In shocking solidarity (Shocked, I say!!!) the mainstream neocentrist DemocRats, RatPublicans and whomever else takes big money from Israel have mounted a media campaign that not only rivals but actually exceeds the various media rants that I witnessed against against Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the height of the primaries.
They must be really frightened!!!
I don’t blame them. There is so much potential swag to be lost if the neocentrist DemRats lose their hold on the party!!! Lost by both parties.
Following is a brief overview of the Ocasio-Lopez headlines on Google News at about 2:45 PM, EDT. It tells you all you need to know.
‘Proudly Ignorant’: Dem Socialist Candidate Ridiculed for Claiming Israel Occupying Palestine
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fumbles Through Questions On Israel And Palestine…
‘After Attacking Israel, Ocasio-Cortez Laughs and Admits She Has No Clue What She’s Talking About
‘Ocasio-Cortez’s Factually Challenged Position On Israel Is Embarrassing
Congressional Candidate Ocasio-Cortez Struggles Through Questions on Israel Conflict
Ocasio-Cortez criticizes `occupation of Palestine,’ but admits she’s no expert
BACK OFF: Moderate Dems Urge NY SOCIALIST to `Cool It’ Before 2018 Midterms
And the beat(down) goes on.
And on and on and on and on and on…84 headlines!!!
All about a potential freshman congresswoman from what is essentially a backwater (Read: largely low-income) congressional district in the greter NYC area.
Follow the news…just don’t buy into it.
They’re scared shitless.
What is she’s just the harbinger of things to come!!!???
Quick, Mabel!!! get our stash in an offshore account before it’s too late!!!
Our “rulers.”
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
intercept has some writers who aren’t awful. The rest of those aren’t “centrist”, they’re far right. No surprise that’s the kind of place AG gets his ideas.
Been damned obvious for quite a while. He’s been called on it, to no apparent avail. I doubt he’s doing Ocasio-Lopez any favors. Fortunately, I suspect she’s doing just fine without AG’s “help” and will represent her district well.
“…the mainstream neocentrist DemocRats, RatPublicans and whomever else takes big money from Israel…”.
Whatever we might call The Intercept, it is certainly not anyone’s definition of neocentrist. Nor does it attempt to provide cover for the current Israeli government. Much the opposite, in each case.
Oh, and the reporting in the Intercept is a little ado about nothing substantial. Did MSNBC give a lot of glowing airtime to Crowley or trash Ocasio-Cortez before or after the election? No?
AG is a profoundly dishonest right wing nut. He believes States should be allowed to force a juvenile incest victim to carry the fetus her rapist fathered to term, placing the young girls’ lives at great risk by doing so.
I took them from Google News…the very image of neocentrism. The hustle is on, and CNN, Google News, etc. are all part of it. I just chose the ones mostly on top of the Google News sperad. I “believe” none of it.
You shouldn’t, either.
Do you all really think that the neocentrist Dems are going to change their tune and tactics towards more leftish candidates after 2016? Where you been? They’ve been running this game since 1968 in one form or another.
They’ll run it on Ocasio-Lopez; they’ll run it on any other winners…or even near winners..of ptimaries that threaten their hegemony and they’ll run it on Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters, etc, etc., etc.
Wake the fuck up.
Did you fools even bother to look at the other 72 anti-Ocasio-Lopez headlines?
. . . what I included in my post . . . oops, “standalone article” [LOL!] . . . instead of to what I left out of it! What better proof of your bad faith could there be?
You, you, you [hack] cadre [ptui!] you!”
Your opinion doesn’t count because you’re one of the cabal that keeps giving Arthur lousy ratings. And we all know that the only thing that matters here is ratings.
Personally I’m surprised that Arthur didn’t cite Wikileaks.
Arthur approvingly distributed Wikileaks propaganda throughout the 2016 general election cycle.
You realize that google news adjusts the stories that they present to you based on your browsing habits, right? All you’re doing is telling us you’re a wingnut.
I browse all sides of the news marduk. Why? Because that way I can average out all of the lies, all of the evasions and all of “not covereds,” that’s why. The mass media are almost all lies, almost all of the time. I spend less effort on the WAPO, NY Times, NPR, CNN, Time Mag and other faux leftiness rags than I do on the ones that I cannot so easily predict, but…bet on it…I check ’em all out on any given day in which I have the time to do so.
I also spend almost zero time on trancemedia-style news…that is to say, TV news and the “Hottest thing ever!!!” video efforts now habitually ensconced on well over half of the headlined links on Google. The mechanical talking heads jabbering away? Disgusting. And dangerous, too. Animated lies and liars!!! Plus…they’re hard to skim. Time wasted is…time wasted.
I do listen to talk radio in the car. You would be amazed at what you can learn about the U.S. middle while listening to sports shows ,and also what you can learn about the right wing listening to gobbledygook gab grabbers like Rush Limbaugh.
Y’oughta try this.
If you did, you wouldn’t have been so shocked when HRC lost.
But you won’t.
No…sigh…you’ll just keep plodding along, sucking up the neocentrist Dem talking points/lie lines and regurgitating them on whomever will stand still long enough to listen to you.
Have a nice day.
What happened to NEWSSTRIKE!!
You claim to avoid some mainstream media outlets altogether. While that’s pretty unbelievable, if we accept your word it’s also hopelessly contradictory. If you’re not watching or reading those news sources, your critiques of what they are doing today are invalid. You literally don’t know what you are talking about.
While you claim to avoid many mainstream media sources, you admit to wallowing in right wing hate radio on both the political and sports stations. That’s unsurprising. It is a bit surprising that you encourage us to join you.
Why should we take critiques of the Democratic Party’s centrism seriously from someone who would do such a thing, someone whose own policy views as expressed here are to the right of the Republican Party?
. . . a while back (well, Wed Jun 20th, 2018 at 04:19:50 PM MST, to be precise):
As I said:
“But you won’t.”
I was right again…
P.S. Nothing “happened” to Newstrike, other than it didn’t work.
The whole idea was:
#1-I do not pay for the news. That is a “strike” in and of itself.
#2-I do not belive the news. It is almost all one side or another of a two-sided, counterfeit coin. I plumb the depths of the lies and try to parse out some truth from the gaps between the words.
#3-Mediastrike? I am very careful in my choices of media-mostly high-level sports, because I like to witness human beings trying mightily to perfect themselves, no matter on what level it may be occurring. Fine athletes are mostly doing much the same thing as I have been doing my whole life in music…trying to transcend a pastime into a blessing. The ads and the jive “patriotism” parts? I turn the sound off and look away. You should too.
#4-And Culturestrike? I boycott most of this current, totally rotted out, totally-bought-and-sold-by-corporate-interests U.S. culture to the point that I do not even recognize most of the names listed under “Entertainment” in Google News. They are as fake as the media that publicizes them, and as stupid as their sheeple audience.
This system…and its corporate-owned government and culture…are so terminally diseased that it is only a matter of time until it sickens to the point of death. Only a miracle can save it now.
Meanwhile…you continue to support the DemRat liars over the Ratpub liars.
Shame on you and shame on them.
As Geoffrey Chaucer’s wrote, long ago and far away:
The karmic burden of this country…from the slaughter of the native population to the slavery of people of color in order to provide a low-wage working population (Which still continues under other guises.) and on into the many overt and covert wars in which it has engaged in the cause of U.S. empire…that karmic burden is going to break this nation if some sort of nearly miraculous event does not come to pass.
You support the status quo.
I do not.
Simple as that.
Have a nice day.
What exactly is your method of averaging out all of the lies, AG? You take 10% of Fox and 10% of the Washington Times plus 20% of the NY Daily News plus…? Toss in a bit of Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow? Sprinkle on a dash of Ron and Rand Paul? Season with a press release from Bernie Sanders?
I mean you state over and over that you believe none of it, so why is it any more believable if you somehow average out the lies?
Not that I actually expect an answer, AG. Insults, yes. Whining about nalbar not giving you good ratings, yes. Bet on it. Watch.
. . . repeat: It’s confirmation bias, all the way down.
Hey, dude, I know the actions which have been taken by Trump in recent weeks are so very offensive and indefensible that it is upsetting to you, right wing racist sexist nut Trump movement conservative that you are.
Note how the community is responding to you. You’re doing something to draw this extreme anger from us.
Think things through. Take some responsibility for what’s happening here.
4 or 5 (supposed) people not “the community,” no matter how hard they wish that they were.
Dream on.
It will remain unpleasant for you here, forced birth enthusiast.
It’s not “unpleasant,” centristfield.
It is a pleasure to tussle with you regressive motherfuckers.
I mean…somebody has to!!!
May as well be me.
Have a nice day.
Coulda fooled us. You come off as a miserable misanthrope here.
Yet another trait you share with Trump.
. . . ever made or ever expect to make: This will never happen!
This confidence stems from long, dreary, tedious, uninterrupted experience of the exact contrary.
. . . favorite #1 from my favorite Letterman Top Ten:
Ringo’s Top Ten Contributions to the Beatles
1. Telling John and Paul that “Hey, Dude” somehow just didn’t quite work.
“the mainstream neocentrist DemocRats, RatPublicans and whomever else takes big money from Israel”
I do believe that it remains illegal for candidates for office to accept funding from foreign governments, so I would ask AG to explain precisely what he means here.
. . . not holding your breath waiting for that. You might well get buried in a tsunami of non-responsive, diversionary blather (been there! done that!). What you won’t get is a responsive response containing the explanation you requested that actually supports with factual evidence the claim you questioned.
Bet on it!
Bet with great confidence in the killing you’ll make . . . if, that is, you can find a big enough fool to take the bet.