Now that Christine Ford has come forward, there’s a real human face on the Kavanaugh attempted rape allegation. In my view this changes everything.
No doubt McConnell’s first inclination will be to just push forward. That’s what he’s done each time he’s faced such a choice and perhaps it’s what he’ll do. If so, the price just got bigger. Probably a lot bigger.
Trump has focused a lot of outrage against policies that predate him and cut deeper than his presence. He just makes what’s been going on for many years impossible to ignore. The group most outraged of all has been woman.
Without a reasonable share of female voters, Republicans cannot win. Once middle aged and elderly women turn on them, they’re done. If young women are motivated to turn out in numbers, they’re done. And there’s no way to pin a Kavanaugh confirmation on Trump. The whole party takes the bullet.
I’m honestly not sure what they’ll do. On the one hand, this is their big chance to tilt the court so far to the crazy-right, we may never recover. On the other hand, the outrage it will engender could destroy their party for a generation or more. Might be smarter to pull back, make the case that he’s being unfairly targeted by crazy liberals and use it to generate turnout of their base voters (apt pun not unintentional).
McConnell’s more than smart enough to see the choice. In a way it’s not unlike the Democratic Party’s decision to push forward with the ACA after Scott Brown’s election in Massachussettes. It was predictable that our voters would be fat and happy while their’s would be stoked. Numerous representatives took enormously courageous votes, sacrificing their political futures to coalesce a significant advance in the law.
Republicans are now faced with a similar choice, the difference being that our party was driving by idealism whereas theirs is driven mostly by greed. But the mechanics are similar. Take the big gain now and hope you don’t get so overwhelmed that it can be rolled back versus slip away and hope to fight another day.
I think our party did the right thing by passing the ACA and deal with the consequences but, frankly, I think they’re screwed either way. Unlike the ACA, which is fundamentally a good thing and thus hard to undo, a radical right Supreme Court will generate a lot of push-back. Rolling back modernity by taking on Roe or Griswold will engender rage. At the same time, old people are dying off and the country continues to diversify ethnically, leaving Republicans a limited window in which to push their authoritarian agenda. Keeping it going will require true authoritarian choices which will need the support of a radical court.
Very high stakes choices! Interesting times!
Let me take a shot at fixing the link:
Hope that works.
Nope, didn’t work. Managed to change the link in the diary to a Washington Post link that does work. Wish I knew how to make a hyperlink.
Figured it out! Proving once again that a decrepit old website can force a decrepit old brain to stretch beyond what it thought possible. ;0)
Big News!!!
Hottest thing ever!!!
A drunken, private school/frat boy/future Yalie type tried to force himself on a female while in his late teens!!!
I hated those motherfuckers when I ran into them in the mid-’60s and I have continued to hate them ever since.
I am sorry for this woman’s trouble(s), but if this is big news, then almost the entire U.S. upper-middle class white male power structure…including Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and probably Bush II during his drinking years as well, bet on it…should be dismantled immediately.
I’m all for that, actually, although there will undoubtedly be some defenders of the DemRat status quo here that will accuse me of wanting to somehow “tear down the country.”
But they needn’t worry.
‘Cuz it ain’t gonna happen!!!
That’s why.
Maybe it will work on Kavanaugh.
I hope so.
And maybe if that comes to pass…maybe, just maybe…it will be the turning point of the 2018 election for the DemRats and they will take both houses of Congress.
It makes no matter that they will still be mostly whorehouses, though.
At least the madams and pimps will be libruls.
And I support that idea.
Because at least those pimps and whores will be more intelligent than the previous group.
Let us pray.
Or be preyed upon.
i don’t see that this changes anything. Tell me whose vote in the Senate changes, i don’t see one. we’re going to get Kavanaugh and a court that’s fascist for the next 30 years, and there’s zip we can do about it.
Maybe, but the price is a lot higher. McConnell was likely working behind scenes trying to get Manchin and Heitkamp on board so he could let potentially let Collins vote no if the temperature in the kitchen got too hot back home. Now? He has no room.
If it were me? I’d pull the nomination and put up someone to be confirmed during lame duck. But now they risk not getting a seat at all. Trump won’t back down, until maybe he will — and then it will be too late.
This seat is in serious danger, as are the rest of the judicial bench McConnell planned to stack. It endangers their Senate Majority to confirm him. Are they willing to pay that price?
I agree Seabe. Think the smart move would be to slow down and use it to generate turnout. But Mitch hasn’t asked for my opinion.
They need to put it on the calendar and get with the program now, though. If the vote scheduled is in any way delayed, there will be more hearings on this. Which means more delay and less time to line up a new nominee. If they don’t act now, they’ll miss the chance.
Screw “delay”. In private I’d be demanding Trump withdraw the nomination, tomorrow, and pick another federalist society clone from the list. If they don’t get on the ball soon it’s going to be October before they know it, and then maybe two weeks later his nomination is pulled. Now it’s November, and all of the sudden you lost the Senate. Now you need to schedule stuff before January and the new Congress is sworn in. Not much time.
There’s plenty of time now. But only if they pull the nomination and do it now.
You may be right, man. Lots of strategic choices and of course only hindsight is 20/20. Right now the cards are in the air. The leaders do not want to pause. Jeff Flake claims he wants a delay but I wouldn’t count on him to hold firm. Collins seems like she’s looking for an excuse, any excuse, to not withdraw support.
By tomorrow they’ll have coalesced around a strategy, at least for the moment. If another credible woman comes forward, then I think they’ll probably pull the nomination and look for someone with less skeletons.
Murkowski and Corker are also suggesting the vote be delayed. None of them have working hearts, so I assume they are considering the political cost – both the loss of voters and the increased chance the Democrats will expand the court in 2021. So at this point delay is possible. They would want to slow the process down in hopes that the outcome becomes clearer – either the allegations get weakened, or Kavanaugh withdraws.
Flake may have a little more spine than usual on this because he is probably fantasizing about a political comeback after Trumpism gets burned out of the party. Acquiescing to putting an attempted rapist like Kavanaugh on the court wouldn’t be good for that in a universe where that comeback were possible. We aren’t in such a universe, but he doesn’t know that.