As we await Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s court filing on Michael Flynn, you may enjoy the opportunity to refresh your memory about him and his possible significance to the Russia investigation. I wrote about Flynn incessantly from the moment on November 18, 2016 that he was announced as the incoming National Security Advisor until he became a cooperating witness on December 1, 2017 and went completely off the grid.
This is actually just a sampling of the pieces I did on Flynn, but they collectively cover all the really good stuff. There are his notorious “Flynn Facts” that were basically made up crap he told his staff while serving as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. There is his seat at Putin’s head table during the 2015 RT network gala dinner. There’s his suspicious relationship with a Russian woman named Svetlana Lokhova at Cambridge University that aroused the interest of the counterintelligence community. There’s the Peter W. Smith suicide story. There’s the plot to kidnap Fethullah Gülen from his Pennsylvania home and secretly ship him to Turkey for execution. There’s the undisclosed lobbying and floated nuclear proposals in Saudi Arabia. There are Trump Tower meetings with latter-day Austrian Nazis who have since made a formal alliance with Vladimir Putin. There is so much more. Indeed, Michael Flynn was the worst staffing decision ever made.
- November 18, 2016: Trump Makes 3 Catastrophic Picks
- December 20, 2016: Trump, Austrian Neo-Nazis, and Putin
- February 14, 2017: The Blackmail Story Doesn’t Add Up
- February 15, 2017: Team Trump at the Turn of the Year
- March 20, 2017: Why the Intelligence Community Was Focused on Michael Flynn
- March 31, 2017: Flynn’s Problems are Trump’s Problems
- May 23, 2017: Michael Flynn is in a World of Pain
- May 24, 2017: Why Does Trump Stay Loyal to Flynn?
- June 20, 2017: Michael Flynn Was the Worst Staffing Decision Ever
- June 30, 2017: The Collusion Case Reaches Trump’s Doorstep
- July 1, 2017: The Collusion Case Comes into Focus
- September 21, 2017: Were Manafort and Flynn Recruited?
- November 24, 2017: Can Trump Survive Star Witness Michael Flynn?
Of course, Flynn has so far confessed only to making “false, fictitious and fraudulent statements” to the FBI. If he expects to get off “Scott Free” on all this other stuff, I hope he at least had a good story to tell Robert Mueller.
Well, what we are all badly wanting to know is the content of his conversations with Sysliak. As far as I can tell, there would be little or nothing wrong per se with talking with him, so why lie about it?
I’m holding onto the theory that the charge of lying to the FBI represents one of those lesser crimes charges in consideration for what Flynn has been able to provide to Mueller’s team.
After all, Flynn is a demonstrable rat as well as being a liar, so just as Manafort is a con, Flynn is a two faced rat and neither are capable of giving up that persona.
Flynn has ratted on Trump and his family. He’s probably even ratted on Pence and Christie.
If the FBI comes knock’n
You best start talk’n.
Flynn must have helped Mueller immensely to get a recommendation of no jail time. Of course, the judge can decide otherwise, but its not likely as judges usually follow prosecutor’s recommendation.
But someone should let the judge see Flynn in action here before sentence is passed:
Hey, remember Sammy “The Bull” Gravano? Got off on 19 murders and into witness protection for flipping on John Gotti? Mueller ran that too and seemed to get what he wanted (i.e. John Gotti’s head).
Completely off topic, but the photos from H-Dubs’ funeral got me to thinking…what if Bill Clinton decided he’d had enough of Trump’s shit and just decked him? Would the Secret Service get involved? Would it start a brawl between the Clinton Secret Service agents and the Trump Secret Service agents?