Heart of the Rockies commented on Booman’s most recent Casual Observation post:

Everyone I know is dealing with burn out.

I am active in a local group working to register and inform voters and GOTV.  We are all struggling and trying to prop each other up until we get through this election season.

Read on.


That is precisely the thing that I have been seeing and reporting upon regarding my travels through PA/NY/NJ TrumpLand over the last several months.


Anxiety burnout.

And…this is exactly Trump’s winning tactic. He learned it from Roy Cohn and has used to good effect it in his business dealings, in his (un)reality show, in his primary run, in his presidential run and he is now using it in his presidency.

He just keeps on hammering…low-effort hammering like Twitter and ego-stroking/self-fueling-for-a-narcissist hammering, like his rallies…and assigns the real work to his subordinates, almost all of whom eventually “burn out” themselves after he hammers on about getting “More!!! More!!! MORE!!!” from them.

Or else, of course?

You’re FIRED!!!

His ultimate weapon.

Now? He has finally reached the most powerful “firing” position in the world.

All I can say is…no matter in what manner you choose to work against him (and/or perhaps against other, opposing forces that are as crooked as is he):






I hear and see this everywhere these days.

From working class and middle class whites.

From smart millennial academic types.

From all angles except the truly poverty-stricken, who have either been “burned out” for a long time or have an anger-driven fire that is hard to quench.

Even Booman has been suffering from it.

People are exhausted from the continuous stress.

Anxiety burnout.

That’s Trump’s game.

All I can say is…do whatever you need to do to refresh yourself and then go on about your work.

The alternative is totally unacceptable.

I’m lucky, in a manner of speaking. What I do…make real music…is what refreshes me, so I get stronger while I fight.

Tonight, for example? (8/30/18)

With The Awakening Orchestra…a wonderful, ground-breaking composer’s (Kyle Saulnier) large ensemble…at ShapeShifter Lab in Brooklyn, a great performance space run by Matthew Garrison, the son of John Coltrane’s long-time bassist Jimmy Garrison.

Pretty much pro bono, and worth every hour of the many rehearsals and performances we have done over the past several years.

Highly politically charged, as well.

The set:

Prelude & Fanfare: The Patriot.

Lux Aurumque

I Can See My Country From Here

The Words, They Fail To Come.

We live, as long as we continue to fight.





Fight your own way.

But continue to fight!!!

As I said…the alternative is totally unacceptable.
