It’s almost as if he’s has been watching the recent Booman Tribune wars.
But of course…he needn’t bother. The totally political RussiaGate tempest going on in the media is as plain as day. This little BooTrib teapot tempest means very little in the larger scope of things. Hopkins’ title is a little off though. Regarding this place and the Gang of Four+ that is trying to cleanse it of all opposition to the Clintonite DNC’s neocentrist political posturings, its second sentence might better read: “How Liberals Learned to Continue Worrying Even More and Love the New McCarthyism.”
Read on.
by CJ Hopkins
So it appears America and democracy have miraculously survived the dreaded Trump-Putin summit … or Trump’s meeting with his Russian handler, as the neoliberal ruling classes and their mouthpieces in the corporate media would dearly like us all to believe. NATO has not been summarily dissolved. Poland has not been invaded by Russia. The offices of The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC have not been stormed by squads of jackbooted Trumpian Gestapo. The Destabilization of the Middle East, the Privatization of Virtually Everything, the Conversion of the Planet into One Big Shopping Mall, and other global capitalist projects are all going forward uninterrupted. Apart from Trump making a narcissistic, word-salad-babbling jackass of himself, which he does on a more or less daily basis, nothing particularly apocalyptic happened.
And so, once again, Western liberals, and others obsessed with Donald Trump, having been teased into a painfully tumescent paroxysm of anticipation of some unimaginably horrible event that would finally lead to Trump’s impeachment (or his removal from office by other means) were left standing around with their hysteria in their hands. It has become a sadistic ritual at this point … like a twisted, pseudo-Tantric exercise where the media get liberals all lathered up over whatever fresh horror Trump has just perpetrated (or some non-story story they have invented out of whole cloth), build the tension for several days, until liberals are moaning and begging for impeachment, or a full-blown CIA-sponsored coup, then pull out abruptly and leave the poor bastards writhing in agony until the next time … which is pretty much exactly what just happened.
In the days and weeks leading up to the summit, the global capitalist ruling class Resistance deployed every weapon in its mighty arsenal to whip the Western masses up into a frenzy of anti-Putin-Nazi fervor. While continuing to flog the wildly popular baby concentration camp story (because the Hitler stimulus never fails to elicit a Pavlovian response from Americans, regardless of how often or how blatantly you use it), the corporate media began hammering hard on the “Trump is a Russian Agent” hysteria. (Normally, the corporate media alternates between the Hitler hysteria and the Russia hysteria so as not to completely short-circuit the already scrambled brains of Western liberals, but given the imminent threat of a peace deal, they needed to go the whole hog this time and paint this summit as a secret, internationally televised assignation between Hitler and … well, Hitler).
In order to render them even more repugnant in the eyes of Western liberals (as if being two Hitlers wasn’t repugnant enough), The New York Times produced this short porno graphically depicting Trump and Putin as insatiably horny homosexual lovers. A fusillade of apocalyptic op-eds followed, the most shamelessly paranoid and hysterical of which was Roger Cohen’s experimental dystopia, in which “The Alliance of Authoritarian and Reactionary States” trick the inherently fascist Europeans into launching a Second Holocaust with a “fake news” story about Moroccan migrants abducting poor little “Tatiana” from a beach resort in Fuengirola.
While faithful New York Times-reading liberals were still struggling to regain control of their sphincters and doubling up on their alprazolam prescriptions in a desperate attempt to banish these visions of the coming butch-gay Putin-Nazi Reich, go-to propagandist, Jonathan Chait, who has obviously been watching way too much Homeland, published this paranoid spec-fic novella (complete with a “Carrie is off her meds” flow chart) about how Trump has probably been “a Russian intelligence asset” since 1987. At the same time, MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance took to Twitter to denounce Glenn Greenwald as a treasonous “agent of Trump and Moscow” for physically traveling to a conference in Russia and speaking with several Russian people. Nance, who usually just makes things up, was actually telling the truth this time. Greenwald really did visit Russia, and was selfied in the company of Edward Snowden, on top of which he’s totally gay, and God knows what kind of Commie orgies go on in the Kremlin dungeon!
He goes on. Read the whole thing if you value written comedy.
It’s brilliant.
And true, as well.
As I wrote here recently, We Are Being Chicken Littled. From ALL Sides.
The mainstream media has essentially picked up the Fox News tabloid approach, sanded off its rough edges and then turned it upside down and inside out so that it hypes the neocentrist anti-Trump movement.
That of course would be a wonderful thing, if only:
#1-The neocentrist anti-Trump movement wasn’t being run by DC swamp dwellers of both parties plus the seemingly eternal deep state interests, and they are all simply protecting their own criminal turf from an interloper.
#2-It was working.
It’s not.
It is getting more and more shrill, and as it does…as was my point in the linked article above…people are getting tired of it and turning away from the whole boondoggle.
That also might be a wonderful thing. I’m not really sure.
There was a ’60s anti-war meme that went like this:
What if they declared a war and no one showed up?
What if they held an election and no one voted?
We are already almost halfway to that point with our 40+% non-voting eligible voters.
Of course, that won’t happen. There are too many “faithful New York Times-reading liberals” (Hopkins’ words) and their mirror image…faithful Fox News watchers…for a massive No Vote Due To Lack Of Confidence!!! to happen, but as the empty media fires rise up, it is becoming plain to many more people that they are being had. Is there a tipping point of some kind? A number? A place in the hustle where the people who have been surrounding the three card monte table just get bored and walk away? A place where the majority of American voters wake up to the machinations of the three card monte guys?
I wonder.
We’ll find out.
Soon enough.
My gut feeling is that this is not going to end well, no matter how it ends.
It’s already gone too far off the rails.
So it goes, and…buckle up, folks. It’s looks like it’s gonna continue to be a rough ride.
Even rougher than it’s been so far.
P.S. Hopkins’ last paragraph is priceless.
God knows where we go from here. It’s hard to believe the ruling classes can keep teasing liberals, and other Trump-obsessives, over and over and over like this, without eventually impeaching or shooting the guy … but then again, maybe they can. Perhaps they intend to continue conducting this experiment all the way up to 2020, just to see how paranoid and mindlessly conformist they make the majority of the Western public. In any event, if they decide not to impeach him, and then try him for treason, or just kill him, or whatever, the Democrats at least have a new campaign slogan that they can use in 2018 and beyond … “NEXT TIME VOTE FOR WHO WE TELL YOU TO, YOU RUSSIA-LOVING NAZI SCUM!” It kind of has a ring to it, doesn’t it?
A familiar ring, given what has been happening here in the comments sections.
Unless I misunderstood what I read in European Tribune, Trump and Putin agreed to to stop the war in Syria at the summit.
But I just see a chorus of “Treason” and “Trump is Putin’s agent!” “Impeach trump for treason”.
One wonders if the treason was stopping the war which is so financially lucrative for neocentrists.
One wonders.
Don’t one.
From the CIA Library website …
Princeton in the CIA’s Service
Key words: a decade of “brain warfare” – mind control – mass hysteria – group think
See also the U.S. Congress investigation by the Church Commission – Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources
Trump wants to normalize relations with Russia while Putin continues a propaganda campaign against Democrats and progressivism generally, meant to both broadly discredit the Party and the Movement and drive wedges within the Party and Movement. These simultaneous, targeted strategies are meant to depress votes for Democratic Party candidates.
Meanwhile, the three branches of the Federal government are taking actions and inactions which mean to help the Russian Federation in its sabotages of liberal governance.
These are the main sources of furious anger and dissent against the Putin/Trump alliance. The Movement and Dem Party leaders are not flipping out over Syria in the wake of Monday’s summit.
The Syrian war would continue even if Russia and the United States ceased all operations.
Don’t you find it peculiar that no one in our Defense or State Department leadership has been informed of any changes in our military plans in Syria this week?
Frankly, I don’t care. There is always somebody butchering somebody else in the world.
I want the USA to stop being the rest of the world’s policeman, as well as prosecutor, judge, and jury.
If US interests are not involved. STAY THE HELL OUT.
Liberals used to be anti-war. Now they want to jump into any conflict and support the corporations.
I don’t care who controls Syria’s oil. Let Putin have it. We don’t need it. We can either frack or (better) use non-carbon energy.
But then we need to do something with all those young people whose jobs have been exported to China, don’t we?
The White Helmets have been removed by the Israeli Defense Forces – the Syrian War has ended because president Trump ordered the cessation of support by CIA and Pentagon to the jihadists from Al Qaeda – Jabhat al Nusra and Islamic State.
Putin has coordinated through diplomacy of the pro-Syria alliance [Russia – Turkey – Iran] with president Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu (9 visits in 3 years).
○ Russia, Iran Prevail – Syrian Rebellion Ends
○ Winning in Syria and the Middle East | Syria Comment – Joshua Landis |
Next state to be assimilated …
○ Geoffrey Pyatt, former US ambassador to Ukraine, now stationed in Greece
We can enjoy the things you list here without having to suffer a regressive, sexist, white supremacist, oligarchic, kakistocric multinational alliance in the bargain.
Oh. That’s why we were fighting in Syria. Glad you enlightened me. From my perspective, all sides were murdering misogynist racist fanatics.
C’mon. Let’s stop talking past each other.
If you’re laying the claim that you think Trump is sincerely seeking to keep us out of major military engagements, the coordinated messaging from the President and multiple tip top Administration officials in the last 24 hours which all furiously pound the drum for war with Iran is showing the foolishness of that credulous claim.
Trump and Congressional Republicans passed a budget which massively jacked up military spending. Why was that? Why does Trump brag incessantly about having increased Defense spending?
Never made any such claim.
I’m claiming the USA should keep their nose where it belongs and I believe a majority of the non-Russian non-Chinese world agrees with me, so don’t try that Putin Puppet crap.
It was shameful what Obama did in Syria. If Bush or Trump did what Obama did, Democrats would be screaming to high Heaven.
Was there room in the budget for “massive jacking”. Since you made the claim, what’s the Defense budget for 20008 thru 2018 in current dollars?
Hardly surprising seeing as how Democrats are always imposing sanctions on his country.
Democrats used to want to normalize relations with Russia. Now that the Democratic Party has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman-Sachs (look at the revolving door between G-S and the DNC) they emulate 1950’s Republicans who shouted about communists under every bed. Does someone have a different view? They are Communists! Does someone think workingmen need a break. They are Communists! Do they support Unions? Communists! Do they advocate higher taxes on the rich? Communists! Do they advocate against industry concentration? Communists!
Just substitute “Putin puppets!” for “Communists” above.
And real life Communists like the Chinese government? Hey they are OK! wall Street is making money there.
anybody talking about “new McCarthyism” and “totally political RussiaGate” is selling Putin’s agenda and is either a fool or a tool. The Counterpunch crowd are probably paid tools; the fools think believing this nonsense is proof of their independent thinking.
. . . come to think of it, trolls are often (though I think not always) also tools. I’m pretty sure some trolls troll not in service (at least consciously) to some master’s agenda, but just cuz they’re nasty, fucked-up individuals.
And anybody who does not recognize the new McCarthyism and the mainstream media’s totally politically-slanted coverage of “RussiaGate” is media pitch-deaf. Not that the Russians didn’t try to skew things here, but really!!! That’s just the usual tit-for-tat, Spy vs. Spy bullshit. And yes, every powerful government in the world is engaged in it.
The coverage of the whole Mueller vs. Trump thing and the “Blame Russia!!! For EVERYTHING!!!” act of the centrist media is laughable.
It’s #Me Too raised to the nth degree. No proof needed. Why do I say that? Because no “proof” has been offered, but the hype just keeps on coming..
After how many months of supposedly diligent work by the large parts of the Justice Department and the various spin-off groups of the Mueller investigation? Fifteen months!!! At a cost of over $16.7 million???!!! Hell, at that rate…at least according to Booman’s latest post (Bannon Wants to Lead a European Fascist Movement), they could have funded the Brexit movement nearly twice over. (Or of course opposed it by outspending it two to one.)
What do we have for our $16.7 million?
One nasty hustler in jail, another apparently cooperating with the investigation and 12 Russians “indicted.” And who’s gonna serve those papers? Putin?
Get real.
Show me the beef or shut up.
Victory for Trump … who has benefited the most from an upset election win? Israel and Netanyahu’s revenge!
Oops … Russian “crime boss” was at the time head of the Russian Central Bank. A meeting was set up with former head of Israel’s Central Bank, now working for the U.S FED:
From my diary @EuroTrib …
○ Collusion Russia ‘Spy’ Butina with Israeli Top Banker
Related reading …
○ International Coalition to Defeat Democrats and Hillary in 2016