Seth Ackerman assures us in Jacobin that Russiagate Can’t End Well for the Left and he accuses liberals of “using Russiagate to gin up nationalist fervor and anti-Russian paranoia.” Using the McCarthy Era as his predicate, Ackerman says this will backfire.
This is one of the most muddled pieces of political analysis I’ve ever seen.
To establish his baseline, Ackerman goes back to an admission President Harry Truman made in 1948 that the Red Scare was serving as a political distraction. But even this quote doesn’t do the work it is supposed to do. Truman accused the Republicans of “slandering a lot of people that don’t deserve it.” What’s true is that the Democrats were acting defensively and would continue to do so right up until the election of Dwight Eisenhower. There were legitimate reasons for this.
For one, and this should matter to anyone on the left who cares about the truth, we had just gone through a war in which our most important ally was the Soviet Union, run by one of history’s greatest monsters. The American public was not told the truth about Joseph Stalin because telling the truth about Joseph Stalin did not serve the war effort. Leaving the inherent appeal of communism vs. capitalism to the side, no sane person should have wanted to see more people come under Stalin’s thumb. Not only the American public, but the European and global public needed a corrective to see more accurately what life under Soviet domination actually meant or would mean.
Secondly, we had just entered a terrifying nuclear age and the Russians had stolen enough of our nuclear secrets to build their own atomic weapons. Soon they would master the thermonuclear device.
Thirdly, our World War Two ally China had fallen to the communists with negative consequences that are still being felt today.
Fourthly, in 1950 the North Koreans got the go ahead from Stalin and Mao to invade the South and then Chinese intervention assured that we could do no better than reach a stalemate in that conflict.
In this context, concerns about national security, the persistence of totalitarianism and threats to human rights were completely merited, and insofar as some people on the left failed to understand the gulf between the ideals of communism and the actual reality, that was a true problem.
Despite this, the era of McCarthyism set the left in this country back in many unmerited ways, in some cases for good. By joining in the witch hunt for hidden communist sympathies and by allowing left-wing political views to become suspect in general, liberals in that era unwittingly participated in their own loss of power and influence.
It’s this element of that history to which Ackerman is appealing to us now. But enough has changed that pieces don’t fit together in the puzzle.
Vladimir Putin’s Russia is in no way left-wing and there is no danger that sympathizing with his government will somehow undermine the left by association. The American organizations that are presently Russophilic are far to the right, including mainly gun rights extremists and (mostly Southern) white nationalists and evangelical Christians.
It’s also highly suspect to argue that liberals are ginning up nationalist fervor and anti-Russian paranoia simply for political gain. No doubt the Democrats saw political gain in exposing the Watergate scandal, but there was the little matter of a burglary of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee to consider. The Russians repeated that crime to much greater effect and now we have a president who is actively undermining NATO and the European Union, refusing to commit to the defense of some of our allies, ending joint military exercises with South Korean on Vladimir Putin’s advice, trashing our partners in Berlin and London, and promoting far right white nationalist parties aligned with Russia throughout Europe. Beyond that, Russia is still seeking to interfere with our elections and threaten our infrastructure while utilizing radioactive weapons, nerve agents and simple assassinations in allied countries to silence and intimidate their critics. In this context, it’s hard to be paranoid when there’s so much to legitimately detest and fear.
For Ackerman, the main threat is that anyone who attacks the establishment from the left will be suspected of having Russian sympathies and that will not only have a chilling effect that divides the left but it will serve as a bludgeon establishmentarians can use to maintain the status quo.
That is indeed a potential problem but one that has more basis in reality than Ackerman would like to admit. He dismisses as laughable the idea that the Russians could drive a wedge between the left or use their influence to promote hard left but unelectable candidates. But, it was Julian Assange himself who requested the DNC documents from Russian intelligence with the argument that they could best be used at the Democratic National Convention to create a wedge between supporters of Bernie Sanders and the party’s nominee, Hillary Clinton. That the Russians would like to keep tensions high on the left seems beyond dispute, and there’s no question that some people respond to their propaganda like Pavlovian dogs.
Apologists for Putin’s Russia are suspect because Russia has a malign influence and is unambiguously aligned with reactionary forces both here and abroad. If people on the left persist in making excuses for him then they invite suspicion and scrutiny. In this sense, we can see that people who were soft on Stalinism bore some responsibility for the excesses of the McCarthy Era. Unlike then, however, the spillover effect is highly unlikely to make left-wing economic ideas suspect. It’s more likely to make an NRA membership suspect.
That’s not an excuse for going down a path of “slandering a lot of people that don’t deserve it,” but it also shows no signs of “ending badly for the left.”
Russia is leading a transnational white nationalist movement and has captured our president. If the left is divided on how to respond, that’s on the left to fix.
Also we have actual “McCarthyism” happening right now with the president threatening intel community and former public officials with stripping of security clearances purely on the basis of them being ostensible “leftists” infiltrating the government and plotting against him. They’re not very sympathetic characters, but isn’t it funny how actual McCarthyism is happening and yet it’s ignored from the people yelling loudest about it being a problem in the future?
Ryan Cooper has a good response to this nonsense which is also being peddled by Corey Robin:
If the left cannot figure out how to fit an attack into a leftist framework against the richest man in the world who runs a mafia government, ratchets up attacks in Syria and funding warlords in Libya to purposefully create hundreds of thousands of refugees, and threatens democratic governance which is essential for building any kind of post-capitalist world worth living in, then “the left” as constituted as such is worse than useless.
But…of which “left” are we speaking?
The one that propped up Hillary Clinton and then proceeded to fail to get her elected? Th same people now in positions of maximum power in the Democratic Party?
‘Fraid so…
Do you know what is really “worse than useless?”
A neocentrist “left.”
And that is what we have today in the Democratic Party. Still thoroughly in control. It is being challenged, and it will eventually be beaten simply by demographics if by nothing else. But will that happen soon enough to be able to maintain the structure of the U.S. government as it now stands?
Under concerted and direct attack from its own president???!!!
Aye…there’s the question!!!
Yes this is all true, which is why I have always backed the left most candidates possible because I think Bernie Sanders’ like candidates have the best vision to fight these kinds of fascist threats abroad and internally. I think we need to rework the international trade institutions, not expand them simply to counter China’s power.
However, this has its limits, and if leaders can’t change with the times as the world moves, or recognize world altering events and proactively deal with them, we will be swallowed in the abyss regardless. I’m pretty confident that Hillary’s policy in Middle East wouldn’t have been good had she won in 2008 instead of Obama, but their different gut instincts with regard to the Arab Spring can’t be ignored, and I can’t help but wonder if we’d be on different trajectory. Obama’s foreign policy was one of sound vision in a vacuum, and it was one I agreed with in real time. Withdrawal from Middle East, detente with Iran, regional control rather than hedgemonic, and using international institutions. But as events changed, he had his mind set on where it was going, no matter what Egyptian revolutionaries thought. So his instinct was to side with the Egyptian military for “stability”. The world is on fire from this catastrophe, and it’s not something that’s just “happening over there”. It’s coming home, and not just because we invaded and occupied the region, but because we thought we could wait it out without dealing with the epicenter of the violence. I agreed with Obama in real-time, but I think the results are an obvious failure.
I think Bernie recognizes that, and he’s definitely been honing in on foreign policy lately. Good. The left needs to start taking it seriously rather than relying on neoconservatives and “realists”.
The aftermath of WWII placed in historical context is done very poorly. I recognize none of what you are saying.
I’m very sorry but also McCarthyism and the MK-ULTRA `brain-warfare’ has the same effects in today’s digital era. The age of effective propaganda has come to force with the wars of choice since 9/11.
I’m old enough to have lived through above years of the 50s – Eisenhower – Nixon – Kennedy – Johnson – Martin Luther King … I know propaganda when I see it … same for fascism. A shame I have left BooMan and have found a new home, a community across the Big Pond, the Atlantic.
you’re nonstop apologias for Russia may explain this.
Maybe another diary on the truth of the downing of MH17 will set the record straight.
. . . supposed to be doing? I could never suss that out through all the incoherence. (Admitting I never put that much effort into doing so cuz . . . well . . . you know.)
It’s understandable they were confusing. You had/have to be very careful clicking those links. You never knew which one would send you to an alt-right anti-Semitic cesspool. It made for a confusing message.
“Just trying to get both sides, donchaknow. What, you afraid of the truth?”
People of petty minds use slanderous false accusations when all arguments fail …
I have NEVER posted an anti-semitic article … NEVER!
When I make an analysis on the I-P issue my favorite links are legitimate Jewish publications as Jerusalem Post, Ynet News, The Forward, Mondoweiss and Tikun Olam of Richard Silverstein.
This blog and its present gang cannot sink much deeper!
My most recent diary @EuroTrib …
○ War On BDS, Progressive Left Under Attack
Related article …
○ International Coalition to Defeat Democrats and Hillary in 2016
It was certainly bigoted, the equivalent of racist if Jews were a “race”.
P.S. Substantive, factual challenge, dispute, rebuttal, and/or refutation of your garbage are neither “character assassination” nor “slanderous” nor “false”.
You know this, of course. But it’s convenient for you to pretend that criticism/downrating of what you do here is based on something (e.g., “dissent”) other than what it’s actually based on, even when the critics have explained with complete clarity the substance of the criticism/rating and the actual basis for it.
P.P.S. Troll-rating explained (i.e., why not “0”) and justified.
RE: Your serial trolling with the serial lie that “dissent” is what you get troll-rated for —
In fact, trolling — ^ like that! — is what you get troll-rated for. No matter how many times you lie that it’s for “dissent”, it will not change that fact.
A very obvious case-in-point: This comment I just troll-rated would not have earned a troll-rating (at least not from me) absent that very blatant and dishonest trolling quoted above. Demonstrating again that you’re lying when you pretend your trolling gets troll-rated for “dissent”, when the fact is that it gets troll-rated because it’s trolling.
Thx! I appreciate link to my excellent diary. 🙂
○ Jews Should Disown Stephen Miller, Trump’s Architect
This diary referenced the Jewish publication The Forward …
○ Jews Should Disown Stephen Miller Over Trump’s Family Separation Disgrace
Are the three of you so damn stupid or just playing a childish game! Worthless bunch of *@#*F …
About The Forward …
○ The Jewish Mission: We Are Witnesses
○ War On BDS, Progressive Left Under Attack
[hint (no charge!): with the comment you’re trying (but failing) to reply to open, you click the “Reply To This” link at the bottom of the comment, write your reply in the reply box that then opens, then click “Post Comment”. Duh!]
Instead, you routinely reply to yourself, which is beyond bizarre. Even weirder than that, your response is as unresponsive to yourself as it is unresponsive to the comment you’re trying but failing to “respond” to.
P.S. Troll-rating explained (i.e., why not “0”) and justified.
RE: Your serial trolling with the serial lie that “dissent” is what you get troll-rated for —
In fact, trolling — ^ like that! — is what you get troll-rated for. No matter how many times you lie that it’s for “dissent”, it will not change that fact.
A very obvious case-in-point: This comment I just troll-rated would not have earned a troll-rating (at least not from me) absent that very blatant and dishonest trolling quoted above. Demonstrating again that you’re lying when you pretend your trolling gets troll-rated for “dissent”, when the fact is that it gets troll-rated because it’s trolling.
JDW, our in-house hasbara troll …
○ War On BDS, Progressive Left Under Attack
○ Israel Lobby is Leading in Attack on Corbyn
○ New Fascist Pariah States America and Israel Lashing Out
○ International Coalition to Defeat Democrats and Hillary in 2016
On Israel I’m not alone!
○ Peace Activist Uri Avnery Dies at 94
Now I’m thinking of calling him “Da” or, better yet, “да.”
If he could pretend to speak english as a native language it might be more effective.
. . . have found a new home . . . “
Um, no. “A shame” would be the opposite of what that is, if it were true.
Except, of course, that here you are telling us what a shame it is that you’ve left. You see the problem with that, right?
Not only is Da/да still posting comments and giving out ratings, he is still posting diaries, even if I no longer see them on the front page. For that, I’m grateful. If Booman did that, I thank him.
As for the problem, I think a Goodbye Cruel World diary would be seen as more sincere if Da posted it on EuroTrib and then Frank told us about it.
I share the sentiment. Now if only a certain other commenter who self-plagiarizes comments as “stand-alone” diaries got the same treatment…
The genius of Putin’s Kompromat against Trump being that he gave the election to Trump is a gift that keeps giving.
The WH aides, cabinet members and Congress that have protected and enabled Trump have now joined Trump in that very same Kompromat. They are compromised.
The Evangelicals have given Trump cover while many acknowledge that Putin is indeed, bizarrely, the anointed leader of the Christian Right.
What Putin has managed to engineer makes McCarthyism look like kindergarten. Any progressive worth their salt knows the breadth of this battle.
“For Ackerman, the main threat is that anyone who attacks the establishment from the left will be suspected of having Russian sympathies … ”
Say what?
“If people on the left persist in making excuses for him then they invite suspicion and scrutiny. “
What left are you talking about? I mean, I know what left you’re talking about, but isn;t it a portion of the left that can’t seem to get its head around the fact that a gang of fascistic oligarchs are not on their side?
As for the “establishment”. I think Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can be considered “anti-establishment.” Do they love Putin? Is Trump a leftist?
Is this too confusing for y’all? I didn’t think so.
Also, where you say —
“… our World War Two ally China had fallen to the communists with negative consequences that are still being felt today.”
Yes, but in the context of your argument it’s misleading. Very often there are more than two sides to an issue. So I hope I will not be taken for a Maoist if I point out that Chiang Kai-shek was himself an absolutely awful, corrupt, fascist, whose power came from the support of the Chinese Mafia (Green Gang) and the opium trade. The big difference is that Chiang was also inept and unpopular.
McCarthyism, I mean the actual McCarthyism, was a product of the China Lobby, which was orchestrated by a coalition of Chiang and his circle plus the American extreme right (Birchers before the Birchers, since the JBS wasn’t founded until 1958). Madame Chiang, Claire Booth Luce, Alfred Kohlberg were among the big players.
Your analysis of McCarthyism and the mainstream is a bit unbalanced, because what in the late 40s-50s was considered MAINSTREAM PUBLIC OPINION would today be considered well left of center. None of the presidents in this whole period were anything but liberal.
This was the mainstream pubic opinion that found its champion in JFK.
Hence the ease with which Truman got his health care plan passed and Taft-Hartley repealed, culminating in the signature accomplishment of Adlai Stevenson’s second term, the Civil Rights act of 1957, and Voting Rights act of 1958.
I’m pretty sure we nationalized telecommunications in there somewhere.
Curious you could try to clobber me for that comment when the context was fucking McCarthyism and the China Lobby.
Yes, there was a right wing, what else is new?
I’ll tell you what. The “normalcy” of the New Deal and postwar demobilization, reconstruction, GI Bill, labor unions, etc. People raising families and supporting public schools. Corporations paid a lot more taxes. Liberal democrats and even liberal republicans campaigned as such and won elections. The civil rights movement grew out of that atmosphere.
I didn’t say it was paradise on earth nor did I say everything was better than now.
OK, stick to Soviet Union/Russia stuff.
Loyalty oaths would today be considered well left of center? They were mainstream public opinion then…
Legislative prohibition of far-left parties would today be considered well left of center? They were mainstream public opinion then…
Ideological policing of entertainment and pop culture would today be considered well left of center? They were mainstream public opinion then…
Bob Taft, an extreme conservative, was the leading congressional republican in 1951. So it’s understandable why the Republicans nominated him for President. Oh, wait a minute …
And incidentally, McCarthy was destroyed by 1954.
American broadcasting observed the fairness doctrine and the public service doctrine.
There was no Fox News in the 1950s, there was no RW talk radio.
The John Birch Society was founded in 1958, but it was far from mainstream in most of the country.
And there was this.
Good thing there was a right wing in this country in the 50s, or some of these comedians wouldn’t have had much material.
Isn’t it ironic for someone writing for a blog called Jacobin is arguing against nationalistic witch hunts? I mean… maybe a little?
Maybe not quite as ironic as this, but still…
Don’t think the Jacobin Magazine people actually seem to know much about the French Revolution and the role of the Jacobins in that revolution. They certainly weren’t “leftists” in any socialist sense, aside from Rousseau, who articulated, at best a pretty primitive “socialism” at best.
Re-reading my post, I didn’t mean to associate Rousseau with the Jacobins since he lived long before then. Bad writing.
Really great post. I have an additional dimension that informs my view of 20th and now 21st century American political history. The GOP in the 1920s were at their peak of reactionary capitalist hegemony in this country. This naturally led directly to the disastrous Great Depression. That, in turn, ushered in the truly historic reforms of FDR’s New Deal and especially a complete transformation of the northern Democratic Party that led to Democratic Party electoral hegemony for two decades. But, by the start of Ike’s first term, the GOP were in a position to start a systematic denigration of Democrats as soft on national security (McCarthism), big spenders and, with Truman’s integration of the armed forces, favoring minorities (over whites). Democrats who were strong on national security (like Kennedy and Johnson and lots of Congress critters) and still liberal domestically frustrated the GOP delegitimization effort for a while. That is…
Until Nixon also gave them the other key to delegitimization: the Southern Strategy. Gradual but steady mass conversion of Southern Democrats gave the GOP a huge new reactionary base to add to their existing reactionary capitalist base. The Result, especially since Reagan, predominant GOP hegemony has dragged the US not only in a politically polarized direction but a socially and economically polarized one as well.
Trump and the awful GOP Congress may be mobilizing enough voters to say, “No we won’t become an American version of Putin’s Russia” but it’s really not clear if that will be successful. What is clear is that the GOP and their media allies will never cease their efforts to eliminate all organized opposition to them.
After losing the arguments and your failure to silence me …
Paranoia – McCarthyism – [role Robert Kennedy] – MK-ULTRA – character assassination – group think – bullying tactics
The BooMan community at last resort finds it appropriate to end with insults?? A poor state of mind and morals.
Your are so terrific, big hearts … such fools. Reminds me also of the 1960s and anti-war protests.
○ The student movement and the antiwar movement (1965)
Ended in bloodshed at Kent University …
○ Lawsuit extends fascination with Kent State deaths 46 years on
US led wars in a nutshell:
(in parenthesis number of deaths)
Vietnam [lost] – (1,353,000)
Gulf War I [won] – (30,000)
Afghan War [17 yrs and counting] – (111,000)
Iraq War [1st of May 2003 – NOT mission accomplished] – (461,000)
Libya War [lost – country destroyed – arms flow to Maghreb and Syria] – (26,000)
Syria War [lost – country destroyed – Russia ends bloodshed] – (550,000)
○ The Cost Of War Since September 11, 2001
Dead soldiers – we call them our heroes …
US sanctions also kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians … I have no more tears.
Related reading diaries @EuroTrib …
○ Collusion Russia ‘Spy’ Butina with Israeli Top Banker
○ International Coalition to Defeat Democrats and Hillary in 2016
Most impressive, comrade!
Now go kill moose and squirrel!
. . . you claiming booman lost to you?
By what means do you claim he tried to silence you?
In what sense are you claiming he failed in that attempt you allege?
“Enquiring minds want to know.”
Can we have some actual negative consequences for Trump and Republicans, aside brief embarrassment at the inelegance of it all, before deciding the political left acknowledging, much less doing anything, about right wing oligarchs ratfucking western democracy is bad for liberals?
It has been awhile since I’ve seen numbers, but polling showed “Russiagate” is low priority for America voters. So, electorally, it isn’t an issue someone can run on. The issues liberals can and are running/winning on have nothing to do with Putin. Addressing those higher priority issues will go much farther in neutralizing a dirty money funded white nationalist movement than any direct actions against Russian mobsters who happen to also be government officials.
You write (emphasis mine):
I totally agree.
What polling are you referencing? Polling from Gallup that, for example, David Sirota was highlighting it being a low priority issue? It was around the same as other issues such as abortion, he was just doing his usual David Sirota schtick of being dishonest in favor of narrative.
However, new Quinnipac polling says:
I was remembering dated, pre-Helsinki stuff.
The linked Quinnipiac poll also shows the polled people are still split on whether Russia had anything to do with 2016 election (48 to 39 percent and within 3.5 error range)…and yet 63 percent of the same people are concerned they’ll hack 2018. Try to figure that logic out, cause I can’t.
Also, 54 percent believe current US/Russia relations are the fault of both countries.
So while it is one poll and polls are snapshots, it may be rising as an issue, but I still don’t think it is an electoral issue that a Democrat could run on.
. . . “within 3.5” MoE. It’s a difference of 9 percentage points, which is more than double the MoE, i.e., 7 points. (Double because the MoE applies to each estimate being compared. I.e., “48 percent” = 51.5-44.5%; “39 percent” = 42.5-35.5%. More precisely, this means that there’s a 95% [standard by convention, but arbitrary] probability that the two “true” values fall within those two ranges. Since the two ranges do not overlap, the result is outside, not within the MoE, i.e., it is a statistically “significant” difference.
Jus’ sayin’.
. . . are currently investigating the Russiagate ratfucking.
When that concludes, the ball will be in the court of elected officials with a Constitutional duty and oath of office to act on it.
That should all halt because polls show it’s not the most salient issue for Dems to run on (which, to my knowledge, they mostly aren’t doing anyway)?
Agreed it is not an either/or and Mueller’s full report could be a game changer.
My point was I don’t think Russiagate is currently tracking with voters in anyway for Ackerman’s argument to hold water. No voter is going to say “Well, I was going to vote Democrat, but how they’ve been treating the President over this Russia stuff just seems like McCarthyism to me!”
You write:
I totally agree.
But…definitions matter.
#1-“McCarthyism“…at least as the term is being widely used today…is a tactical approach that is used to win arguments. It has no intrinsic political position whatsoever and it can…and has…been used very effectively on many different levels. Attack, attack, attack. Deny, deny, deny. Use power…media power and/or personal/financial threat…to frighten people into silence and submission.
Macro and micro:
Macro: The Big Med/Big Pharma/Big Education/Big Food efforts of the last 60 years or more to silence critics of the entire U.S. health scam has been McCarthyite, for example. They have used huge wealth and power to essentially yell down those critics. Failing that? They have ruined many careers. Bet on it.
Micro: Daily Kos is a fine example. Neocentrist to the core, it has accused anyone who disagrees with the policies of the DNC with anything and everything possible in order to tar them as fascists, communists and/or common trolls. Failing that, it just bans them.
#2-“Anti-Putinism“…the real deal, not the kneejerk, neocentrist media-planted version thereof…is simply rational opposition to a particularly powerful and dangerous, gangster-run kakistocracy. You know…like the one Trump is trying to establish here? An essentially totally criminal kakistocracy instead of the at least partially benevolent “honest graft”-style kakistocracy now in power.
Like I said…definitions matter.