This post was originally written in response to an attack on something that I wrote in a comment on Booman’s recent post WH Won’t Admit Democratic Hacks Occurred It was written by the entity oaguabonita in its usual way, full of psuedo-grammatical sound and fury but not much else. However, when you don’t really have much to say except to attack someone’s thought processes and means of expression, that’s all one would expect.
Wouldn’t one.
Read on.
P.S. The title of this post comes from a rather indelicate old Riding Hood and the Wolf joke. You could look it up, as Casey Stengel used to say. The joke is indelicate, but the concept is not.
Title of Booman’s post:
WH Won’t Admit Democratic Hacks Occurred
Booman quotes the White House:
“Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result,” Walters said. “This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”
There are too damned many “allegations” being thrown around by whatever doublespeak/triplespeak specialist wrote that little gem to even begin to parse.
Then Booman writes (emphases mine):
In other words, even after having read all the evidence provided in the indictments, the White House is still skeptical of the work of their own FBI and Department of Justice. They’re still saying that it is merely allegation that the Democrats were hacked at all.
That’s a risible and insufferable response. It’s doubtful that the defendants will ever have to appear in an American court and answer for what they did, so we may never get to see the Special Counsel’s evidence challenged. We can’t assume they can prove every allegation beyond a reasonable doubt, but we should at least be able to concede that they’ve proven that the hacks actually occurred.
“We should at least be able to concede that they’ve proven that the hacks actually occurred!!!???”
Why, if “we may never get to see the Special Counsel’s evidence challenged???”
Why would “we”..and kindly count me out of that particular “we”…believe any goddamned thing that any element of the standing government might have to say until presented with real proof? (Anti-Trump, pro-Trump or…at least allegedly [There’s that word again!!!]…impartial.) We may as well have willingly believed James Clapper’s proven, outright lie to the Senate about massive unwarranted surveillance during the Obama era. What we have here is simply two sets of professional liars facing off in yet another public shitstorm…one of way too many…that neither of them are willing and/or able to back up with facts.
I personally can “allege” that I am presently drinking a very good cup of Cuban coffee, and I can just as easily “allege” that last night I was spirited into a flying saucer and presented with incontrovertible proof that the hacking indeed happened, and that it was really the work of The Universal Brotherhood in an effort to stop nuclear war.
Until thoroughly proven or disproven, each allegation is equally living in Schroedinger’s CatLand.
Neither dead nor alive.
Neither true nor false, nor anyplace in between those two ideal concepts.
The Russians did it?
Prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt in a court of law.
Until then?
It’s all “alleged.”
In fact, that word is often not used.
Does a defense lawyer say “My client is ‘allegedly’ innocent?”
No. That lawyer might say “My client is ‘allegedly’ guilty,” because the aim is to cast doubt on that guilt.
Do government prosecutors use the word “allegedly” many times before a verdict is rendered? Of course, especially in public presentation to the media. Does the media use it as well? Also of course. Everybody’s trying to cover their ass, just in case the hustle doesn’t work out. Gotta pay that mortgage, right, wrong or somewhere in between.
That’s where we are now in this Post-Truth world.
Seemingly in a permanent Schroedinger’s CatLand
P.S. While I’m at it:
Booman writes:
…even after having read all the evidence provided in the indictments, the White House is still skeptical of the work of their own FBI and Department of Justice.
This is willful doublespeak, and I believe that Booman knows it.
As I wrote in my recent post Trump is Captured by the Russians? Maybe, Maybe Not. Try Other Approaches:
Booman writes:
Why would a president adopt these anti-NATO positions when they do not reflect the consensus of opinion within his own State Department, Defense Department, intelligence services, or his top advisors and congressional members of his own party?
Leaving aside the distinct possibility that Trump has indeed been “captured” by the Russians…and by “captured” I mean that they have something with which to effectively blackmail him…let’s do a little thought experiment.
Let us imagine a president whose election showed no signs whatsoever of irregularities except that he (or she) offered an entirely new approach to governing the U.S., one that alienated almost the entire political establishment as it now stands (Or would “totters” be more accurate?) and somehow managed to get elected by sheer force of will and personality.
Would that president not “adopt…positions when they do not reflect the consensus of opinion within his own State Department, Defense Department, intelligence services, or his top advisors and congressional members of his own party?”
Of course that would happen. They would represent the status quo against which that president ran!!!
Leaving aside any “alleged” guilt or innocence regarding the loathsome Trump, it is quite clear that a successful insurgent president would not consider “…State Department, Defense Department, intelligence services, [at least some of] his top advisors and congressional members of his own party” as allies, and would oppose any “consensuses” whatsoever that stemmed from that group.
The fact that Trump is doing so neither absolves nor proves his guilt as far as Russia is concerned. It just makes him another contestant in the big, bigger, biggest Reality (TV)…errr, ahhh…I mean Media Show.
Who’s Your Daddy?
Quite unbelievably…at least as far as I am concerned…he’s made it to the finals.
Stay tuned.
It’s gonna get even rougher.
Jeezus K Reist, AG. You know, even in a court of law, it’s just an allegation until the verdict has been delivered. You make out as though this truism was a profound insight.
As for your peculiar allusion to Zola’s famous open letter about Dreyfus, give us a break. Zola was one of France’s greatest writers and was writing what could be called a front-page editorial. He wasn’t writing a legal pleading. And he wasn’t writing in a time and place where journalistic traditions demanded a detached, neutral tone. Go back to 1850, say, and you’d find that American newspapers were a far cry from what they are now: political rabble-rousing and vicious attacks on whichever party the publisher opposed were absolutely routine.
Or perhaps you’re telling us that Robert Mueller ought to be jumping up and down and screaming denunciations as though he were Zola. Honestly, what’s your target of criticism here?
I don’t get it, AG. You keep writing this mundane legalistic stuff and pretending it’s profound. It’s not.
By the way, AG, you BFF Rand Paul delivered a full-throated defense of Trump’s bootlicking performance with Putin.
Stop reading,,,or at the very least, stop believing…the mainstream news. Please!!! It is all bullshit…leftiness, rightiness, centrist…all of the time. If you must pay attention, do so in a disinterested way.
The U.S as it now stands and Russia are equally rotten. Trump wasn’t “bootlicking,” he was negotiating with another big-time gangster. Putin is perhaps even more powerful than Trump because he has already pretty well cemented his position at the top of the Russian shitpile. Trump is still under attack by the erstwhile rulers of the U.S. shitpile, which is economically and possibly militarily more powerful than Putin’s. That’s all there is to it…except for of course the millions of lives at stake in any shitpile competition.
Thank you, and good morning.
. . . reading/thinking skills to enable discernment of what’s credible from what’s implausible, that’s what you’re left with. That and gullibility towards Counterpunch and pretty much any ludicrous conspiracy theory that comes down the pike, as long as it fits your confirmation bias.
It’s ag’s Law!
Keep trying, aggrobonita. This is all you’ve got? It ain’t shit!!!
I do admire your effort, though.
Keep digging your hole, and…have a nice day.
P.S. You and your several neocentrist cohorts are losing the battle here. Why? Because your tactics suck, that’s why. All y’all have is personal insults and trotted-out DNC loyalist lines. I got news for ya. The present DNC control system is going down!!! Not today, not tomorrow, but sooner than you might expect. Bet on it. Then what? Damned if I know, but it won’t be the Schumer/Pelosi/Clinton/Obama wing. It’s already over, really…they just don’t know it yet.
P.P.S. A group…perhaps better, a cadre…of people on this site have tried everything in their power to discourage criticism of the Democratic Party as it stands today. They automatically downrate such posts and have endlessly attacked several posters as liars, fools, pro-Trump trolls and/or spreaders of Russian propaganda. When effectively rebutted, they simply ignore the rebuttal and repeat the same attacks. This tactic is intended to exhaust the patience of the attacked posters and discourage others from reading or posting similar material. It has worked on a few posters, who have simply given up. It has not worked on me. I initially answered their attacks with attempts at reason. After realizing that this was a total waste of time, I simply stopped replying to them. My comments and articles on this site are my replies. Read what I have to say; consider what they have to say and how it is said, and then make up your own minds. Thank you-AG
. . . there’s only one of me; but this is false, and obviously so:
Nope, all I have — and all I need — are the facts that comprise Reality, which unequivocally refute your endless lies and hideous dishonesty.
. . . it almost defies identifying any one aspect of it as your “core dishonesty”.
Still, if forced to choose, I’d have to say this (and the endless slight variations of it) is what’s most representative of that core dishonesty:
Of course, you would never actually be able to link to any evidence of me being a “DNC loyalist” because I’m not, and that notion is utterly preposterous (as you’d know if you ever paid any attention to something besides Counterpunch, wild conspiracy theories, and the voices inside your head . . . like, e.g., what I actually write here!), but those facts that comprise Reality can’t be allowed to penetrate your pretense about why your critics actually criticize you, and the substance of our critiques.
You can’t allow that penetration by Reality, of course, because that would remove your “excuse” for continuously running away from the actual substance of the valid criticism you’re repeatedly confronted with. Instead, you are compelled to make up obviously false reasons for criticism of what you do here that have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual, valid criticisms you are actually confronted with.
So if I had to identify any single aspect of your pervasive dishonesty as its core, I think this lie — misrepresenting your critics’ motivations and reasons and the substance of our criticisms — would have to be it, because of its central role in enabling all the rest.
“Stop reading,,,or at the very least, stop believing…the mainstream news. Please!!!”
He’s thoroughly parroting Trump’s chief message. We are asked to believe him, and no one else. Thoroughly nihilistic.
AG’s long ride on the Trump Train is unsurprising, given that his policy views as he has expressed them here are extremely right wing- sexist, racist, bootlickingly servile to oligarchs.
What an awful and dishonest person.
Whadda maroon!!!
Read this:
A Further Take On: The Midterms Will Be Won or Lost in Trump Country.
P.S. And of course, the ever-popular:
A group…or perhaps better, a cadre…of people on this site have tried everything in their power to discourage criticism of the Democratic Party as it stands today. They automatically downrate such posts and have endlessly attacked several posters as liars, fools, pro-Trump trolls and/or spreaders of Russian propaganda. When effectively rebutted, they simply ignore the rebuttal and repeat the same attacks. These McCarthyite tactics are intended to exhaust the patience of the attacked posters and discourage others from reading or posting similar material. It has worked on a few posters, who have simply given up. It has not worked on me. I initially answered their attacks with attempts at reason. After realizing that this was a total waste of time, I have pretty much stopped replying to them. My comments and articles on this site are my replies. Read what I have to say; consider what they have to say and how it is said, and then make up your own minds. Thank you-AG
. . . the following statement to many of my replies to your “standalone articles” (LOL!) and comments…for the benefit of new readers here. It applies to the comment this replies to as well:
Also too, STILL waiting, liar!
Since when? Do you just throw those epithets at anyone you disagree with?
I don’t agree with everything AG says or his political stands e.g. re the Paul’s, but that’s a political disagreement. I wouldn’t dream of calling him names because of it. Just as I wouldn’t dream of calling you names because of your political beliefs which I don’t share.
But I surely would call you names (and am thinking them because of your coarse, rude, and ad hominem behavior. It seems you can’t refute the argument so you assassinate the arguer’s character, a behavior that has been all to common here at the former “community”.
Regarding centistfielddj, you write:
Short answer?
It does.
If the disagreeing party does not kowtow to ol’centristfield’s calcified positions and fights back, name-calling ensues.
And threats, too.
Of course…what I have been doing in the case I mention is a defense against the “zero you out” threats and actions of others, but since centristfield doesn’t really have a valid rhetorical leg to stand on, it must resort to those good ol’ McCarthy tricks.
Insults and threats.
So it goes…