I visit the Drudge Report every day for a look at the opposition. It has been unrelievedly pro-Trump ever since he started making waves during the primaries.

Today that all changed.


Will it continue?

What does it mean?

The headlines above the  Drudge logo as of 8:30AM EDT, 7/19/18:

Confusion: Russia no longer targeting USA?
White House struggles to contain political outcry…
Damage Control on Air Force One…
Botched Summit May Protect Russia Probe…
Mueller Team In Sealed Court With Lawyers for Roger Stone Associate…
Manafort request to limit evidence: Denied…
What New Indictments Reveal About Spycraft…
Cuomo opens door to criminal case against Trump Foundation…


It sounds more like CNN (The Centrist News Network) than it it does Drudge.

The Drudge Report’s unwavering support of Trump has been widely credited as one of the most important aspects of his win and his continued survival in office. Is this the first real crack in the Trump wall? Has the ongoing chaos become too much for the real Trump backers?  You know…the Koch Brothers-level money people? Is the word out in the swamp that Mueller has him in his crosshairs? Dead to rights? Or is it just a shot across Trump’s bows to warn him of the dangers ahead if he keeps publicly playing with pro-Putin fire?

I don’t know, myself. But I do know this

Something in the Trump movement changed today.

Big time!!!

Let us pray that this is so.



P.S. The (Capitalized!!!) lead headline?


Has Trump been given his marching orders from above?

Sounds like

Trump on whether he holds Putin responsible for election meddling: “I would, because he’s in charge of the country”

Last Updated Jul 18, 2018 6:04 PM EDT

President Trump told “CBS Evening News” anchor Jeff Glor Wednesday it’s “true” Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election, and he “would” hold Russian President Vladimir Putin responsible for interference.

Mr. Trump, in an exclusive interview with Glor, said he has stated “numerous times before” that he agrees Russia meddled in the 2016 election. The president’s comments come after his widely criticized press conference with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, on Monday, in which Mr. Trump appeared to say he had no reason to believe Russia interfered, which would contradict the findings of multiple U.S. intelligence agencies. Mr. Trump offered a clarification Tuesday that he had misspoken when he said that, and he accepts the findings of his intelligence agencies.



He’s in trouble with his bosses!!!

Bet on it.

i would not in the least bit be surprised if the Mueller investigation is about to drop a bomb on the Trumpers. This may be well be pre-bomb damage control.
