Welcome back, music lovers. It may no longer be Wednesday on the East Coast, but it is still Wednesday somewhere, yeah? I tend to have a full schedule from the moment I get up til the moment I come home from my side gig at night. But enough of that. You are here for some tunes.

This week I want to focus on some of the music that influenced my formative years. Because of some quirks in my dad’s business travel schedule, I was allowed to stay up late quite a bit. Whether that was necessarily a wise judgment call on my mom’s part is another matter, I suppose. Then again, I was already naturally inclined to be nocturnal. The cool thing was I discovered some late night TV, include the classic era of SNL. The wide variety of then-cutting-edge musical guests was quite mind-blowing, at least for an early adolescent living in one suburban wasteland after another. The series and the music seemed to fit whatever teenage angst I was going through at the time. I never heard pop or rock music in the same way again. I’d discover a few other late night shows, that would expose me to all manner of artists who would have made my parents cringe at the time. So let’s do a bit of time traveling, shall we?

Talking Heads quickly became a go-to band for me. They had just the right blend of talent and quirkiness, and they would end up being one of the gateway bands to such talents as Brian Eno, Adrian Belew, and Jon Hassell. More to come. Stay tuned.