(I had no intention of posting the following as a standalone…it was a comment on Booman’s post Can We Just Admit that Trump is Captured by the Russians? that was meant to suggest other, more potentially effective ways of taking Donald Trump down than seeking proof of his collusion with Vladimir Putin. But the foolish coward nalbar tried…and failed…to zero it out. Once again…I will not go gently. That attempt turned the post into an even more visible piece. Great work, nalbar. Thanks. Keep your zeroing mitts off of my comments and let the people who populate this blog make up their own minds. And/or…chime in and explain why you thought that comment merited a zero. I’d be delighted to hear from you in the…flesh…I presume. Or even in the bits and bytes if that’s all you really are. And…have a nice day. I am. Bet on it.

P.S. Many thanks to whomever rescued it from the zero bin. I really appreciate it, although I had it saved…as I now save all of my comments and replies…in sheer self-defense from the leftiness McCarthyites amongst us.)


Re: Trump is Captured by the Russians? (1.50 / 4)

Booman writes:

Why would a president adopt these anti-NATO positions when they do not reflect the consensus of opinion within his own State Department, Defense Department, intelligence services, or his top advisors and congressional members of his own party?

Leaving aside the distinct possibility that Trump has indeed been “captured” by the Russians…and by “captured” I mean that they have something with which to effectively blackmail him…let’s do a little thought experiment.

Let us imagine a president whose election showed no signs whatsoever of irregularities except that he (or she) offered an entirely new approach to governing the U.S., one that alienated almost the entire political establishment as it now stands (Or would “totters” be more accurate?) and somehow managed to get elected by sheer force of will and personality.

Would that president not “adopt…positions when they do not reflect the consensus of opinion within his own State Department, Defense Department, intelligence services, or his top advisors and congressional members of his own party?”

Of course that would happen. They would represent the status quo against which that president ran!!!

Back to Trump.

Until I see proof of his treason…not surmise, not rumor, not the maunderings of various and sundry pundits, not the guilt of selected underlings (Still largely unproven in a court of law, however likely.)…but solid, court-of-law proof, I will reserve that particular judgement. I think that he is a stupid, evil, meanspirited hustler who wants to bring this country to its knees and then rebuild it with him as the Boss of all Bosses, but I really don’t know if he is under the sway of other Bosses. He’s just playing world politics the same way as he played NYC politics…allying with whatever other criminals that he thinks might be able to help him win.

That is guilt enough for me, and I fervently hope that the Mueller investigation not only proves that guilt but splashes it dramatically over the entire media system.

This Russia thing? So far, it most resembles the #Me Too phenomenon, which itself appears to consist of very little real action in courts of law, lots of action in the headlines and a few really nasty motherfuckers taking a dive. Plus hundreds of others being hurt for acting totally within the common practice of their day. Was that practice “wrong?” I think so, and I personally pretty well refrained from that kind of empty sexuality once I managed to achieve some semblance of adulthood. Should Al Franken…who I always thought was mostly a really smart asshole…have been forced to resign from the Senate because he was goofing around years ago with a woman who made a living selling her sexuality? Of course not!!! I worked on the Saturday Night Live set for a number of weeks, and it was just like what he was doing in that picture…goofball funny, fueled by lots of cocaine…only no one was outraged.

That Franken “scandal?” Clickbait, nothing more. He should have stood his ground.

“Russiagate?” Clickbait also, at least until proven. Much more profitable clickbait, I should mention. Much more!!!

Trump’s obvious hostility to the U.S. system in general? His incompetence? His awful choice of advisors? His sheer bad taste on every level imaginable? His serial alliances with gangsters of every stripe? His proven disdain and hostility towards women going back decades!!!??? Make a case for impeachment on some of those things. If Al Franken was forced to resign…#Me Tooed…why is Trump still in office? He should be prey to #Me Tooism a hundred times more than poor little Al!!!

But NOOOoooo…it’s gotta be them pesky Roooskies!!!

And it’s not working.

Not yet, anyway…with only 5 months until the mid-terms and Trump gathering campaign steam.



P.S. By the way…how about #MeTooing Bill Clinton while we’re at it. If anyone deserves it, it’s him.