Little comment needed. (Emphases mine):
Mad Scramble in DC – Dan Carey
Senate panic in DC! How far will the FBI go, if they start interviewing enough individuals peripheral to the Kavanaugh posse? It could be hard to say where exactly the net ends. FBI not Trump `Friend’. Will the beans spill, revealing the inbred historic extent and contours of upper-class immunity? Hope for it! Just don’t count on it.
Despite Trump controlling the findings, will word get out how these scions of empire chronically cavorted with abandon and moved on to be shakers and movers? How privilege begat (and begets) excess, and the pressure to conform to expectations laid upon them in return for privilege blows away limits to any sense of proportion or morality? Not to mention having the ways and means to do so.
How many senators have mouldering schoolboy skeletons awakening, feel acts they thought dissipated by the abrasive winds of time, animating in zombie reincarnation? Too many in positions of absolute power are long past their pull dates.
Real bipartisanship.
Bet on it.
How many are wrangling the calculus of political expediency, dry cleaning their moral rectitude mantles, dusting off the finer points of class solidarity, and weighing that against the looming prospect of an avalanche of furious harpies sweeping them from power? With a frosting of #MeToo lawsuits on top? Set the spin doctors on high: hide, deny, minimize and obfuscate these sordid tales! “They are only women, and they always lie!” It’s like a men’s group in tribal New Guinea, without the nose piercings.
Knowing some truth could come, the mad scramble must be on to negotiate safety net payoffs for their terminal acts of betrayal to the 99%, those ne’er-do-wells who missed the ivy league blessing. Do you hear the chitinous skittering of roaches in the echoing marble halls of solemn aristocracy? Whose lifetime salaries you pay! Halls you paid for! And who will be the fall guys (or gals), because you know, some sacrificial blood will be offered up in lieu of real change?
When Kavanaugh is sworn in, you will truly know your enemies by their names. The ship of state will have keel-hauled you, (again) while they lounge on the flying bridge, sipping fine liquors, planning their next move.
I repeat…real bipartisanship. In action!!!
Just as it’s always been. And so will it end. Just as it has always ended. Listen for the snicker-snack of more modern vorpal blades. They are being sharpened as we speak.
Most ironic is the fact that Kavanaugh’s record already speaks for itself. Not about sideline garden variety misogyny. Torture, capitalistic fever dreams of hegemony, honesty vs. lies, women’s rights and equal human rights are what’s really on the line.
Vote them out? Big deal. There are more trained sociopathic minions waiting in the wings.
Be careful what you ask for. We are already experiencing a B-team in action. See what happens if you call in more D-leaguers.
Your time would be better spent tuning up your pitchforks, folks
Nails it!!!
No no no no no. Mr Trump always starts with the dead-enders, the D-leaguers. He’ll work thru all the jerks that are worse than he is. Picking somebody of even modest quality better than him, he would consider a massive blunder.
Not always…
But often.