(I started this piece in response to Booman’s recent post “Bipartisan Coalition May Elect Next Speaker.”[<http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2018/8/1/163826/4222>]

It grew, and in deference to our own fine, loyal DemRat gang member marduk, I am initially posting it as a standalone. Read on.)

Booman wrote:

Bipartisan Coalition May Elect Next Speaker


“Bipartisan coalition,” eh?

A contemporary translation follows:

A coalition of neocentrist DemRats and RatPubs

“For the good of the country” is surely what they are saying to excuse this possible breach of political anti-decorum.

A “bipartisan coalition?”

Another contemporary translation:

A (temporary) alliance between the two heretofore dominant Swamp gangs.


1-To defeat the insurgent Trump gang, which is plainly after the other two gangs’ territories.

And also:

2-To defend against the new, much less criminal leftiness gang that wants to clean up both sides of the Swamp.

Is this not what I have been saying all along?

At least the DemRat gang successfully managed to fend off the initial challenge of the New Leftiness gang when Clintonite rule was challenged in 2015/2016. However, the RatPub gang got its ass kicked by the Trump gang in the initial primaries war, and the Trump gang then…apparently wth the help of some other, way out of town gangs…eventually assumed control of the Mansion del Capo di Tutti Capos, also known as the White House.

Now? The New Leftiness gang is once again beginning to feel its oats. It’s no wonder…the criminality of all of the rival gangs is becoming progressively more plainly apparent as the gang wars go on. The DemRat and Ratpub gangs are under attack from both sides of their territories. They are of course both nearing their dotage, but they are also both supported by powerful corporate and economic Dukes and Princes plus massive overt and covert armies.

What will happen?

The tension mounts!!!

Stay tuned.

The final chapter of this season’s Game of Drones will air in November.

Bet on it.

I’m gonna follow every episode with bated breath!!!

Bet on that as well.


It’s like television, only it’s all of our asses that are on the line.





P.S. Update [2018-8-3 2:33:15 by Arthur Gilroy]:


As I said above, marduk recently pitched a bitch about my fairly recent habit of posting a response to someone else’s post and then…after realizing that it stood well enough by itself to be a standalone post…posting it as a standalone. I thought that idea made at least a little sense, so I have recently not been posting long responses on others’s posts. Instead, I have been posting them as standalones and then posting a comment to point to that standalone so that interested parties can join in there after than take the risk of pirating others’ posts.