Moll Flanders wrote a comment on Booman’s recent post, “Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination Should Be Withdrawn.” (<>)

Whoa, they’re sticking with him? Fine by me. If they want to have a referendum on gang banging right before the midterms, do be it.

I agree they’ve known he’s a pig all along. But I think they’d have preferred to hide it. John Roberts would have preferred it. His head is exploding as we speak.

Dems have to find a way to question him. They have to. If they can’t, they have to distill the most credible of the known info and bash the daylights out of the GOP with it. ONLY the most credible info: they can’t go overboard because it creates sympathy. We want NO sympathy.

I started a reply and it grew, so I am now posting it as a standalone.

Read on.

You write:

1-“…they’ve known he’s a pig all along.”



Thank you.

They certainly have.


2-“Dems have to find a way to question him.”

Y’see…here’s where the real problem in this setup begins to appear:

Many of “the Dems” are also pigs, and even most of those who are not pigs are owned/supported/financed by other, even worse pigs. Where…and when…does this ongoing pig dance end???!!!

The Kavanaugh thing is just politics. If the shoe were on the other (Dem) foot, the Ratpublicans would be on whatever attack that they best thought would work in a political manner.

The real problem is societal. I personally would be very happy to see this Kanvanaugh brouhaha become the straw that breaks the Republicans’ back in November, but it would be just be one cauterized drop in the ongoing, bloody maelstrom of piggishness that we laughingly refer to as “The Ruling Classes of the United States.”

I know these people…up close and personal. I have known them all of my adult life. George Bernard Shaw once said “The artist is the elite of the servant class.” Yup. I am a musician, and I have been serving these pigs…reluctantly, and as little as is economically possible…since my early college years in Ithaca NY, home of Cornell University. I played at their frat parties…disgusting, beer-drunk affairs from start to finish…where I first saw the soul of the .01% in all of its piggish glory. And the Dekes…Delta Kappa Epsilon, the fraternity to which Kavanaugh freely pledged at Yale…were the worst of the worst.

Need I point out the undoubted piggishness of the two most famous (so-called) “liberal” Democratic presidents of the last 60 years…JFK and Bill Clinton? Let alone LBJ, who once boasted that he had “…gotten more pussy on accident than JFK ever got on purpose.”

So…what do we really get if we manage to derail the Kavanaugh appointment?

We get a political sea change, quite possibly.

But it will be a cosmetic change at best.

Wall Street will still be Wall Street…I’ve played at their functions, too. Sneering men in expensive suits with trophy wives…the women who didn’t complain about being objectified, all in the name of profit and security…from the same “Deke”-like milieu. Think Trump, only toned down a little. The bandstand is a good place to watch them as they get drunk and show their true colors. Bet on it. Stomach-turning.

And yet…and yet…these people pretty much rule the world. They really do.

So…by all means, support the anti-Kavanaughs.

Of course.

But always remember…the really powerful ones?

The real “controllers?”

They acted the same way.

Probably worse.

And…in other, even more powerful ways, they still do.

Bet on it.

Only now?

They rape…and murder and maim and impoverish…millions.

For profit and pleasure!!!

Y’see…these (dekes)…errrr, ahhhh, I meant dicks, of course…enjoy it.

So it goes.
