Since nalbar’s latest zero attack (See my recent post at <>, “Several Questions For Booman.”) I am going to save myself the trouble of ferreting through the comments sections to see if what I am saying has been McCarthyized and…until Booman takes some kind of effective action against the zero rater(s)…I will simply post my comments and replies as standalones.
On that post, oaguabonita commented:
boo’s very next word was “But”, so… (none / 0)
. . . of course that’s where you stopped quoting him! He continued:
But all of that has been put on a back burner for me when it comes to priorities because keeping people like Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan from running our lives is more important than any other issue.
Leaving your “me, too” following that truncated quote a typically dishonest misrepresentation.
Below is my response.
Read on.
“…a typically dishonest misrepresentation?” The link was there for all to see.
I disagree with Booman’s further ruminations about “what to do.” I think that sacrificing the strong implementation of those true progressive priorities in favor of political “pragmatism” is the reason that we are now in the Trumpian fix that so bedevils us. Making compromises of that sort has only allowed neocentrist, corporate-owned hustlers…like those who now control the direction of the party…to pass as progressive Democrats.
But they can’t get…or at least keep…the votes.
Because too many people read their hustle as soon as they get a chance to really look at them, and then promptly shut them off.
Even the most talented of those hustlers…Barack Obama and Bill Clinton…must eventually show their true beliefs/alliances and thus lose their glossy luster. The same holds true on the conservative side of the fence, which is as good an explanation as any for the two term back-and-forth that we have experienced since the Clinton administraton. 8 years of DemRat, 8 years of Ratub, then 8 years of DemRat. Except this time, if the Trump administration survives for 8 years then the country will be truly and finally lost.
Booman wrote (emphases mine):
If I could summarize this briefly, I’d say that ever since I saw the Bush administration’s response to 9/11, the way they governed, their dismissal of factual information and scientific evidence, and their embrace of their most vicious aspects of our nature, I changed my mind about what the primary goal of Democratic politics should be in our era. All efforts should be directed to keeping the Republican Party, as presently constituted, out of power. In this sense, winning is everything. Simply be being in the majority the Democrats are doing the country and the world the biggest service they could ever provide them, and whatever they do or don’t do with that power is relatively unimportant.
Whatever they do or don’t do with that power is relatively unimportant?
I disagree.
What the Clinton and Obama administrations did…and did not do…with the power that had been allotted to them is the reason that Bush II and Trump won.
Of course, there are always the excuses.
Those big bad Republicans did it!!!
Or its newer version:
Them awful Russkies did it!!!
The Republicans and Russians did not force NAFTA (and its result…the loss of U.S. industry to cheap labor states), the cancerous growth of surveillance state or our many ongoing overt and covert wars down the throats of Americans. They did not make Bill Clinton…that prime candidate for the #MeToo brigade…to take Monica Lewinsky down in the Oval Office. (Incredibly…in the inevitable knowledge of the ever-present Secret Service officers!!!) They did not force Barack Obama to ostentatiously bathe in the publicity of his many, many, incredibly expensive vacations or smarm along with the empty late night talk show hosts. Those presidents and their advisors did it. And the other Democrats who assisted them? In Congress? In responsible positions of power in the executive branch? In the so-called “intelligence” services? They did it too.
They eventually lost the public’s trust…the trust of enough voters to swing the next vote away from the Democrats.
What Booman is suggesting…regrettably even to him, I think…is simply Clinton/Obama business as usual. The whole public position/private position rigamarole that got us here in the first place.
It didn’t work…didn’t continue to work after the elections…as the bloom fell off of those nice-smelling but totally inauthentic Democratic flowers. Democratic Febreze only goes so far to cover up the swamp smell. Bet on it. It wafts right off of the TV screen when venal hustlers like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi make the mistake of allowing themselves to be filmed.
I say that it is time to go whole hog plus postage. No more of this “Scylla or Charybdis” shit. Let us see what happens if a presidential candidate speaks the truth. Win or lose.
I mean…it can’t get much worse than Trump, right?
Let us try the truth for a change.
You should have added Most Favored Nation status for China in this. It was much more destructive to American workers than NAFTA that primarily hurt Mexican workers (and caused the immigration crisis thereby).
Duly noted.
When Clinton renewed Most Favored Nation status for China, people were told China would become a massive purchaser of American made goods. We all know how that worked out.
“Clinton had been the subject of heavy lobbying by American business interests and his economic advisers to continue China’s trade privileges. With China now the world’s fastest growing economy, the United States exports $8 billion a year there, which sustains up to 150,000 American jobs. Many major American businesses see even greater potential in Chinese markets, expecting China to become a massive purchaser over the next decade of the phones, electronic gadgets and thousands of other products made in America.”
Have you got ten minutes?
Today’s BBC Newsnight interview with Tony Blair.
The British version of US Democrats, centrism and Clintonite. Can’t get it in a more compact statement. Covers the policies of 2000 to the present … with some sense of historical content of events and how politicians failed to keep in touch with a changing electorate.
We all are aware Tony Blair has lost it a long time ago … creating the opening for Brexit – Conservatives in power – election of Donald Trump. Tony Blair has NO CLUE! What a pitiful figure he has become. Read the transcript. Tony at a loss for words to respond on Labour and which party wing he stands behind.
Backing the ugly attack of Labour MP Hodge on Jeremy Corbyn. Hypocrite!
@ET – Jewish Cheques and Balances.
Ooops … the opinion piece written by MP Hodge got serious traction in a Jewish publication … some well done coordination IMO. 🙁
○ UK Labour MP calls Jeremy Corbyn ‘racist’ and ‘anti-semite’ | Jewish Chronicle and Jerusalem Post !! |