So, I was planning a lot of things for today including a thank you to all the people who have contributed time, money or suggestions over the last week, but then my computer died last night. So, I just spent my morning confirming that it’s not worth fixing and shopping for a new beast. And I’ve set it up now to the point that I can write this. All seems normal with the new machine except that it appears that they have destroyed TweetDeck by turning it into Twitter. This greatly angers me as I used the old column system rather aggressively to keep tabs on numerous issues/stories of interest to me. Is there a solution?
Anyway, thank you to everyone who has lent a hand and I’ll shoot for tomorrow to get into some thoughts on your feedback.
Meanwhile, go ahead and talk about Woodward.
Woodward has hung all the dirty laundry out on the line. Is it worse than we imagined? I don’t think so because most of our minds have been running wild with speculation.
Josh Marshall has posted what I’m calling the Cliff Notes version– highly condensed WaPo story to the juiciest quotes.
Always remember…Woodward is a CIA asset.
Always was and always will be.
Read this for more:
Bob Woodward…ALL smoke and mirrors?
All of you rooting for the (hitherto “bad old”) CIA in its perfectly obvious attempt to get rid of Trump?
Be careful what you wish for.
You might get it.
Waterboard democracy, bipartisan-style.
Jes’ like them good ol’/bad ol’ days.
You remember, right?
Bush I?
Clinton I?
Bush II?
Like dat.
Holy shit you’re a fool.
Remember when Woodward helped out Valerie Plame thanks to Scooter Libby’s leaks?
Proving your ancient post to be 100% exact-opposite wrong?
Obviously new facts made no impression whatsoever on your fantasy world.
. . . is appropriate in direct proportion to the weight of the preponderance of the factual evidence for a given proposition.
It’s confirmation bias all the way down.
But Jesus! He’s been spewing this same garbage — unvarying to accommodate Reality ever — for 13 straight years?!?!
So the TLDR is that literally everybody who comes into contact with Trump recognizes that he’s a total joke: a crazy, ignorant, incompetent moron that has to be actively prevented from lighting the world on fire.
In other words, exactly what everyone with a few brain cells to knock together recognized back during the campaign.
I’m actually surprised there’s been no effort to start 25th amendment section 4 removal proceedings. A significant number of his cabinet is clearly aware he’s incapable of performing the duties of president.
. . . Who coulda predicted that’d prove to be a bad idea?
As long as they get their tax cuts, racism, and deregulation, there is zero chance of impeachment or 25th amendment (which requires the same 2/3 Senate vote as impeachment). None, zip, nada, get over it.
have you tried the tweetdeck plugin for chrome?
Is it a working solution? Don’t look at me, I have no idea!
I just got in with https:/ …
I use Falcon to get the same experience on Android.