It has been a long time. I more or less ended my walkabout (a couple quick appearances during that period duly noted) a few days ago. For now, I am back.

This track comes from the ending scene of the Season 2 finale for Orphan Black, a BBC sci-fi thriller that may not have quite made the ratings, but was certainly critically acclaimed and had a devoted fan-base. The series touches on eugenics, the role of nature and nurture in how we end up, the ethics and consequences of disturbing nature for profit, and lays out some possible future consequences (which depending on how the story arc unfolds over five seasons could be dystopian or could offer tentative hope). Tatiana Maslany is the lead actor and she plays multiple characters who share only a face (and a genetic code) in common – otherwise possessing different personalities, nationalities, backgrounds, etc. Some of these clones band together and fight shadowy corporate system against rather long odds. Anyway, not many actors could pull this particular performance off. Doesn’t hurt to have a good supporting cast and show runners.

I’d been DVR’ing the episodes for several years up until the finale last year. Depending on one’s location, there are plenty of streaming opportunities. I finished viewing the series recently during my walkabout. We’ll say it holds up quite nicely on a reviewing. That does not often happen.

Anyway, the series does hit on some themes that have interested me for a while, makes for an entertaining view, and the soundtrack is fun. I’ll try to post up a few more tunes when I have the chance.