It’s a partisan poll, but feel the Betomentum anyway.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
We have to win the H of R, but Beto besting Cruz would be unbearably sweet icing on the cake.
Indeed it would.
Beto winning would be sweet indeed, but even if he loses, it won’t have been a lost cause, given all the people he woke up in TX.
Problem with losing is that all those folks have invested emotionally in Beto’s win. If that doesn’t happen, its like being a spurned lover and they may not participate in 2020, when they will be needed most.
Hope he doesn’t lose, but if he does I hope you’re wrong. Sometimes when people awaken they realize the possibilities and don’t go back to sleep, politically speaking.
Heart break or complacency. Unfortunately Dems and progressives need a cause to show up and vote. GOP has had a long term plan they nurtured through consistent tools and actions. Their followers have a cause (s) which have been grown for a generation in the mind of the base.
Democrats have failed to see the long term plan hatched by Republicans when I was a toddler and FDR was president.
Democrats don’t seem to have a long term plan, message discipline, etc.
So discouraging, but I keep plugging, as we all must.
The problem with losing IS losing. But that said, democrats need to understand how to build on losses. “Conservatives” lost but found ways to build on them, taking what they can to work with. “We” need to do the same.
I think I’m watching nothing but Perry Mason reruns until Tuesday night. My brain is about to explode.
LOL!!! So is my wife – not kidding…
Beto has real momentum. But, does that mean anything in Texas? They have no souls, that’s the only explanation for their winding up with Ted Cruz as their Senator. Everybody hates him. Everybody.
He has a “Backpfeifengesicht” – in German roughly “a face in need of a good punch.” How could Texans not find some other conservative than the oily, smarmy, un-loveable Ted Cruz? How could they watch him and Trump oozing up to each other after the way Trump humiliated and publicly castrated him on national TV?
You can’t look at Beto and Cruz and thinks “Ted Cruz is my guy!” Unless you are part of the legion of the undead, I guess. I will never understand why Ted Cruz’s vote total is ever more than zero at any time. His own dog wouldn’t vote for him.
Obviously your comment refers to the already brainwashed, as an enormous number of people in TX clearly have souls, else we wouldn’t even be having this discussion of Betomentum. Far more soul than we outsiders frankly could have dreamt possible. And this in one of the “conservative” motherships! What’s next, an actual race in the cradle of the New Confederacy, SC?
But it is certainly correct that the “conservative” movement has over the decades manufactured a simply enormous number of moral degenerates with severe personality disorders, first among them Trump and the horrendous Cruz himself. If it is indeed true that most Cruz supporters despise him (which seems quite accurate), yet wish to have him continue to enable the openly fascist Der Trumper over voting for a highly appealing Dem, then this proves beyond argument that nothing can be done with these people short of national Gotterdammerung. Such was certainly the case with their Nazi forebears.
As we watch the repulsive spectacle of 24 hour coast-to-coast lies that is now every Repub campaign, complete with braindead “Dagger Pointed at the Heart of Germa…er, America!” propaganda (aided and abetted by supposed adult-in-the-room Generals[!] Mattis and Kelly), we can see that we are well along the road to a fascist state, and that this is indeed what these Texas “conservatives” deeply desire. As Reichsmarschall Goering said, “It is always a simple matter to drag the people along”. It certainly is when you have a media that takes everything the dictator says, hook, line and sinker.
This “Caravan” nonsense is a new height of bad faith garbage that only a complete imbecile or brainwashed true believer could actually credit. If it works for Der Trumper, then we are through as even a Potemkin democracy and new strategies will have to be fashioned.
The only thing I ask of Beto is that he doesn’t show up with a five-o’clock shadow. A shallow comment, I know, but it detracts from his excellently-delivered message.
Not so shallow since it also help to sink Nixon in 1960…
That was 1960, and this is the nearly 2020. In that popular culture a five o’clock shadow was a sign of a “villain,” but now it’s the good guys who sport facial hair. Beto’s generally loose, slightly unkempt look is an important part of his campaign. It says “I’m young, I’m loose, I’m one of you!!!” It also implies that Cruz is an uptight, nasty-spirited asshole…which of course, he is.
I dunno if Beto will win, but Cugel above states that “…they have no souls.” “They” being Texans in general or Republican Texans? I hope Cugel meant the latter, because the New Texas is not by a long shot the old one. Been there, seen that. Repeatedly. It’s almost totally multiracial in most of its cities, and the rural areas are changing too…at the very least, in terms of age groups.
The old Texas is headed down, the new one is headed up, and this process is in place throughout the so-called “red” states and areas.
Will tomorrow be the moment the national sociopolitical worm turns?
I have my doubts, but if we can survive until 2020 as at least a partially well- functioning democracy…a whole ‘nother can of questions, that one…said worm will turn.
I certainly hope you are right. I would bet Cugel also meant the latter.
I also worry if our country can ever agree on who the “good guys” are…in my lifetime at least.
I appreciate your optimism. I believe in “the arc of the moral universe”.
Any reason you might worry he’d do so?
I did see a few Beto yard signs and bumper stickers around parts of northeastern Texas when I was there – which was very recently. That isn’t exactly Democratic-friendly country. Wasn’t quite seeing the overt love for the Cruz. Of course Beto is a long-shot candidate, but if the state’s Democratic party plays this right, no matter what happens they’ve got themselves some momentum going forward.