I am not an expert on how the Department of Justice typically works and there’s nothing typical about having an office of special counsel investigate the president, but it seems to me that Robert Mueller has performed a cunning bit of jujitsu on Donald Trump. Mueller declined to directly investigate Michael Cohen’s role in paying off the president’s mistresses or evidence that Cohen may have committed crimes related to his taxi business. Instead, he passed off what he had learned to prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Something similar happened in the case of suspected Russian spy Maria Butina who was indicted by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Mueller didn’t initiate or execute the searches of Cohen’s or Butina’s properties, and he isn’t going to court in either of their cases.
This seems to have completely confounded Trump and his attack dog Rudy Giuliani. They want to call this all a witch hunt and that’s precisely what they are doing, but their words don’t make any sense.
For example, last week the attorneys with the Southern District of New York called Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, to appear before a grand jury. This is undoubtedly because Michael Cohen told Trump on an audio recording that Weisselberg had advised him on how to set up dummy companies in Delaware to disguise the payments to his mistresses. That tape was seized in a search, but the search had absolutely nothing to do with Mueller.
Yet, Giuliani is saying that Trump is frustrated with Mueller’s team over the subpoena of Weisselberg because they “chase down every alley, then they end up with nothing.” Giuliani says Mueller should stop grasping at straws and produce a report because “enough is enough.”
But Mueller has kept himself one step removed from the Cohen case. He’s also one step, at least, removed from the Butina case. He could get fired tomorrow and it wouldn’t disrupt either of those investigations or associated trials.
At the same time, if either Cohen or Butina want to avoid doing substantial jail time, they’ll likely have to work out some kind of deal with Mueller. I doubt the Southern District will cut Cohen a break for exposing fraud in the New York taxi industry or spilling the beans on a coverup of an adulterous affair or two or six or twelve. They’ll want to know what Michael Cohen was doing in Prague and why he denied traveling there.
Likewise, if Maria Butina wants the U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia to go lightly she’ll have to help him roll up a larger spy ring and understand how the National Rifle Association spent Russian money in the 2016 campaign. No plea deal for her will come cheap.
I think Mueller must be getting a kick out of watching people argue about what Trump knew or didn’t know about payments to a Playboy Playmate when clearly that has nothing to do with what Cohen is expected to divulge. The president is attacking Mueller personally now because he’s upset about investigations, but these are investigations that Mueller is not directing. He’s working on Paul Manafort and dozens of other leads, and if Cohen and/or Butina want to come to him and make some proffers, he’ll be happy to hear them out.
Indeed Trump & Giullani’s responses have been the best links to date of the conspiracy amongst the Trump team and gotta love that Rudy is peddling the reasoning now that it doesn’t matter if there was collusion because hacking was the crime.
As if there is only one crime that’s been committed. The guilt is so thick it looks like the opposite of throwing spaghetti on every wall to see what sticks. They’re peeling every strand of spaghetti every thrown off the walls.
You write:
That is precisely what they are doing.
And…so far…it continues to work.
Roy Cohn redux.
Go here for my own take on the same subject: The Digital Curtain-Contemporary Successor to the Iron Curtain. Bet on it.
Somewhat more…lengthy…but examining the same tactic from another perspective.
Subtract the possibility/probabiliy of truth from each strand of spaghetti and what do you have?
Chef Boyardee spaghetti.
Canned spaghetti.
Cheap, tasteless and totally without nourishment. And quite possibly poisonous in large doses.
Trump in a nutshell.
Thank God significant crimes can be prosecuted in a state that Trump does not own (though ironically it’s the place he’s most associated with). Thank God presidents lack the power to pardon beyond the federal judiciary.
NY State and Washington DC courts?
Both areas total swampland?
Do not waste much faith on them.
Just DC, only smaller.
Just as corrupt.
Bet on it.
I don’t think Giuliani’s chasing anything. The primetime/major circulation media itself rarely acknowledges the differences between the investigations and; therefore, the public is even less aware.
Giuliani’s job is to keep the primetime cable news discussions superficial and focused on Mueller, his legitimacy, and possible Deep State conspiracies. He’s Trump’s defense team media flack because he’s “America’s Mayor” and BFFs with several NYC Media executives. So he draws eye balls and will be able to get on TV to work on undermining the Public’s opinion of the investigation anytime it’s needed.
Ghouliani is… not good at that job.
I had that same thought after I posted it.
But, as we’ve see throughout the administration, actually being good at anything doesn’t matter because no one with real power and/or influence that will call bullshit on them for a myriad of reasons.
. . . you actually managed to accomplish some unalloyed good here, at least so far.
Giuliani is still an attorney the way Terry Bradshaw is still a quarterback.
Also like Terry, there isn’t a TV producer who would keep their job if they refused to book Rudy or a TV “news” personality who could say “Good Lord. Are you this stupid or do you think our audience is?” on the air.