Thomas Jefferson justified American independence from the British Crown by invoking the concept that no government can be legitimate without the consent of the people it governs.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Occasionally, we hear radical conservatives refer to this clause in the Declaration of Independence as well as another quote from Jefferson, from a letter he wrote from France in 1787 to his friend William Smith: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure.” The idea is that violent revolution is justified if the government becomes oppressive.
The 18th Century Scottish philosopher David Hume noted that most governments of his age seemed quite capable of governing without anything approximating true consent so long as they didn’t go too far. In recents years, we’ve seen some examples of what can happen to a despotic government when they don’t show enough restraint. Leaders in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen have been toppled from within, in Libya from without, and in Syria all civil order has dissolved entirely in an effort to preserve an illegitimate regime.
In general, the more oppressive the government, the more force is required to maintain order, and in the former communist world we saw that totalitarianism was a necessary component of the system. Some despotic societies can provide a decent life (for a time) to their societies, but this is only on the surface and they ultimately invite dissent and resistance, and ultimately violence and terrorism.
The best assurance of a good society is a people governed by a truly self-correcting system, where the people not only have the nominal right to change their leadership but a true and rational belief that they have an actual ability to do so. Representative government is our solution, and it absolutely depends on the people’s willingness to believe that power can be challenged and challenged effectively.
It’s vitally important that people perceive elections to be credible, but it’s also necessary that they accept the results even when their preferred party or candidates lose. This is a requirement for maintaining civil order. Without this perception, there is a breakdown in consent. People don’t see any reason to obey laws, to respect the police, to accept the rulings of judges, or to suffer any inconvenience or political setback without acting out.
Our country is entering a danger zone on so many fronts. We’ve already suffered through an election decided by a partisan Supreme Court. We’ve endured another election that was heavily impacted by foreign interference. Twice, the popular vote winner has lost a presidential election. Congress has perfected the art of using computer technology to draw districts that protect incumbents– they now essentially choose their voters instead of being chosen by them. Judicial rulings have opened the floodgates of dark money, making it impossible to regulate how campaigns are financed or to prevent powerful interest groups from swamping the power of people-powered movements. More and more, the people on the margins of society or at the most vulnerable stages of life are seeing their right to vote challenged and their ability to vote complicated.
Now we see the Senate malfunctioning so that it no longer serves its primary purpose of cooling the passions of the House and forcing compromise on a divided nation. Instead, the rules forcing consensus are being obliterated. A candidate like Brett Kavanaugh would never have been nominated if we still had a filibuster for nominations, and he surely would not be confirmed if even the slightest requirement for bipartisan consensus was required. Most people did not vote for Donald Trump and do not want the kind of Court he and Mitch McConnell are going to give us. But, even more than that, most people cannot fathom how a man like Kavanaugh can be rammed through to confirmation in a process like this.
I’m not making a personal threat but a simple prediction that we’re entering into a period of social unrest, and the Kavanaugh confirmation is akin to throwing a Molotov cocktail on an already smoldering fire.
We need to be moving in the opposite direction, toward more voter participation, more vulnerable incumbents, more citizen power versus corporate interests, more consensus driven rules, toward more widely acceptable Supreme Court Justices.
But we’re not headed that way. Kavanaugh will move us in the wrong direction on every single one of these issues, both because of how he will rule on cases before the Court and because of how he was pushed through.
There is nothing approximating consent of the people for this, and that is a recipe for a breakdown of our society.
This feels eerily like when Trump got in. I’m flabbergasted, depressed, nauseous.
Not nearly enough gin and comfort food in the world to get me through the next 2 grueling years.
As I have said before, we are in a cold civil war and only one side can win and that win will be complete.
Now let me scare the shit out of you. The left cannot win this democratically. Because our values of honesty, democracy, diversity, equality, mean we cannot win against an enemy who has none of those values holding them back and is willing to cheat as well.
Unless we give up on our idiotic aversion to violence it’s over, we’ve lost. Anyone calling for anything less now is calling for a surrender while maintaining their own personal moral high ground. We can have our values or we can have non violence, we cannot have both.
So choose, and choose carefully. Because we are in a civil war and our enemies will do whatever it takes.
this is, basically, the girondin argument
I see its appeal and often find myself agreeing with it
But it did not turn out well for its adherents or anyone else
You can either accept we are where we are and try to fight back or you can close your eyes and think happy thoughts of decorum and a moral high ground.
These people are not your countrymen. These people are in the throws of a bronze age religion and are willing to ally with a foreign power to destroy our democracy and break our nation for the sake of Christianity and market capitalism.
Only one side can win this, and it will be the one willing to go the farthest. If you aren’t willing to fight it, you’re just a good German now.
Correction, a 20th century revision to a bronze age superstition.
Marcy thinks Dr Ford got the better of the inquisition yesterday. That might explain the anger on the part of Kav and Graham. They know they’d been bested. And they had to perform for the boss. So the game now is to ram it home quickly before some one says stop.
you should be more careful about assuming that “our” values are consistent with violence, or at least about where the boundary lies.
wake up to what’s going on.
I warned you of what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean I welcome it or that it is consistent with my values to instigate revolutionary and violent action without the most extreme provocation.
Is this Arthur “wake the fuck up” Gilroy?
It’s simply another sane commenter.
You only needed to see the sneering anger from these two guys yesterday and this morning to know they mean no good for any of us. They and Trump knew they had us over a barrel and it felt so good to them to rub it in. You are right of course. They will harm all of us and especially the middle class. They just loves them some hate, intimidation and control. What a disaster. That’ll teach us to mess with them.
Graham and Kavanaugh directly threatened us on national TV.
They aren’t hiding it.
I know but I didn’t think anyone would want to acknowledge that so I kind of made fun of it, you know teach us to make fun of them.
The “Single White Man” Graham really showed his ass. It was mostly an act designed to intimidate, and they let him get away with it. Watching it I just wished someone from the democratic side would have stood up and let him have it, especially given the sheer chutzpah and hypocrisy given how they treated Merrick Garland. Where the hell was the southern belle then?
Graham’s antics presented an at long last have you no decency opportunity for someone to shame them all, and yet, no one on the democratic side rose to the challenge.
The threats were bad enough, but the really depressing part is no one in leadership rose up to push back.
We can’t count on the democrats, not as they are currently constituted, to be an effective opposition party and bulwark against this creeping fascist authoritarianism. We can’t just vote them in; we got to prop them up.
Even worse, it looks like Lindsey’s unrebutted rant let Team Kavanaugh snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. It’s all the useless corporate media could talk about.
Lindsey is quite an actor, have to grant him that.
If you watched Graham closely, he was reading from something written down; thus, it was NOT spontaneous. It was extremely calculated.
My persistent sense was that if any Dem had raised the name of Garland in rebuttal, the Reps in their amped-up outrage would have pounced on that to claim that the entire opposition to Kavanaugh was an act of petty revenge (yeah, I know…) and would have ridden that train with all their hysterical might. But I do wish someone had come up a with a righteous slap down to derail that train. Especially after Graham blathered on about voting for Kagan and Sotomayor, who had no sleazy baggage.
Thank you Amy Klobuchar, today in the Judiciary Committee.
THANK YOU AMY KLOBUCHAR!!! And thank you, Zen for calling attention to it. She said EVERYTHING that needed to be said. One small quibble, and its small in light of her hitting on all points effectively, is that I wish the dems would stop saying “our friends across the aisle” or “the other side” and say republicans. Call them out by name, so people know who they’re talking about, so they know its not a “both sides” thing, so they know who they need to vote out.
We can’t count on the democrats, not as they are currently constituted, to be an effective opposition party and bulwark against this creeping fascist authoritarianism.
Did you see the House today voted for Trump Tax Cuts 2 point zero? Senate candidates Sinema and Rosen both voted for them. Their PR reasons was complete bullshit. So they won’t. Hell, apparently Manchin is still on the fence about voting for a rapist(Kavanaugh).
90% of Republicans have committed to vote for the rapist.
90% of Democrats have committed to vote against the rapist.
Nice propagandizing, though.
This Both Sides Schleprock routine is a particularly damaging brand of horsecrap.
Uh, they’re our two biggest pick-up opportunities in the Senate. They aren’t just some shitty Blue Dogs whose votes we don’t need in the House. I mean they’re obviously Blue Dogs but their votes will be vital in the Senate. And Trump’s first round of tax cuts are already unpopular polling wise!!
Someone the other day referred to a cold civil war, and it is absolutely true. My dad is on vacation in France (he’s from the retirement generation) and he was only half-joking that he’s worried he won’t have a country to come home to.
I said this in July:
ou’re missing something from your entire view of what’s going on with Russia. I’m going to go back to something David Frum said recently. “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”
There is an an implicit thing said here. We know conservatives cannot win democratically. This means anyone who has any conservative goals has to abandon democracy. There’s another thing left out. Which is when people become convinced that the government of their country will not implement their ideological goals, they will turn to outside help.
Social conservatives, religious conservatives, tax haters, oligarchs, 2A fanatics, the entire right really has reached this point over one issue or another. The only option they have to get the key items they want is to abandon democracy and turn to a foreign government ally strong enough to combat our own government so they can implement their goals.
The reality is this, we either give them what they want or they will ally with Russia to get rid of democracy so they can implement it on their own and never worry about having to give it up.
We’ve been in a cold civil war for a long time, this was inevitable. There is no resolution for this that does not involves splintering the nation or actual violence.
For some it was the New Deal, for some it was civil rights, for some it was the sexual revolution, for some it was gay rights. But each group has one item there that is worth working with Russia and tearing down the country for. The only way to hold it is to give up one part of it to try and pry some off.
And if you aren’t willing to either sacrifice the economic or the social agenda to them, then you need to accept the fact that we are in a cold civil war. And that means electoral attacks, partnering with foreign powers, economic warfare against states of the other party, are all the permanent norm and the side that does not engage in them is going to lose and be shut out of power permanently.
Unless this situation explodes into blood in the streets (as situations have in this country before) this will end with partnering with Russia to win elections is OK because it was done for the good of America. It’s already starting for the mid terms with Russian involvement and the threat that if Democrats win it wasn’t legal. There are tacit threats from centrists of letting Trump win again if the economic left keeps gaining power with each win.
Open your eyes, it is much worse than you are willing to admit and has been for a long time. They are being very open about this. We aren’t at the point where electing a Hitler by colluding is OK, we are to the point where it is being hailed as an act of saving America and it is to be applauded.
We were just threatened with vengance by the next SCOTUS judge and a sitting senator. Do you all believe me now?
They’ve already abandoned democracy. They’ve gone all in on “voter fraud” schemes to prevent people from voting, or discount ballots after they’re cast. They push gerrymandering past the limit of what’s legal, and count on courts packed with partisan judges like Kavanaugh to allow it. The reason they refuse to fund efforts to protect our election systems from outside intervention is obvious; they know Russian hacking will help them. They have no problem invalidating the final year of a democratic president, to steal a supreme court pick, and then nominate a “judge” who has all but promised Trump he’ll rule against any effort to hold him accountable.
They’ve already done it and are getting away with it.
Everything you describe gets at what the essence of fascism truly is.
Never forget that Syria has a civil society; it is being choked and smothered by dictators and their enablers. It’s right here with the protestors in Idlib, even in face of bombings and war. Let us pray we do not walk down that path — but that depends on the usurpers and tyrants to lower their weapons:
Idlib demonstrators proclaim Syrian revolution far from over
Bravo, wonderfully written, if only there was a single elected Dem who would begin to sound the alarm of what’s actually happening today. The endgame of the “conservative” movement was always the destruction of the majority-rule democracy and implementation of a plutocracy/corpocracy, and with Flake’s concession it has now been accomplished. The Kavanaugh Kourt is completely illegitimate and its rulings should not be considered law from the date of Bart’s accession. We have well and truly reached a stage where a reactionary rump is imposing its corrupted rule on the majority, consequences be damned.
The question is what steps are to be taken to oppose and effectively nullify the rulings of this illegitimate high court? Will Blue states put representatives into power who will adopt policies which effectively take those states out of the now illegitimate federal government? How can a new system of public finance be erected which cuts off the spigot of Dollars for Defense? “Conservatism” has sought to destroy and delegitimize the idea of an effective central government for decades, so let it now reap the whirlwind.
In a deeply complacent, uninformed society completely inebriated on various opiates of the masses (professional sports, online shopping, [add your own here]), I have to say I doubt that an effective resistance can be built. But the first step would have to be an economic crack-up and de-funding of the minority-rule federal government.
>>Congress has perfected the art of using computer technology to draw districts that protect incumbents-
Congress does not draw its districts, the 50 states do.
yeah, I noticed that on re-reading the piece after publication. you’re right. yet, it is a nitpick because the districts are mainly drawn by partisan legislatures that work in consultation with their incumbent congresspeople.
Not to worry about the nit. It’s all proposed, handled and approved by Central HQ of the “conservative” movement, just like the various vote suppression schemes. The various permanent Red States and Repubs in charge of Purple states just do what they are told by the brain trust.
We’re in the midst of a coup, so far sans bullets.
. . . isn’t alarmist when the threat is real and severe. Which it is now.
But I’ll offer this guarantee that any Banana Republicans aware of this analysis will call it “alarmist” anyway (cf. analogous climate denialism).
Second guarantee: they’ll also accuse you of threatening violence, never mind your explicit denial.
They accuse you of threatening violence because violence is the only thing they are afraid of and will make them stop. So when you take violence off the table they win.
If you take violence off the table you’re enabling them. And it doesn’t matter at that point if you’re a fool or an active collberator, the result is the same.
For all the respect due Dr. King (and I do not downplay ANY of it) …
The civil rights movement was stalled until Malcom said: “By any means necessary”.
“The civil rights movement was stalled until Malcom (sp.) said: “By any means necessary”.”
This is not true.
The Civil Rights Act passed the Senate before Malcolm X first used the phrase in a notable public speech.
After the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts and the Great Society social welfare programs were passed, larger scale acts of violence by civilians began to happen more frequently. More progress on civil rights was achieved before the riots in a number of Cities than was achieved after those riots.
President Johnson himself began to sour on using more political capital to move further civil rights legislation after those riots. And the Democrats were routed in the 1966 midterms and lost the Presidency in 1968, so the voters didn’t show support for these outbreaks of citizen violence and our movement lost political power.
You first, dipshit.
You evidently haven’t read any history, these situations are never solved without violence.
You can be ready and be prepared or you can be a victim or work with the enemy. The choice is yours, but it’s one of those three.
What have you got in mind? Stuff my garage and basement full of guns and ammo?
Boy, you’re really fudging on the historical comparisons here. You’re not supporting this explicit call to violence well at all.
The South is fighting the 2nd Civil War on the issues of race and gender and they have been winning.
But, we know from the history of South Africa what happens to countries that try to permanently deny the civil rights of the majority. The anger and violence of the dispossessed will grow to match that of the right.
Just because the right-wing wants fascism, doesn’t mean that the business classes want that. Fascism is unstable, and instability is bad for business.
If we can win the election then things will start to turn around, and it will be Trump and his fascist base who are on the defensive, but this war will never be truly won until we end Gerrymandering and other right-wing dirty tricks.
I have the same belief. But my brother-in-law kept warning me that it will take years, if not decades, for our democracy to regain its status quo.
On my way to work today morning, I was listening to Anne Applebaum’s interview with Terry Gross on FreshAir. She pointed out that all the norms that have now been broken by Trump and his enabling Republicans – this will make it easier for a future president to also break them. The restraint that held together for all these years – will those come back anytime soon? I am not sure.
They lost the first civil war and were occupied during Reconstruction, before the 1876 compromise allowed the South to install Jim Crow.
South Africa was unable to maintain Apartheid despite imposing a police state. How is America going to be governable if 50% of the population is non-white as will happen by 2050 and that majority is completely disenfranchised?
And the younger generation is more left leaning than the old, dying Baby Boomer population. Trump is not the leading edge of a new wave, he’s the last screech of white identity politics. His base is largely rural and rural America is dying as cities expand.
They have no long term future unless they end formal democracy, and how can that be sustained? Democracy exists because it makes governance by business elites much easier than military dictatorship. So, our elites would have to choose between siding with the Fascist, racist Alt-right and the growing majority of the population.
One of those things is good for business, and one is not.
It’s not about business it’s about power. Which is why centrists flat out state if we nominate someone who’s actually left on economics the fascists will win. They can’t win an election but they can throw one, and they will before they give up anything.
This ends in violence or surrender.
Very interesting, although a bit too sanguine about any future pushback against “conservatism” by the “business classes”, IMO. I’m not sure if this term means the CEO/plutocrats themselves or the legions of Americans who park their SUVs in the acres of office parks that our ever-growing multi-national corporations provide for their wage slaves, workers who seem very, very concerned that life be made easier (and more profitable) for their corporate masters and “the company” (genuflect here). The society is divided into those who have their essential (job+health insurance) and those who don’t.
Also to be remembered is that in 1933 the business classes sided with Der (unqualified fascist) Fuhrer over an actual parliamentary democracy. Nationalist expansion (up to a point) was very profitable in the Third Reich, just as are the trillions of wholly debt-financed graft that is poured down the rathole of American “defense” (straight into corporate coffers) in the 21st Century.
So I must say I’m agnostic on what our patriotic plutocrats see as “good” for American business these days….it also used to be thought (circa 1913) that war had become impossible because it would be “bad for business”, haha!
You’re only correct if “the South” now includes places like Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Utah, Arizona….The old Confederacy may be the core of the insurrection, but fundamentally the insurrection is not of a geographically defined nature.
They are talking about an “investigation” that is “limited in scope,” i.e., strictly cosmetic.
Yep, that’s where this appears headed. A palliative limited FBI investigation (whatever that means) that can be used as a fig leaf for a few uncomfortable Repubs and a few terrified Dems. Who decides what/where the “limits” are? Der Trumper?!
I know that Dems have little to work with here, other than the fact that Shitface Bart was already quite unpopular in polling even before yesterday’s sham hearing. But the FBI was obviously what they were pushing for, I assume to get some delay and a hoped-for miracle.
Ultimately, however, Dems strongest argument is the one being raised by Booman here, but that’s the very one they are afraid to raise–confirmation will disunite the country. Too shrill!
. . . argument is that NO Trump nominee can be legitimate as long as the Mueller investigation’s findings remain pending . . .
. . . under the uncontroversial, apolitical, non-partisan, core legal principle that a person cannot legitimately appoint the judge who will sit in judgment over his own case.
I remain mystified as to why Dems are not consistently and forcefully making this the centerpiece of their opposition.
Just saw on Twitter that Kav was only 17 that summer and drinking age was raised to 21. Lie?
Again, a purely legal issue/question that Dem staff should have had ready to throw in Bart’s face yesterday. Jesus.
Brown vs. Board of Education was met by widespread resistance. What sort of reactionary edict from the Supreme Court might trigger comparable resistance?
Overturning Roe or Griswald?
It’s a great question because Roberts’ Repubs have already been on a tear overturning many established precedents without the slightest notice by the American people. The weaponization of the first amendment has also been met with a collective ho-hum, as public sector unions have been destroyed across the country.
The main problem is that Coach Roberts will mainly focus on overturning existing constitutional rights such as abortion, gay marriage and voting which can be independently protected by state law of Blue States. For Blue states, potential dissent will arise from the creation of phony new rights by Roberts such as gun rights or protection for “religious” dissenters from civil rights laws or economic regulation. I suppose an extension of second amendment rights to frustrate any Blue state gun regulation or striking down of any attempt by Blue states to regulate corporate behavior (such as CA’s stronger emission controls) could cause some opposition, but most likely Blue states will take any shit that Roberts’ Repubs dish out.
Roberts first steps with his 5 radical Repubs will be the upholding of any and all state abortion regulation and destruction of the existing federal regulatory regime. Gay marriage as a nationwide right will be struck down in the next 2-3 years. More and more discovery of absolute first amendment protection of “religion” against state civil rights laws as well.
The people and institutions in GOP-controlled States whose “…existing constitutional rights…” are under attack by the conservative movement should have our attention, and they will have some substantial resistance to offer to further attacks.
Are we headed for an age of Brotalitarianism?