What we’re witnessing here is one of the most famously difficult maneuvers in combat, the attempt to carry out an organized withdrawal:
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2018
“Collusion with Russia was very real. Hillary Clinton and her team 100% colluded with the Russians, and so did Adam Schiff who is on tape trying to collude with what he thought was Russians to obtain compromising material on DJT. We also know that Hillary Clinton paid through….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2018
Armies are built to fight, not retreat, and success is built on and breeds confidence which is hard to sustain while in flight:
A withdrawal is a type of military operation, generally meaning retreating forces back while maintaining contact with the enemy. A withdrawal may be undertaken as part of a general retreat, to consolidate forces, to occupy ground that is more easily defended, or to lead the enemy into an ambush. It is considered a relatively risky operation, requiring discipline to keep from turning into a disorganized rout or at the very least doing severe damage to the military’s morale.
Sometimes, ordering a retreat can be a brilliant strategy. If you can find more advantageous ground to defend or buy time to bring up reinforcements then you may avoid disaster and later turn it into victory. In some cases, it’s possible to create overconfidence in the enemy and lure them into a trap. But it’s extremely hard to keep good order and morale when giving up ground to the enemy, and quite often retreats suffer from lack of discipline or even panic and desertion.
Trump has said “no collusion” dozens and dozens of times, but now he argues that there was collusion on both sides. There may have been no point in trying to hold this ground which could not be defended in any case , but having ceded it to the enemy Trump has no prospect of ever regaining it. He colluded (and lied about it), and now the question is whether or not this matters.
Trump, like any president, has many weapons. And he has a good infrastructure for sending out his talking points and orders. But his greatest asset is that he is presumptively immune from prosecution for so long as he remains in office, and that means that he can make extremely bad or even suicidal legal arguments without worry. If he has good reason to believe that these arguments will help him fend off impeachment, then they make strategic sense.
This retreat is highly unlikely to work as an ambush, but it does give him more defensible ground. He will now dig trenches on the “Hillary did it, too, and it was even worse” hill. He’ll set up artillery posts on the adjacent “anyone else in my position would have done the same” hill.
These are last refuges of a scoundrel, no doubt, by they are still formidable obstacles.
The way to mount these obstacles is not to attack them frontally with factual or legal refutations, although a feint in that direction will have to be sustained. The way to take Trump out now is to outflank and encircle him with political and moral arguments about his fitness as a leader and his prospects for success. His defenders must become convinced that their position is hopeless and that their general has no prospect of extracting them.
This is one reason why it’s a particularly bad idea to demonstrate doubt, fatalism, or defeatism about the prospects for a successful rout. It signals to his defenders that they are on safe and defensible high ground. Battles like this sometimes turn on small things, including demonstrations of confidence.
Trump’s new lies might work if they are given time to metastasize, which is why he must be pursued vigorously as he retreats. The “no collusion” line has been overrun. Whether this turns into a decisive rout remains to be seen.
Helmuth von Moltke
Art Lykke
Institute of Public Relations
Eric Flint/David Drake quoting Belisaurius”
Can the above be deleted????
. . . “Contact” link in Menu box, top of right sidebar has e-mail address link.
In fact, as far as I know, that’s the only way it could be done.
. . . in those tweets. By that I mean he doesn’t explicitly concede there was collusion nor explicitly acknowledge retracting his “no collusion” mantra. I’ll actually be surprised if he doesn’t continue making the claim even though it’s completely untenable within Reality. But then, as I’ve noted here several times, collusion’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt ever since the e-mails inviting Junior to the meeting promising him dirt on Hillary on behalf of Russia and its government, and him eagerly accepting (“I love it”) became public. Trump didn’t drop the claim (ok, lie) then, so I’m not convinced he’s dropping it now without him doing so explicitly.
Obviously, the facts admitted in those e-mails DO logically add up to an admission of collusion:
But the blatant self-contradiction of “when Schiff did it it’s collusion, when we did it it wasn’t” has never been the sort of thing to give Trump pause before, so it’s unclear to me why it would now. It’s unclear whether this is out of sheer stupidity — i.e., he just can’t grasp that he did, in fact, just admit to collusion. Or he just doesn’t care that what he says is blindingly, obviously false and self-contradictory (as reprising “no collusion” after those tweets will obviously be). I’m completely convinced both those explanations, plus their combination, are in play in all of Trump’s endless lies, it’s just a question of in what relative proportions for any particular lie.
So my money (though not much of it!) says we haven’t yet heard/seen the final “no collusion!” from Trump.
He can always resurrect any lie whenever he wants.
That was yesterday. This is today. “We have always been at war with East Asia.”
The totalitarian mind-set is that reality is whatever Dear Leader says it is. The GOP will all fall into step.
The only question is who will buy the lie when it’s resurrected. Trump’s critics are at a disadvantage because they depend on truth and continuity. And Trump can lie faster than anybody can refute his lies.
Trump is at a disadvantage himself because the number of people willing to believe his lies is shrinking steadily.
. . . Humpty Dumpty (if Humpty’d had a hoard of brainwashed, submissive sycophants for a “base”):
Works so long as Republicans hold all the levers and the base holds those very same Republicans by the short hairs. But as soon as Democrats retake the House, this strategy quickly collapses.
My prediction is we take the House this year and then both the Senate and the White House in 2020. Unfortunately really cleaning up politics could take much longer and meanwhile the Earth cooks. We may be incapable of preventing our own extinction.
Marcy seems to think those tweets are a problem like a conspiracy.
I suppose he can always create another lie to make this one go away but it is getting increasingly difficult.
We seem to have forgotten this is the second time in the 21st century that the United States has facing an emerging crisis with an embattled conservative wet-dream Glorious Leader! President that the Republican base remained 100% behind regardless of daily revelations of corruption and incompetence.
Now, like then, the new lie will only metastasize IF the corporate media allows it to.
If the Beltway BothSider-ists see this lame, juvenile, and predictable But-Everyone-Else-Does-It-And-Evil-Hillary-Did-It-MORE!!!!! excuse as a viable talking point then it will be made to work.
If they do not, then, like with W, the Defenders will run out on Trump in order to save (and likely advance) their own careers and preserve the Republican army and its supporting infrastructure. The Republican Party from 2007 to 2016 made for one hell of domestic insurgency that neutered any blowback, avoided accountability, and returned them to power even stronger than before in under a decade.
I agree there was no collusion. There was a conspiracy to illegally dig up,dirt on Hillary with a foreign power and it was plain as day when he called it out to Russia to find those emails. And Russia responded. Conspiracy. Run and hide now Donnie. It was not nice to know you.
. . . “conspiracy”. Saw piece recently (but, sorry, too lazy to find it again) with some legal-eagle-beagle expert pointing this out and, basically, ridiculing Trump’s attempt to hide behind “no collusion” as Mueller’s investigation inexorably piles up a bulletproof case for its synonym “conspiracy” (which would be the actual legal charge in any indictment).
I want to take the no collusion defense away from him. It never made sense to me anyway.
. . . is 1) false; and
2) no defense anyway. Just something for Trump to stupidly and desperately cling to and hide behind.
Here, I found it (momentarily overcome by unlaziness):
Of course, there is no collusion. He just confessed to conspiracy after twenty times saying it was about adoptions.
For his defenders the question becomes, which is worse ‘can he no longer defend himself and my defense of him or can he still take me down if I don’t defend him?’ Third option may just now be sinking in, he’s going down and we’re outflanked can I find my own hill to shelter on or can I raise my own white flag?
In this case for the defenders, the truth is the best surrender or maybe even best offensive.
It has been reported the cars in parking lot for the Ohio rally had mostly out of state license plates. The local folks did not show up. The election in this district will be about the donald and his lies.
Is it time to get him booted off twitter?
Has anyone seen any word of condemnation or even concern from anyone in the GOP following Sunday’s revelations?
Of course not.
They want America to become a one-party state.
I predict they will simply ignore the news and try to “brass it out.”
No it hasn’t, because — like “fake news” or “drain the swamp” — the phrase has been altered by Trump to mean something other than what it actually means; for him and his supporters, its essence has been stripped away.
To any reasonable person (even one who disagrees or disapproves), “fake news” clearly means Orwellian/Stalinist propaganda and “drain the swamp” means getting the corrupt lobbyists and influence peddlers out of Washington. But Trump neither understands nor cares about that; to him they’re something else — they’re like advertising slogans (especially the pointedly meaningless ones like Coke’s “It’s the real thing”). (Notably, they’re both phrases he’s publicly bragged about having “invented.”) “Fake news” and the “swamp” are just meaningless images of an enemy, like McDonalds’ “Hamburglar,” who wants to steal the food — it’s just a primary-color reference to anti-Trump forces.
Likewise “collusion,” which means, “the bad thing my enemies are accusing me of doing.” He didn’t do it! (Notice he never uses the verb “collude”; he may not even be aware that it is a verbal noun.) “Collusion” is that bad stuff, that makes an election illegitimate…and that’s not him! He won fair and square.
So forget about Trump or his followers giving up the “no collusion!” mantra. You ask too much of them. They’d have to actually be discussing “collusion” in some reasonable legal sense, and they’re just not. Like “fake news” or the “swamp,” “collusion” is just a nasty puppet in an TV ad; a black smear in a political cartoon. It has no actual meaning.
What Trump means when he says he will `drain the swamp’ is that he will remove the taint that the black guy brought to the White House.
It’s a dog whistle, one his followers hear loud and clear.
(Well, except for the bit about paying the ones he abuses — and paying the ones who do the most work extra.)
All your talk of a `disciplined withdrawal’ reminded me of a classic example….Gettysburg. The Union Army withdrew from Gettysburg, giving up the town for a better, and higher, position…Cemetery Ridge. The `little thing’ that saved the position? Little Round Top.
One thing about those tweets, and the necessity of a withdrawal. They went out Sunday morning. What happened Saturday night? Hope Hicks was on Air Force One.
Yet another lie the Orange Fuhrer gives up on. The starting point for the media dealing with Trump has got to be he has zero credibility, and anything he says can’t be treated as “news” or bothsided into faux legitimacy.
The question isn’t whether Trump will manage to avoid impeachment. Nobody thinks the Republican Senate will vote to convict him. Not even if he really does shoot someone in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.
The real question is whether these revelations will further erode the power of the GOP, especially in the fall elections.
If Trump takes ground to avoid impeachment that makes him and his party more unpopular that’s a win, even if he avoids impeachment. The longer he stays in office and keeps blundering, the worse it is for the GOP.
And I am not at all convinced that Mike Pence will be any better, in fact he’ll be far worse because he’s a lot more mature and doesn’t respond to everything on Twitter, yet he’s just as insane as Trump.
Yes, good point. Pence would be awful as he wants to impose a theocracy, though he couldn’t but he would be much more disciplined about destroying democracy within his two-year time frame. He is otherwise unelectable.
One reason why the OH special election tomorrow is especially important because Trump actually went to Colombus to rally for the Trumper candidate. If he goes down to defeat or is just narrowly elected in this overwhelmingly GOP district that should be a tell-tale sign that Trump’s endorsement is worthless except in the hardcore reaactionary districts and states.
How do people keep falling for this? DT isn’t an adult. He is a child. He isn’t capable of strategy. He just smears crap on your screens and hopes you don’t mind the stink. He won’t stick to this. He’s just deflecting.
The premise that this is a defensible strategy is suspect as well. Pointing the finger at someone else to take the blame? That is the strategy of a four-year-old.