“Native American Trump supporter” arrested as pipe bomber.
Suspected MAGA bomber identified `Native American Trump supporter’ Cesar Sayoc
Sayoc, of Fort Lauderdale, is belived to have been arrested in Plantation, a suburb of Miami, Florida, Friday on suspicion of sending 12 pipe bombs to top Democrats and high-profile figures critical of Donald Trump. Online records show Sayoc, who has a criminal record, has owned companies called Native American Catering & Vending, as well as Proud Native America One Low Price Drycleaning. The bodybuilding terror suspect is also reported to have worked in a strip club.
But…for whom?
A lunkhead, steroid-looking, strip club bouncer-type Trump freak makes 12 dud bombs and gets busted a day or so later.
Cui bono?
We shall see the answer to that question after the midterm election votes are in.
Won’t we.
P.S. As I said in my original post:
I sincerely hope that the FBI (or whatever other spooky Fed options are really handling this investigation) catch the perpetrator(s) and find…and can thoroughly prove… that they were far-right assholes.
24 hours later?
Will it hold up?
I hope so.
Will it get the non-voters out for the Dems?
I think so.
Will it get the lunkhead vote out for Trump?
I wonder.
Seeing as how most of the lunkheads who flock to Trump’s rallies appear to be both racist and stupid, I dunno if they will or will not embrace this guy as some kind of avatar. After all…he ain’t exactly “white”…
But he is a fellow lunkhead.
We will see which ways the bonding thing works.
I think it may be a wash, myself.
Only 12 days to go…the only sure bet is that the competing hype machines will be in overdrive. All three of them. (Leftiness, Neocentrist and Trumpist)
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!
Or not what?
One thing to claim First Nations ancestry and membership to a specific tribe, quite another thing to actually prove it.
. . . in question looks into the claim and declares, essentially, “Who?”
I did click/read.
No “evidence,” one way or another.
You think Seminole nation has its shit together?
No “evidence,” one way or another.
Except for one thing, of course.
He’s a shithead of some kind.
Totally mixed-race?
Purebred Germanic Aryan?
Yet another asshole led into foolish actions by Fed plants? (Could be…it wouldn’t be the first time. Not by a long shot.)
I do not give a shit, no matter what his origins.
I only believe what I observe.
He’s well below Oswald level, that’s for sure.
Just another lunkhead.
Who are his controllers?
Or is he simply a product of the Trumpist media?
And if so?
Who controls those controllers?
And how many controlled lunkheads will it take to start a civil war?
We shall see, I think.
Soon enough.
<U<Too</u> soon.
. . . you asserted as fact, as both the headline and top line of your “standalone article” (LOL!)
Something you obviously had NOT “observed”. And something a reasonable person would have viewed with some cautious skepticism and patient due diligence (especially given all the other accompanying evidence that the perp’s an extremist rightwing whackjob) rather than scurrying here to declare it as fact.
I am not a “reasonable person,” oaguabonita.. “Reasonable people” are what got us into this mess in the first place.
I am an outlaw.
A dropout.
A traitor to my (execrable) race and class.
A student of media lies.
300 years of murder and domination.
Go vote for “the lesser of two evils.”
At best, you will merely postpone the inevitable reckoning.
And…best of luck in the future.
But not understood
You seem to have a lot of “bookmarks,” ouaguabonita.
You us them as a weapon.
You might as well try to hit me with dandelion puffs.
They have no understanding behind them, thus no mass.
Gone with the empty wind of your schoolmarmish scoldings.
So it goes.
Needs a psychiatrist much?
I mean we are talking about a man whose ancestors were here before Columbus, indeed, before Leif Ericsson, right?
Or is he “Native American” in his mind, as in “native born American”?
Seems to be in the category of Nazi Jew or black Klansman.
psychiatrist is the right call.
this guy is really fucking nuts. he’s not native american, he’s filipino-italian ancestry born in NYC who inexplicably decided he identifies as Seminole.