may have been at their old jobs, nor how competent they will be at their new ones. Both appointments may have “merit.” But if you were picking candidates for these jobs purely on merit…if there was some way to conceal the various qualified candidates’ names and political affiliations within the Demographic…errr, ahhh, of course I mean Democratic…Party while still accurately grading their previous work output, what are the chances of coming up with these two as primary front people?

One of the ways that the Dems lost millions of white voters was by systematically emphasizing this “identity”politics. Yes, all races, religions and sexes should be equally represented, and yes people of color, immigrants from Third World cultures and females/LGBTs etc. have not been equally represented in this country for hundreds of years. But by emphasizing this sort of identity politics, suddenly people of primarily European descent…especially those who are on the relative downside of the economic spectrum…stop looking to the Democratic Party as a reliable ally.

What do you get then?

Non-voters and Trump voters.

This is what Ron Paulcompletely disregarded by centrists of both parties who were hell-bent on non-personing an ideological threat…was arguing in the 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

See below. (Emphasis mine)

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity.

This identity politics thing is not just a moral and intellectual mistake, it is quite plainly a political mistake. Why do i say that? Simply look at who and what is sitting in the catbird seat in DC today for all you need to know in that regard.

And to the kneejerkers on his blog who will undoubtedly go into a froth-at-the-mouth state at the mere mention of Mr. Paul?

I repeat:

Simply look at who and what is sitting in the catbird seat in DC today for all you need to know in that regard as well.

I deeply fear that the DNC is in the process of screwing everything up once again.

Let us pray not.

Thank you and goodnight.