The main problem I have in understanding Trump’s relationship with Russia is his complete failure to conceal it. For this same reason, experienced former CIA counterintelligence officer Jack DeVine concluded after watching the Helsinki press conference that there is no way that the president is an “agent” of the Russian government. Here’s what he told Adam Davidson of The New Yorker:
The proof, he told me, was right in front of us. If Trump were truly serving as a Russian intelligence asset, there would have been an obvious move for him to make during his joint press conference with Putin. He would have publicly lambasted the Russian leader, unleashing as theatrical a denunciation as possible. He would have told Putin that he may have been able to get away with a lot of nonsense under Barack Obama, but all that would end now: America has a strong President and there will be no more meddling. Instead, Trump gave up his single best chance to permanently put to rest any suspicion that he is working to promote Russian interests.
Instead of being a direct agent, he is probably just afraid of what the Russians have on him and is mostly concerned not to provoke anyone who might be able to expose him. According to Davidson, it’s more likely to be financial crimes than anything of a sexual nature. As proof, Trump has weathered plenty of damaging revelations and accusations about his sexual behavior without much of a problem, so why would he be paralyzed by the threat of a pee tape?
The facts do support this assessment up to a point. There’s plenty of reason to believe that Trump grew dependent of Russian financing when most banks wouldn’t lend to him, and his own sons have essentially said as much. And, as I spelled out in What Trump Did to Win a Tower in Moscow, he was in direct negotiations with Russians to build Europe’s tallest building throughout the fall of 2015 and spring of 2016. Other deals he pursued in former Soviet Socialist Republics have potentially compromised him in financial crimes. Dirty Russian money has certainly flowed like a mighty river into many of his condo developments. Trump may not actually know what his precise liabilities are but at the same time be quite certain that he doesn’t want to find out.
The reason this theory is ultimately unsatisfactory to me is that Trump does not seem to have the base of knowledge or the capacity for memory retention to understand what Russia would want without it being explained to him in some detail and with periodic reiterations and refinements.
We know Putin told him it would be a good idea to cancel joint military exercises with the South Koreans before Trump did precisely that without getting anything in return. We know that they discussed Syria at length during their private meeting in Helsinki. We know that Putin pitched him on some resolution to the Crimean/Ukrainian crisis in that meeting, too. This is how a handler communicates with his agent when other means of communication are extremely difficult if not impossible.
But Putin has had only three opportunities to talk directly and privately to Trump since he’s become president (a fourth opportunity presented itself yesterday when the White House announced Putin will visit in the fall). Somehow, Trump has been clear on a host of issues that align perfectly with Russia’s interests, and he’s been clear on them since the earliest days of his campaign. Here’s a partial list:
1. Advocating that Americans pull their troops out of the Far East.
2. Advocating that Americans pull out of Syria and arguing that the Russians only want to be there to fight ISIS.
3. Arguing that Crimea rightfully belongs to Russia because many ethnic Russians live there.
4. Saying NATO is obsolete.
5. Refusing to commit to the protection of former-Soviet NATO members in the Baltics.
6. Refusing to commit to the protection of NATO member Macedonia.
7. Attacking the European Union.
8. Calling the European Union a “foe.”
9. Supporting the United Kingdom’s split from the European Union.
10. Supporting the same Euro-Skeptic far right white nationalist parties that Putin supports.
11. Attacking and undermining the governments in London and Berlin, which present the strongest resistance to Putin’s influence in Europe.
12. Attacking the U.S. intelligence community and federal law enforcement agencies to undermine their credibility with the American public.
13. Decimating the Department of State.
14. Pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
It’s not so much any one thing on this list as the combination of them all pointing in the same direction. Seemingly everything Trump does serves Russia’s interests. Even disputes with Canada and Mexico weaken Western unity and resolve and undermine America’s ability to exert leadership to counter Russia’s influence.
Certainly there is some natural confluence of interests between white nationalist Americans and white nationalist Europeans, and a more isolationist foreign policy has an obvious appeal to Russia regardless of any intrinsic merit. There may be innocent explanations for some things on the list, but it’s the sophistication and comprehensiveness of Trump’s pro-Russia drift in policy that makes it unmistakable as not his own work.
When he was pursuing real estate deals, he may have had people advising him on what to say that would please Russians in general and Vladimir Putin in particular. I am quite certain that Putin greatly enjoyed Trump’s Birther exploits, for example. But now that he is president, how is Trump getting the information he needs to make sure he aligns himself with Russia’s interests? Are his sporadic one-on-one meetings with Putin sufficient for this purpose?
I believe there is another source. There is some other way that Trump receives what essentially amount to orders.
I am convinced that there is kompromat on the president, and I think it’s possible or even probable that’s he’s not even certain what exactly the Russians have on him. The fact that he makes no effort to conceal this fact isn’t exculpatory and it doesn’t suggest that he isn’t an agent. The nature of what he’s trying to do cannot be concealed.
How do you bring Russia back into the Group of Eight without advocating for it? How do you cancel joint exercises with the South Koreans without announcing it? How do you rhetorically undermine the government of Theresa May or Angela Merkel if you don’t speak in a public way?
Trump is not a slick character. That he’s too obvious is beyond dispute, but that’s not a defense. That is just a personal limitation that makes him less effective as an agent. From the Russians’ point of view, he’s plenty effective and his failings mainly serve to cause chaos and confusion. Even when Trump fumbles and bumbles, it serves their interests just fine.
Finally, we can get bogged down in definitions and semantics that don’t actually make a bit of difference in the real world. If we can’t tell the difference between how Trump is acting and how an agent would act in terms of the actual results, then it doesn’t really matter how formal the arrangement is or how best to describe it.
He’s quite obviously doing Russia’s bidding and he’s doing it with a level of sophistication that he is not capable of conceiving or executing on his own. That’s the important thing.
Interesting thought about a second channel. I actually drew the opposite conclusion when Trump almost immediately announced a second summit. I figure that he agreed to a lot of stuff, but then realized that without anyone else in the room, he wasn’t going to remember what he agreed to. So he needs to meet with Putin again soon so that he can formalize the Russian demands into U.S. government policy.
Also, some of the things you list might come under the general rubric of “withdrawing the U.S. from it’s leadership position in the world.” How much of this do we want to attribute to Putin? This is all dumb stuff, but in some cases the fact that it benefits Russia seems incidental. Trump has also pushed a big rearmament plan, including nuclear weapons, which I don’t think is something that Putin would have wanted. I’m not doubting that Putin has some kind of hold on Trump, but some points on your list of 14 seem less convincing than others.
It can get confusing and you’re right to hold up a yield sign because there’s a temptation to make everything fit a theory.
Here’s one interesting conundrum.
Trump, on the surface, is asking NATO countries to devote more of their GDP to national defense, which seems like something Putin would not want.
But, the actual effect of making these demands in the way he making them is to make it politically more difficult for NATO members to increase defense spending. And, in any case, the potential for more spending is more than offset by the disunity and chaos it creates.
You mentioned the obvious fact that Trump sometimes ca’t even remember what he spoke at the beginning of a sentence before contradicting himself at the end of a sentence. he is also lazy and ignorant so, I agree, he is always going to need someone to feed him Putin’s orders. The only confidant of Trump (and he has very few) that might himself have been “turned” by the GRU/FSB because of financial crimes is Jared Kushner. And he is the Senior Advisor to the President in Charge of Everything (and hence nothing). He was the one that wanted that special communication link to Kislyak and the Russian Embassy post-election and he has all kinds of other. Russian meetings he forgot to put on his security clearance form. He wouldn’t need to go to Russia to get the required orders either. Tradecraft has all kinds of altternatives. That’s my supposition.
Pompeo is all excited about a second “summit” in DC with Putin but that’s because he’s been a really naive and unaware SecState since he was appointed (witness the DPRK fiasco to date). I know he’s supposed to be smart it rightwingers tend not be internationally smart.
Kushner was caught red-handed coordinating with the Russian ambassador to set up a back channel to the Kremlin that the CIA & FBI couldn’t monitor.
Impeachment proceedings should have started that day.
I don’t think you can actually run as a Republican without promising major defence spending so I don’t know that I’d read much into that aspect. Plus, big contracts means big IOUs to dump, monetary and otherwise.
The defense spending thing is a shibboleth. They all have to say that. Like “Medicare for All.”
“… Trump has weathered plenty of damaging revelations and accusations about his sexual behavior without much of a problem, so why would he be paralyzed by the threat of a pee tape? “
Two words: Melania Trump. Lord only knows how much $$$ she gets in a divorce settlement if the tapes are real.
Observation: We have only the dossier readers word that the pee-pee tapes show two hookers urinating in a bed. What if they are urinating ON trump while he is whimpering about his desires for Michelle?
I don’t believe for minute that Trump is worried about the money. He is far too inamored of his monetary acumen to worry about that.
No, There is something REALLY embarrasing about that tape.
A tape may well exist, but I very much doubt that it is the most significant or potentially damaging thing the Russians have on Trump.
Sounds salacious but Trump’s awful history of misogyny and sexual predation and his history of greed and grifting strongly suggests that he is much more vulnerable to financial blackmail and extortion.The fact that he has refused to release his tax returns is one piece of evidence. Unfortunately for him, Mueller’s team has really crack experts on shell company-based money laundering. Then, there’s the weird time bomb, i.e. Wilbur Ross, whose Cypriot antics as a funnel for Russian money and his relationship to Don the Con makes this look like another prime area of investigation (I used to work in Cyprus, by the way 2005-2008.)
Trump has cutouts.
It has to be people he absolutely trusts, people that freely move about the world without suspicion, and have access to the information that the Russians really want.
His kids. All of them.
As far as the subservient behavior that Trump showed in Helsinki being evidence he is NOT an agent? It’s ridiculous. Trump going after Putin would have been news, but being subservient is better for Putin. It throws doubt amongst our allies, and creates turmoil in America. Putin is using the old adage `never give your opponents what they want’. Our allies WANT Trump to confront Putin.
So insist your agent do no such thing.
Putin picked the donald because he knows an incompetent fool when he sees one. Pee tape…I think it’s money…money laundering billions via loans/debt. The up coming Manafort trial might just be the blueprint of what the donald has done and continues to do.
This analysis makes total sense. Wasn’t there a meeting in the Seychelles where Trump folks tried to set up a direct backdoor channel to Moscow?
The intent is there.
What makes you think the attempt failed?
It’s always surprised me how little real reaction that the news of that original attempt got.
There can only be one reason for such a channel, and it’s the same as insisting, against all your advisers advice, on a private one on one meeting.
Even the deniers/enablers have to admit that Trump isn’t what could be described as a strategic thinker. He has habits and he applies them to everything.
His negotiation habit on treaties has been to cut and run while hoping someone else will figure out a patch he can brag about, but he’s not shown any interest in revisiting treaties he’s broken. On the tariffs he’s not negotiated, he’s only doubled down with the outcome that old partners are finding new partners.
Some say that Putin manages Trump with carrots and carrots, which could explain Trump’s eagerness to see Putin turn the next page of what he’s offering rather than demonstrate fear. His eagerness is bizarre.
The followup meeting announcement on Twitter to Helsinki was just bizarre. To be so weak as to invite the guy who bested you on the international stage to come visit the capitol of the country you embarrassed for more of the same in the same week… I have no words.
While the Russia investigation continues, and takes up news space in America, it’s important to never forget the the true over riding theme.
There is an ongoing program, financed and lead by Putin, to realign western governments towards a fascist, racialist, white supremacist direction. Trump being elected was a key part of this, but only a part, because it’s world wide. Just having Trump on the ballot, and losing, moves the world towards this goal.
That is because having a white supremacist running is a win in itself. Just look at what Nielsen just said.
This is a white supremacist administration, from Nielsen, to Sessions, to Steven Miller and John Kelly, then all the way up to Trump and his family. White supremacists are being appointed all throughout the administration. They will never resign, because they believe in the ultimate goal….white leadership. To them that’s the natural order, and Obama disrupted the natural order.
This puts them all in alignment with Putin’s world view. They want what he wants.
A white foot on a POC face…forever.
All of this serves Putin.
Focusing on the pee tape is a distraction. Here’s a man who so much as admitted to having dalliances with porn stars and paid them off to keep quiet. Trump is shameless and impervious to embarrassment. The kompromat the Russians have is likely tied to his business and based on financial transactions involving money laundering. This is why Trump said early on, regarding the Mueller investigation, that he drew a red line at his finances.
A more competent and intellectually capable Russian dupe wouldn’t have acted the way Trump did in the Helsinki press conference, but that doesn’t mean Trump isn’t doing what he does out of being beholden to Putin. I read that, coming out of the press conference, he actually thought his performance was great and had no clue of the blunders he made before the world. Trump was also too damned ignorant to realize the deal Putin offered him that would have McFaul and Browder in the hands of Russian agents for questioning was not a deal at all.
And if the Russians didn’t have kompromat on Trump, they certainly have it now by virtue of that private meeting. Putin surely recorded it, and can leak out selectively “agreements” that were made and hold Trump to it. Anything he said that was beyond the pale out of stupidity, could be held against him.
Bottom line, the net effect of what Trump is doing is against the interests of the US and in the favor of his own personal financial interests, and those of Russia and Putin.
Very interesting piece in the New Yorker how kompromat works in Russia:
A) Probably lots of different players have Kompromat on Trump.
B) Trump probably thinks there is a lot out there, but doesn’t know who has what. So Trump is unclear on who to not cross, and how.
The pee tape may be a distraction. Said tape may be far more horrendous than many, more sheltered commentators, may imagine.
Cruelty and humiliation is a big part of dump’s emotional ‘locus of power’ makeup. His perversion may run to the graphic sexual debasement of women/girls,..and that practice has horror story dimensions.
I’m not sure I would discount the shocking cinematic power of a “pee tape”.
Getting pissed on, while humiliating if made public, is not a crime. Just like the Cohen tape of Trump discussing paying off yet another playboy model, the discussion itself may not be a crime. In that tape its not clear that Trump is directing Cohen to do something, although they are discussing it.
What they both have in common is their “shiny object” factor for the public. Both have this “look over here” quality to them, to distract the public from continuing to focus, home in on and ultimately gain a better understanding of less salacious, but far more serious stuff. As I said, getting pissed on is not a crime, but treason certainly is. And the fascinating thing about the Helsinki press conference was here was evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, right out in the damned open!
The Pee tape, if it exists and is released, won’t move his base one iota. If it were dropped, the GOP would do with it just like they did with Trump’s Helsinki disaster — find a stupid excuse, have Trump execute it, declare it over and move on. You know when something is real in terms of potential damage when they convince Trump to walk it back, like with Helsinki. They may lose a few in the base but it would be a mistake to underestimate the cult-like slavishness of the base to Trump.
“The Pee tape, if it exists and is released, won’t move his base one iota.”
That’s a naive contention.
You’re assuming the tape, if it exists, is some mere light hilarity jocularity as opposed to hard core/brutal defilement in living color…I won’t expand on the nature of same. As it’s donald dump we’re talking about, anything is possible.
PS. I think the commentators on this board understand the implications of trump distractions.
Maybe it’s all just a bad remake of The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997).
Sessions is the Russian mole.
He’s been with Trump from the start. He’s linked to the Russians beyond the campaign and he had to refuse himself.
He hasn’t been fired.
Perhaps the simplest explanation is the best: Trump sees Russia as an enormous business opportunity and likes the way Putin and his Oligarchs do business. He is emotionally attached to authoritarian ways of doing things and likes displays of male machismo and power – over women, over weapons and over the little people.
Trump has nothing but contempt for the wishy washy multi-lateral consensus ways of doing business which is how Europeans, diplomats (and many Democrats) operate.
Putin understands all this and feeds his vanity, offers Trump a few business opportunities, all the while suggesting ways of working together, which happen to suit Russia’s strategic industries. As Trump has no corresponding sense of what America’s strategic interests are, he trades away long-standing strategic imperatives for a few baubles or a show of approval.
Trump simply doesn’t understand, or has no interest in things that are not to his personal benefit. So it is really easy for any half competent mobster to play him.
The mystery is not how Trump is so easily manipulated, but why anyone would think that Trump has any interest in doing anything other than making Trump greater again. The real dupes here are his voters.
This is also my general take on it as well. It also plays into my own belief that ignorance is actually the prime historical motive force. Neither dialectical materialism nor ‘the great man’ is a Trumpian construct. Trumpery = ignorance.
And let’s not forget that, it was Trump’s “great business acumen” that got him to the point where he needed that Russian money. All the other stuff — authoritarianism, oligarch’s Putin, etc., just made it that more obvious a road for him.
re: pee tape. I don’t know. I think it would be pretty powerful stuff if a tape surfaced showing the president of the United States pissing into the mouths of multiple young women or girls.
In anycase I think most people are hard pressed to find a more repellant example of male misogyny just based on what we see daily from this ignorant pig. He’s the first proven ignoramus ever elected to the US presidency. He represents the biggest loss of American prestige in American history.
We have good evidence that seeing something with your own eyes can be persuasive where merely reading/hearing the same set of facts is not: Black Lives Matter.
Summary executions by police of unarmed black men have been “normal” (and commonly covered up, resulting in impunity) in this country for as long as we’ve had police and black men. It was the advent of near-ubiquitous video — police dashboard cams, police body cams, citizen/witness cell phone video, and surveillance cams — that enabled this pattern to emerge into the public consciousness (and conscience, and beyond the black community, where I presume it was fully known; cf. The Talk), which is what launched BLM and was essential to what success it has had (job not complete yet, obviously).
That’s partly a function of the video evidence rendering coverups far more difficult to pull off.
But it’s also a function of the impact of seeing something with your own eyes, rather than just hearing/reading about it. So I think you have a valid point in suggesting that pooh-poohing any impact public release of the tape would have neglects to take this into account, even though it wouldn’t actually reveal anything we don’t already know about the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief.
Absolutely, Donald Trump is a Russian agent and not just for the reasons you list above.
Lifting sanctions on Russia was virtually the first thing Trump tried to do, even before his inauguration. Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn were caught attempting to set up back channels through the Russian embassy. They clearly wanted to hide communications from American intelligence, but were perfectly comfortable with being monitored by the Russians. Trump has repeatedly met one-on-one with Russian officials, away from the prying eyes of American witnesses, but without concern for obvious Russian monitoring – with the Russian ambassador and his aides at the White House, one-on-one with Putin both at Helsinki and at the G-20 meeting where they spoke about “adoption”. Trump also reportedly wrote the false explanation for Don Jr’s meeting with Velselnitskaya at Trump Tower during the campaign – a campaign which was riddled with Russian agents at it’s highest levels.
Trump knows what he’s done. He is not a dupe for Putin. He is a willing accomplice. He has a precise knowledge of Russian interests that far outstrips his knowledge in any other area of policy. And he has acted on them always to Russia’s benefit.
Dupe or not, the net effect of what Trump’s done is of great benefit to Putin and against the interests of the US and its allies. You might call it coincidental were it one incident; you might even chalk it up to Trump’s unparalleled stupidity and ignorance were it just two. But Trump has consistently acted on the world stage and politically here at home in ways that are directly beneficial to Putin. Especially his lies to cover up for Putin being directly involved in election meddling.
We may not find “evidence” that Trump is a Russian agent, but then again, there never is for such things. Bottom line though, the result of his actions are if he were.
The strange thing is that the Russians are cultivating such bad relations with the anti-Trump majority that when (inevitably) the Democrats take over, there will be something of an extreme anti-Russian reaction.
There is the danger that like everything else, we will become totally divided on Foreign Policy issues as we are on domestic ones, so that America will essentially have two diametrically opposed foreign policies – one when Democrats control Congress and the White House and the opposite one when Republicans do. Normally the differences have been somewhat papered over and foreign policy was one area where supposedly we all “come together” but clearly not any more.
While Russia might be creating chaos they can reap, they are also creating long term problems for themselves in terms of creating the probability of bad relations in future with the US and Europe. Those bad relations have been very damaging to Russia because of the boycott. But, Democrats now have no incentive not to see Russia as an implacable enemy actively trying to destroy us.
This is going to turn the Democrats into anti-Russians. Since such a foreign policy was created to serve US business interests overseas, this would align Wall Street more with the Democratic party.
Chaos is not good for investment income and supporting a party that sows international chaos is not good for business.
“The strange thing is that the Russians are cultivating such bad relations with the anti-Trump majority that when (inevitably) the Democrats take over, there will be something of an extreme anti-Russian reaction.”
Something to think about, but then that is cause for more concern.
Given the GOP’s lock on the supreme court, extreme gerrymandering in place, voter fraud schemes, the Electoral College and now the Russians being given carte blanch access to our elections which, they will only get more effective at “meddling” the more they get into it, if and when democrats take power, the die may be cast, irreparably. I hope not, but its a concern. Also, given the thus far successful selling of authoritarianism, the appetite for white supremacy and companion fear of non-whites, and again, the damned Electoral College, I would not be surprised if we suffer through a prolonged period of minority rule for some time.
Chaos may not be good for business, but fascism certainly is.
PS: I hope that, if the democrats take over they are not “anti-Russian” as much as they are pro-democracy and national security, the net effect of which would be anti-Russian.
. . . beyond the short-term, and even in the short term, beyond favored industries.
At any rate, I’d need to see some factual evidence in support of your contrary assertion.
We could become unified, in a true spirit of peace and friendship between our two great peoples, if only we didn’t stop swatting away the outstretched Russian hand.
Are we going to let Victoria Nuland’s cookies be the last word?
Mir i druzhba. It’s what it’s all about
“…if only we didn’t stop swatting away the outstretched Russian hand”.
Ah yes, the “Peace in our time” school of foreign relations.
It was reported that Trump uses an unsecured phone. I think I even saw one report that he gave his private number to Kim Jung Un but I could be wrong. Is it not conceivable that he has a Russian handler (business friend or partner) that he talks to at night who gives him “orders” in the guise of flattery to his ego (i.e, you would look so strong/the world would love you if you said/did this or that)?
OK, I missed this before I sent in my comment. Yes. But if so, how could it elude US Intel?
I doubt US Intel is capturing the calls from Trump’s phone or that the Russians would be stupid enough to have someone who is on their radar talk to him.
Assuming communications are somehow getting to Trump, or to somebody one or more removes from Trump, there are many possible ways other than by phone. The Russians do not have complete knowledge of what is on US Intel’s “radar screen”. Presumably they are using a method they believe is not on that radar screen. They may be right, but one thing you can be sure of: the spooks are asking themselves the same question. So if they haven’t found it yet, they’re looking, and that’s something they are pretty good at.
Also, the purpose is not necessarily to know where the messages are coming from (though that would be a bonus), but first and foremost, what they contain.
“There is some other way that Trump receives what essentially amount to orders.”
I completely agree with your reasoning. But I think there’s an interesting question here. Yes, there is some other way. There has to be. But what is it? And is it possible that US intelligence doesn’t know about it?
It’s almost like he gets a daily briefing from Russia. If he didn’t, I don’t think he would remember. But if so, how?
I shouldn’t have said “briefing”. I should have said “orders.”
My money’s on Ivanka. I suspect she’s not as dumb as her brothers, and she’s daddy’s close confidant.