Reading stuff like this in the paper makes me want to go to the country, eat a lot of peaches and try to find Jesus, on my own. It’s hard to identify all the ways in which it is appalling.
A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.
Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes.
Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.
American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children.
When that failed, they turned to threats, according to diplomats and government officials who took part in the discussions. Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs.
The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced.
The showdown over the issue was recounted by more than a dozen participants from several countries, many of whom requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the United States.
Health advocates scrambled to find another sponsor for the resolution, but at least a dozen countries, most of them poor nations in Africa and Latin America, backed off, citing fears of retaliation, according to officials from Uruguay, Mexico and the United States.
“We were astonished, appalled and also saddened,” said Patti Rundall, the policy director of the British advocacy group Baby Milk Action, who has attended meetings of the assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization, since the late 1980s.
“What happened was tantamount to blackmail, with the U.S. holding the world hostage and trying to overturn nearly 40 years of consensus on best way to protect infant and young child health,” she said.
In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them.
The Trump administration demonstrated almost every flaw they have here. They put the interests of corporate lobbyists ahead of the health of babies. They showed a complete contempt for science and the consensus of the international community. They abused their power and threatened well-meaning and innocent nations simply because they could. They negotiated in bad faith and behaved like extortionists. And then their bullying act immediately stopped when confronted by Russia because this administration always seeks to please Russia and only confronts them when all other alternatives have been exhausted.
The message is clear. If you are a political leader of a small or medium sized country, America will strong-arm you and try to prevent you from doing things based on science if that will hurt some powerful corporations. The way to stand up to America is to go running into the arms of Vladimir Putin.
In this case, Russia got to act as international Godfather and to do the right thing at the same time. That’s a horrible outcome for the United States, although it worked out well for the infants.
(Your teevee and your paper, respectively, that is.)
Thinkin’ I could use my own Spanish Pipedream right about now after reading that. Maybe better to just grab my guitar and go play the song instead (now that you stuck it in my head).
If only this were all just a Spanish Pipenightmare. When do we wake up?
Current mood
Aren’t Americans supposed to be the good guys in the white hats? When did we become so morally bankrupt? Did a virtuous America exist only in my dreams? How does this nightmare end?
Going outside to walk in the sunshine now…
Unfortunately a misplaced optimism in your fellow citizens led to unrealistic assumptions about our country.
Party before country, money above all.
That’s the mantra of the Republican Party – 45% of the country.
And when you consider that the party is a cult of hate ( homophobia, racism, misogyny, xenophobia) and anti-intellectualism, that’s quite a lot of unconscionable poison, nihilism that can’t be isolated from the national identity.
After Bush/Cheney, Trump is actually confirming that the poisonous nihilism of this cult is a significant problem for the world and therefore the container it’s in, the US, can’t be trusted.
A long time ago
It doesn’t
Alexander Reid Ross
2018 elections. Vote. We HAVE to take back at least one house of Congress. Hey
The thing to understand here is that bullies bully people because they like hurting people and breaking things — usually people who are vulnerable and can’t strike back.
That the formula sellers make more money is just icing on the cake.
Once again, we see a thing we can be assured of, regarding this administration: its deference to, support of, and bowing down to, Putin’s Russia.
And judging by the recent, hat-in-hand GOP pilgrimage to Russia earlier this week, Putin’s ownership doesn’t just stop at Trump. It likely extends to the leadership of the GOP.
Here you have an adversarial foreign power, subverting a competitor from within by gaining control, willingly, of a major political party.
LOL!! Do you really think Cruz or Rubio would have done anything different? The GOP has been about total subservience to corporations for a long, long time.
Again, wow.
Wow, what?
You’re ignoring Der Trumper’s ultimate deference to Putin. Here, after all the nauseating (and admittedly pro-corporate) bullying, the Manchurian Candidate meekly folds to the Russians in the end. Homer Trump: “Doh!”
Very poor strategy by the National Trumpists here, they can’t think even one move ahead. Goebbels and von Ribbentrop would be disgusted at such incompetence. And even if any standard-issue “conservative” Repub would have twisted arms of smaller nations to make sure babies are poisoned world-wide, you don’t know that Prez Cruz-io lamely folds to Putin in the alternate universe you present.
Der Trumper is a Russian intelligence asset, period. Whatever you want to say about the actual Fuhrer, he was at least on the side of Germany, haha!
Right. It wasn’t just about “business as usual” with projection of imperial power. It was making the usual gangster demands of poor countries, only to back down in the face of Daddy Putin.
Interesting and adds flesh to the bones of the NK pushback saying that Pompeo’s message to them came across as the US acting like a bully.
Is this the onset of Trump’s answer to anything that opposes his narcissism? We’ve seen the bullying of any politicial, any team, any company or any woman who dared call him out. Now he’s ratcheting up the bullying with tariffs, economic threats to G7 members, NATO and now this.
Richard Branson was right, Trump is all about revenge and revenge to him applies to everyone who doesn’t do a Pence bow.
Every space the donald abandons Putin or Xi will jump right into. .
This is so horrible it’s almost funny. We’ve said it before, that satire is dead, but it keeps becoming more true. Have the editors of the Onion resigned to spend more time with family?
I know people forget history really fast, why else would people rehab C- Augustus’ band of crooks, but …
Trump and his minions were just demonstrating the limitlessness of their commitment to delivery for those who play ball with them.
For as minor a thing as baby formula manufacturers to threaten shutting off aid shows that they have no sense of proportion or commitment to the health of babies or families if it interferes with money.
“We are all in and open for business – this is the service we will provide.”
When the North Koreans have rolled you and the Russians are more committed to family health you have to hand it to the Republicans – the nihilism is certainly working.
Yup, a Trumpian moment of ‘I could shoot someone on the streets of NY and my people would stick with me’.
I really don’t know how the “World” could be “stunned” by this decision. Not snark.
Has no one out there paying attention to what’s going on here? Seriously: kids are in cages. Whyever would the Trump Admin give one iota of a shit about what’s best for infants v. corporate profits?
Really? Really???
Yeh, at this point on any issue with multiple possible responses, I look straight for the worst possible option and — ta-daaa! — there the Trumpists are, gleefully wallowing in awfulness.
It’s like seeing yet another headline, “Man Shoots Teenager Doing Innocent Thing” and — shazaaam! — It’s an older white guy and a black teenager. Just read another one this morning, same deal.
I’m getting sick of screaming “OF COURSE!!!!!” at the computer screen, I’m tellin’ ya.
. . . not ‘the “World”‘, are whom NYT headline-writers said “Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution by U.S. Stuns” (at booman’s link).
Nor does a quick re-skim suggest either booman or the NYT-article text he quoted attributes this “stun[ned]” reaction to ‘the “World”‘.
Jus’ sayin’.
There are plenty of things that this Trump/Republican government is damaging on our own soil: education, environment, civil and human rights…it’s actually an endless list.
But when those in power interfere with global issues that serve the world population, we further damage our strength as a leader as well as cause serious problems for others. The Almighty Dollar as a baseline is not the standard of safety, care, and nurturing of the world’s children. It’s fine to make profit on selling products and services to help children, but it’s wrong to make a profit on their very lives, or dictate their care by intimidation or threat of sanctions.
Trump is a disease. He’s infected our country and is spreading across the globe. We look like monsters because of his policies and the implementation of them by his administration. We have to get them out of power.
Hrm…Republicans bullying third world nations in order to prevent a simple, low cost, yet massively beneficial infant nutrition solution for poor women and their children cause the status quo it makes a donor money?
Seems like we’ve seen this before. Just another day of Republican governance.
Can we at least finally all agreed that GOVERNMENT, not the Business sector, creates and maintains markets and there is no such thing as a “free market”?
Hate to say it, but Team USA has been awful since forever. This is just another example of our awfulness, and it’s not only about Trump and the GOP, as bad as they are.
There was a brief period of time after WWII and the New Deal that the USA was “better” for SOME US citizens – not so much for minorities or gays, mind you. But if you were WHITE, the world – or the USA – was your Oyster. Now: not so much, even if you’re white.
We’ve always been HUGE bullies, and we’ve mistreated so many countries and people across the globe since our inception as a European “led” genocidal (just at the Native Americans about that) regime.
All those Republican voters? They could give a crap about babies… they could care less if they’re in cages or fed poorly. It’s only the FETUS that matters, and even that’s specious. So called “pro-lifers” are only in it to dominate and subjugate women. The end.
There is also virtue signalling, proving that the Good Christians are morally superior to the heathens.
Agree x 100.
Of course, these so-called “Christians,” epecially the disgusting Evangelicals, will continue to have their wives, daughters, MISTRESSES, one night stands and so forth get abortions on demand, if they have enough money (many do) to send them somewhere for a safe abortion.
I’ve seen it happen time and again. Could tell many stories about these two-faced women-subjugating hypocrites.
Disgusting, deplorable garbage people.
Just want to grind the poor and minorities under their jack boots in any way possible.
It’s not just the men, either. I’ve read stories from people who work at abortion clinics, about women they’ve seen outside their sites, picketing and screaming abuse, who then one day show up at that same clinic for their (or their daughter’s) very own abortion; how they go through the whole ordeal with a contemptuous sneer at the other women waiting for their abortions, and for the providers, insisting that their situation is “different”; then the next day those same women are back out front, picketing and screaming abuse.
Tribalism/cultism. Their friends are there acting out, so they resume what they are used to doing.
They are not Pro-life, They are forced birthers.
We need to use the proper terminology.
Just more evidence of the “alieness” of it all.
Long ago and far away there was a classic Twilight Zone episode called “To Serve Man”…aliens arrive promising to help humanity, including bringing many humans to their own planet to learn their ways. Too late, a linguist finds a way to translate their supposed outline of how they are going to help humans, “To Serve Man.”
Turns out it’s a cookbook.
Of course, the makeup department made the aliens look like large, evil beings from some kind of terrible nightmare and the poor, stupid humans just couldn’t see the resemblance, but…hey…take a good look at Trump, please.
A really good look.
I have said here many times that anyone who allows or in any way supports the efforts of others that result in civilians being massacred, and/or enslaved, and/or brought down to the lowest form of survival level is…at the very least…”alien” to the basic human feelings and desires of the vast majority of the people on earth.
We in the U.S. are…and have been for most of the last 50+ years…ruled by this sort of “alien.” Are they genetically human? I suppose so, but I certainly would like to see some proof. I will tell you one thing, though. Corporations are certainly not human, no matter how the laws of the land might define them…laws (and supposed lawmakers) that those corporations have bought, lock, stock and barrel over the past 50+years. They are simply gigantic, bottom-line entities that are entirely based on the idea of continuing quarterly profit, nothing more and nothing less. If that means destroying parts of the ecosphere and massively reducing the population of the earth and its ways of life? OK, as long as the bottom line is met. This is all rather…shortsighted…unless of course the systems that run this corporate empire have themselves evolved beyond human control and are already in a place where they do not care whether humans survive at all as long as the corporate/incorporated (See below.) machines can maintain their own being.
Dos this sound far-fetched to you?
But remember…almost every politician or political system in earth’s history has claimed that it is here to do what?
To Serve Man.
What to do about this?
Damned if I know.
But I do keep looking.
What I see today?
Donald Trump is the most “alienist” creature that I have ever seen in a position of real power.
Putin, too
They make Hitler, Stalin and Mao look like neighborhood gang bosses.
Is it time to resist before it’s too late?
With other, lesser alienist creatures like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer as our leaders? Themselves closely allied with creatures like Benjamin Netanyahu?
Think on it.
It’s going to eventually come down to eat or be eaten.
Feel like supper?
As I quoted recently in a standalone:
You may be the main course.
P.S. The etymology of the word “corporate” stems from the Latin word “corpus.”
“Incorporate” as used above?
Corporate/incorporated machines that can maintain their own being?
Like dat.
We been infested.
Sounds a lot like “invested,” doesn’t it?
We’re just here to keep the bank running.
Now a standalone article:
We Been Infested. Sounds A Lot Like Invested, Doesn’t It? Yup.
Reply there, please.
Thank you…
Insufferable nihilistic wanking from the right wing crank Ron Paul evangelist who opposes enforcements of Federal civil rights laws and supports voter ID laws.
There’s a reason he offers no hope and no solution. He fancies himself the eater, not the eaten. That’s why he, for example, wrote sordid fantasies about Americans with LGBTQ orientations being physically beaten on the streets and in their homes if they insisted on exercising same-sex marriage rights in Rowan County, Kentucky and elsewhere.
He’ll never stop coming here in his tiresome efforts to split and demoralize the Left. He’s got nothing else on offer. He’s not here to build anything worthwhile.
And you are here, trying to maintain a moribund Democratic Party apparatus, the sheer incompetence and greed of which brought us Donald Trump.
You are right, of course. Before we are able to “build anything worthwhile,” we will need to get rid of the architects of that failed Democratic apparatus. First we need a revolution within the party, then perhaps an effective party can be built.
Until then?
Same old same old.
The same old willful “misunderstandings” about what I have been saying, the same old McCarthy-style accusations.
It will never happen, of course. Not as long as people like you support the Democratic Party as it stands today.
You are old news, centristfield.
Old, bad news.
You’re actively working in attempts to keep Trump and the Republicans in power.
That is what you’re doing here. That, in the end, is all that you’re doing.
You’re a radical conservative. You’re a bad pony, and we’re not betting on you.
I will give you the chance again to define your own policy views in a particularly important area. Do you agree with your hero Ron Paul that States should be freed from the need to enforce the Roe, Casey and Griswold SCOTUS decisions, thus making it legal for States to force a juvenile incest victim to carry their rapist’s child to term, and that the Judiciary should be barred by statute from ruling on “any claim based upon the right of privacy, including any such claim related to any issue of sexual practices, orientation, or reproduction.”?
If you do not agree with Ron Paul here, taking leave from your kneejerk defenses of him and his radically conservative policies, what are your precise views in this area for which you have been repeatedly avoided offers to clarify your own beliefs?
A group…perhaps better, a cadre…of people on this site have tried everything in their power to discourage criticism of the Democratic Party as it stands today. They automatically downrate such posts and have endlessly attacked several posters as liars, pro-Trump trolls and/or spreaders of Russian propaganda. When effectively rebutted, they simply ignore the rebuttal and repeat the same attacks. This tactic is intended to exhaust the patience of the attacked posters and discourage others from reading or posting similar material. It has worked on a few posters, who have simply given up. It has not worked on me. I initially answered their attacks with attempts at reason. After realizing that this was a total waste of time, I simply stopped replying to them. My comments and articles on this site are my replies. Read what I have to say; consider what they have to say and how it is said, and then make up your own minds. Thank you-AG
You appear to agree with Ron Paul that States should be freed to force a juvenile incest victim to carry the child of their rapist to term, placing the girl’s life at extreme risk.
I find that view extremely repellent. But it’s yours, apparently.
When a Ron Paul evangelist criticizes the Democratic Party and encourages progressives not to vote for Party candidates, they have to offer what policies they believe the Party should be fighting for.
You’re hiding your views for a reason.
. . . for a reason.”
Gutless coward is gutless.
For Republicans it’s a feature, not a bug.
Make fun of college kids when they need a safe area, free of strife. Then demand a safe environment when called out on their lies and bigotry.
the following statement to many of my replies to your “standalone articles” (LOL!) and comments…for the benefit of new readers here. It applies to the comment this replies to as well:
Also too: STILL waiting, liar!
On further thought, you write:
You are one half right. I am definitely “radical.” The etymology of the word “radical?” Latin radix. “Radical” means getting at the root of things. However, I am neither a radical conservative nor a radical leftist. I go to the root of problems as I see them, and then suggest ways to solve the problems.
I think that the single biggest mistake that the U.S. has made since the pend of WWII has been becoming the world’s cop, and I oppose any and all politicians who support that idea. Redirect much of the so-called “defense” funding to rebuilding the physical, moral and educational infrastructures of this country…essentially declare war on its many almost totally decimated systems…and within a decade it would begin to prosper again.
Also…exactly who is the “we” in your post? The ones who that are not betting on me. The Gang of Four that includes you, aggrobonita and the two with medieval fallen angels-type names? Malbar and narduk? Give me a breaK!!! You four are…if you are succeeding in doing anything at all…simply chasing away people who might be interested in varying progressive viewpoints. If they wanted the straight DNC line they could just glom the Wishingtoon Post/NY Crimes/CNN/MSNBC and be done with it.
Like I said…old news.
It just keeps sticking around until it becomes:
He knew you.
My God, you really do believe that States should be freed to force juvenile incest victims to carry the pregnancy caused by their rapist to term, placing the lives of the youngest rape victims at particularly high risk. You’re convincing us.
How dare you claim to be charting a worthwhile path for the future of the Democratic Party. I find a broad set of your domestic policy views repellent. And the really fucked up thing is that you don’t have the courage to consistently make the case for your own positions. Instead we get these broad attacks on Party leaders which attempt to avoid your own views, particularly on domestic policies.
When called on to engage, you run away from real exchanges and retreat to your pedantic and nihilistic broadsides, but sometimes you let yet another of your radical right wing positions leak through. You’re attempting to hide your policy views for a reason.
And I find a broad set of your domestic policy views repellent. Sheerly on the results, if for no other reason.
You have lost and lost and lost. Even when you have “won, “you have lost…witness the Clinton I and Obama years, just for starters.
You seek to place the blame on everybody but your own party.
I will take no more of your bullshit.
You been had!!!
You’re a far right winger in all domestic policy areas you have spoken about on this blog. You also display the maximally belligerent behavior commonly seen from those in the Trump movement.
You’re grasping onto nothing now, other than your apparent direction that the Democratic Party should back harmful right wing policies you support in order to win elections.
Your whole sordid display is laughable. Jesus, FUCK OFF.
You continue to support the right wing of the Democratic Party…the centrist wing of that party, just as is the left wing of the Republican Party “centrist” (What’s left of it after Trump’s still ongoing victories, anyway.)…despite the absolute, easily verifiable fact that the Dems (and their current controllers} were essentially voted out of any position of possible power in 2016. I support the left wing of that Democratic Party. You know, the one that those same people currently in control of the Democratic Party bumped out of contention in 2016…probably illegally, but that’s already sewage under the DC bridge…in favor of yet another warmonger?
Keep laughing.
Unless that newly arising Democratic left wing gets its act throughly and effectively in place by this November…not just an insurgent here and an insurgent there, but signs of a truly burgeoning movement…this coming election is promising to be at best a wash. And not the cleansing kind, either. As I wrote here recently (A Tired Middle America. SO Tired…), middle America is exhausted from all of this bullshit finger-pointing and posing from both quondam “sides,” and it looks to me as if it going to say “Fuck you all!!!” to the two parties this November. Trump will still be there; Mueller and his lawyers will still be ferreting away, trying to get to him, and your party will essentially be in the same position that it now occupies.
Powerless to stop him.
Will you then be laughing on the other side of your face? (If indeed you even have another side…???) I doubt it. You’ll probably go down with the mostly old, mostly white, mostly male Dem ship.
Bye bye…
Glub glub.
P.S. I personally reject the very idea of “rightist” and “leftist” positions. That concept implies a straight line. What is really happening is a sort of circular system. Somewhere on that system is a place where the positions of people like Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul begin to meet. Like the point where aggressive war is considered immoral and thus insupportable. We…so-called “progressives”…tend to bemoan the moral transgressions of Donald Trump while ignoring those of the Clintons and Barack Obama. Bad as Trump is…and he threatens to be much worse as he gains position and power…what is his kill rate so far compared to the wars (overt, covert and U.S.-supported client states) of those administrations?
He’s still an amateur…a piker…in comparison to the centrist pros. And I include the BushII/Cheney group in that “pro”department. The U.S. has been busily killing, maiming and otherwise destroying lives all over the world since Clinton I came to power. That is 25 unbroken years of unnecessary, non-defensive war!!!
The laws of karma are eternal and immutable. Trump is merely the first payment on that huge karmic debt. And…hopefully…an effective warning. My seat-of-the-pants estimate…based on 50 years of adult life living in and traveling through every level of U.S. culture, top to bottom and left to right, all races, all cultures, all degrees of wealth/poverty…is that some 85+% of our population simply wants to be left alone to raise their families in some sort of safety. Nothing much more. They don’t want to hurt anybody who is not bent on hurting them. Awaken that 85+% to the range and seriousness of the dangers facing us…environmental dangers, corporate dangers, political and economic dangers…and that 85+% will wake the fuck up, raise its multi-cultural head and fight the real enemies, just as it did in FDR’s time.
It’s not about “right”and “left anymore, centristfielddj.
It’s now about right and wrong!!!
And you are supporting the wrong side.
Have a nice day.
I will…bet on it.
You support the right wing of the Republican Party.
Here you respond to an Administration and Congress which has massively increased Defense spending, which has eviscerated the State Department and dispensed with meaningful diplomacy, which is attempting to break apart the EU and foment war in the region while running foreign and domestic policies which are entirely in the service of Russia, an avowed enemy of our Nation and its best expressions of progressive, egalitarian governance and society…
…and you compare the current circumstance favorably to the Obama and Clinton Administrations.
You’re a rank fool, but you don’t fool us, despite your best efforts.
The rest is simultaneously risible and incoherent. You call for the “…Democratic left wing gets its act throughly and effectively in place…”, then write later “I personally reject the very idea of “rightist” and “leftist” positions.” So it’s 100% personality and 0% policy with you. No change in your insane avoidances there, but this insanity is rarely presented so directly and absurdly.
And this…
“Somewhere on that system is a place where the positions of people like Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul begin to meet.”
… is more of the same. Few current pairs of Senators stand as far away from each other than Sanders and Paul on their views about how much the Federal government should do. Painting them as ideological brothers is preposterous. For every vote and rhetorical point they share, there are dozens and dozens where they are terrifically opposed to each other.
So cut the shit already, wanker who wants to see States given the particularly cruel power to force a pre-adolescent rape victim to carry the child of their rapist to term.
You wite:
Only in terms of military murder rates.
Give them time…which is exactly what the fools at the DNC and their supporters like you are going to do by supporting the old guard Democratic establishment…and they will eventually be as blood-soaked (or worse) than the three precededing administrations.
One could well argue that…given the way the Dems got their asses kicked in the 2016 elections and the plain fact that they are still trying to prop up the same old same old candidates, controllers and system…the DNC might actually be in league with the Murder Inc. system. A willing public patsy, to be paid off behind the scenes. This actually makes more sense in some respects than does repeating the same mistakes one more time in the true hope of once again “winning.” I mean…blatant hustlers like Chuck Schumer certainly ain’t exactly “dumb”…just in business with involved parties for later payoffs.
That’s basically what y’all screamed at me when I predicted Trump’s wins in the primaries and election.
You were wrong then, and you are wrong now.
Purposefully wrong, or just plain stupid?
I am beginning to seriously pose that question to myself., every damned day another one of you centrist trolls writes nonsense about the straits in which we find ourselves. What better cover than as an enraged centrist Democrat?
Maybe you’re the Russian bots!!!
That would at least explain the utter stupidity of your positions.
Your own domestic policy views, as you have stated them here, are much more economically and culturally hostile to Americans with middle and lower incomes than the most conservative members of the Democratic Party Congressional Caucuses.
So what is this ridiculous flotsam you send our way that you want the Left to assert itself in the Party? You despise leftist policies which economically and culturally benefit the most vulnerable Americans with middle and lower incomes.
What a joke. You aren’t working to improve the Party or build its power. You’re excited by the Trump Presidency. Your writings stink of this trait.
And your writings stink of admiration for the Dem controllers who have maneuvered the Democratic Party into a position of total weakness and defeat.
We all have to make our choices.
You have made yours; I have made mine.
We shall see what ends up winning.
Won’t we.
You offer literally no defense here for the plethora of positions you have taken on this blog which are extremely regressive, illiberal, and hurtful to the lives of the most vulnerable.
Your vision for the path forward for the Democratic Party is horrid where it is defined, and fantastically dishonest in the many areas where you attempt to hide your racist and sexist policy views.
Is that a quote from HRC regarding Bernie Sanders’ run in 2015/2016?
Sure sounds like it.
Good work, centristfield.
The truth always outs.
P.S. Did you actually read this?
Centrist Or Progressive? Make Up Your OWN Minds. We Cannot Be Both.
The Dems will no longer possess a “path forward” unltil they rid themselves of the failed neoliberal/neocentrist bloc that controls the party now.
This is the very definition of “horrid!!!”
No wonder she lost.
You hate the policy platforms Bernie Sanders ran on. You intensely oppose strong Federal policies and programs. You’ve made this clear over and over and over again here.
Your claimed support for Sanders had everything to do with your desire to drive bitter wedges in our movement and little to do with the policies Bernie Sanders supports. The Trump/GOP platform is almost entirely in line with your own policy views as you have stated them here.
We now have Kiddie Koncentration Kamps. You have expressed no concern about this at all. Disgusting.
Your policy views are far, far, far more regressive than Hillary Clinton’s. Your policy views are far, far, far to the right of the most conservative members of the Congressional Democratic Caucuses.
What an clownish, deceptive, racist, sexist, entitled old white man asshole you are.
A group…perhaps better, a cadre…of people on this site have tried everything in their power to discourage criticism of the Democratic Party as it stands today. They automatically downrate such posts and have endlessly attacked several posters as liars, pro-Trump trolls and/or spreaders of Russian propaganda. When effectively rebutted, they simply ignore the rebuttal and repeat the same attacks. This tactic is intended to exhaust the patience of the attacked posters and discourage others from reading or posting similar material. It has worked on a few posters, who have simply given up. It has not worked on me. I initially answered their attacks with attempts at reason. After realizing that this was a total waste of time, I simply stopped replying to them. My comments and articles on this site are my replies. Read what I have to say; consider what they have to say and how it is said, and then make up your own minds. Thank you-AG
. . . the following statement to many of my replies to your “standalone articles” (LOL!) and comments…for the benefit of new readers here. It applies to the comment this replies to as well:
Also too, STILL waiting, liar!