Looks like the notorious gun lobbying group is having some financial issues, as Rolling Stone Reports.

If the NRA is to be believed, it will have to shut down its video streaming outlet soon. Another propaganda source bites the dust. Apparently the organization is having some troubles accessing insurance and other financial services. In this case, its financial problems stem from financial mismanagement during the 2016 campaign that got the NRA’s man in the White House and from this little scheme that got it in legal hot water with the state of New York:

The lawsuit stems from actions taken by New York financial regulators to halt the sale of an illegal, NRA-branded insurance policy. The NRA actively marketed “Carry Guard,” a policy to reimburse members for legal costs incurred after firing a legal gun. In May, the state of New York found that Carry Guard “unlawfully provided liability insurance to gun owners for certain acts of intentional wrongdoing.” The NRA’s insurance partners agreed to stop selling the policies and pay a $7 million fine.

I doubt a lot of folks in these parts will miss the NRA, and finding a sympathetic audience in court may be more difficult given recent events (e.g., Mariia Butina’s infiltration efforts on behalf of the Russian Federation).

I don’t have a lot to say here. The brand has become increasingly toxic in recent years. Its propaganda had become more unhinged. Its apologists had looked unsuccessfully for scapegoats to deflect attention from the role of firearms in mass shootings (NRA blamed violent video games, in spite of the fact that there is zero evidence to support the claim). It’s had to scrub its rating system from the Internet Tubes in order to protect politicians who’ve benefited from its largess. We may be watching what was once considered a formidable organization fall. Don’t celebrate yet, but do be aware of this recent development.