A short one today…headed out by car through the boonies west of NYC once again.
From CNN (https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/04/politics/rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-comments/index.html):
New House Democrat Rashida Tlaib: ‘We’re gonna impeach this motherfucker!!!’
I have been saying for years that politicians who dare to openly speak the language spoken by real people would start to win and win big.
We’re just about there.
Rather than the marbles-in-the-mouth speech patterns of mainstream pols like Pelosi and Schumer…people who have so many lies floating around that they have to pause to consider every word and parse every sentence so as not to step into deep shit…here’s the real deal!!!
Plus…I think she’s right.
“And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama look, you won. Bullies don’t win,’ and I said, ‘Baby, they don’t,’ because we’re gonna go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherf****r,” Tlaib said Thursday, speaking of Trump, according to a video posted on Twitter by Nestor Ruiz, an activist with United We Dream.
Rashida Tlaib made history with her swearing-in.
“President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our country,” she wrote in an op-ed published Thursday in the Detroit Free Press with John Bonifaz, co-founder of the nonprofit Free Speech For People. “On an almost daily basis, he attacks our Constitution, our democracy, the rule of law and the people who are in this country. His conduct has created a constitutional crisis that we must confront now.”
Tlaib also penned an op-ed Thursday arguing that “the time for impeachment proceedings is now.”
“President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our country,” she wrote in an op-ed published Thursday in the Detroit Free Press with John Bonifaz, co-founder of the nonprofit Free Speech For People. “On an almost daily basis, he attacks our Constitution, our democracy, the rule of law and the people who are in this country. His conduct has created a constitutional crisis that we must confront now.”
During her campaign, Tlaib made clear that once in Congress she was going to push for impeachment against Trump.
“Why am I running? Because this is about electing the jury to impeach (POTUS) and I will make a heck of juror,” she wrote on Twitter in March.
More than a year before she ran for Congress, Tlaib made headlines for being thrown out of an event in Michigan where Trump was speaking. She had interrupted the then-Republican presidential nominee to ask if he had ever read the Constitution.
Please contrast this with Pelosi’s so-called “position.”
Tlaib is one of few Democratic lawmakers to call for Trump’s removal from office, however House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders have tread more carefully around the topic of impeachment.
In an interview with NBC News this week, Pelosi didn’t rule out pursuing impeachment against Trump, but said Democrats would wait until special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation concludes.
“We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason,” Pelosi said.
I repeat:
” ‘We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason,’ Pelosi said.”
How’s that for “treading more carefully!!!”
Perfect UniParty doublespeak.
Absolutely impenetrable.
Why don’t you tell us what we should do, Nancy? What you think that we should do.
Because then she’d have to tell the truth.
Whatever that might be…sigh.
Just sayin’…
It’s a little early for 2020 prognostications, but I will go on record as saying that the old-line political tap-dancers-around-the-facts-of-the-matters are going to get their asses kicked…on both sides of the presently almost non-existent “aisle”…by people who clearly say what they mean.
And then back it up!!!
I think what Pelosi is saying is that impeachment shouldn’t be a political issue, whether to do it or don’t do it. True, that’s a bit of an ironic statement, considering. But it should be about high crimes and misdemeanors, not partisanship. And she’s right: upsetting the will of the electorate (ok, admittedly another ironic statement) is a serious matter.
I am sorry, but the only things that ever come out of Pelosi’s mouth in public are smokescreen covers for the backroom business at which she excels.
Pelosi’s the best Speaker of our lifetimes. Name another Speaker who had as broad a set of progressive legislative accomplishments. She’s piled up those achievements in part because she goes about her leadership work with an extremely high level of competence; she’s able to do what has been revealed to be a very difficult job. But go ahead if you must and render your garments over how you believe she got the work done.
Your criticism is a badge of honor for her. If you sincerely liked her, she’d be a rotten, regressive politician, just like your hero Ron Paul.
Pelosi’s way is the old way, centristfield. It’s over. Trump’s single positive achievement has been to break the fourth wall…or if you will, lift the curtain that protected the Wizard(s) of Oz (DC power) from view…by using social media as an important part of his political and governing devices. This movement actually began with Snowden, Manning, Assange/Wikipedia et al…the digital whistleblowers who so panicked the Deep State (definitely including Barack Obama)…that it used everything in its power to shut them the fuck up.
But it couldn’t.
Not really.
Because the genie is now thoroughly out of the lamp. Today we have people like Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib playing the same game…only with good ideas rather than Trumpism…from a position of elected power and thus being covered by the media!!! As Trump understands, all media coverage is good media coverage. P.T. Barnum…a Trump precursor, bet on it…pinned it way back in the mid-1800s. “I don’t care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.” The message is being thoroughly distributed by new voices in Congress no matter how frenzied the opposition to them may be!!! That non-voting 30%-40% of which I have been speaking for years here? They are seeing this and thinking “Well hot damn!!! The Deep State wall has been broached!!! My vote will be worth something this time!!!” Bet on that as well.
The word is out. The duopolistic, UniParty political system in this country is about to be broken. I actually think that 2020 will be the final blow. Even if the old-line Dems manage to make a last stand with someone like Biden, the whole backroom, deal-making process will by that time have been totally blown open by the new blood. Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib? Just the first samples of what’s to come.
‘Cuz that’s all you’ll be able to do. Except maybe render (sic) your garments. (LOL!!!)
I can’t wait!!!
Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib are fierce opponents of the policy agenda favored by Ron Paul. The basic Ron Paul agenda of massive deregulation, tax cuts and attacks on anyone who is not a white male has been carried through very intentionally by President Trump and the last Congress. That’s why McConnell, Ryan and the rest of the Republicans in Congress willfully carried Trump’s increasingly heavy water.
I don’t even know what the fuck you’re trying to accomplish with your careless baloney here. Ideology is meaningful. Identity helps define policy pursuits. You claim to place it as a distant second to doing things a new “way”. There’s plenty of evidence you’ve left here which reveals your intents are even worse than that.
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We’re doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Centristfielddj…aka Poor Johnny One Note!!!
I am about changing the current corporate-owned, criminal UniParty system, any which way it can be changed!!!
Literally nothing has been substantively done to alter this situation since the assassination years. I don’t know if the new breed Dems can do it, but they are certainly going to try. I didn’t know…and still don’t…if Ron Paul’s approach would have worked, either. As Ron Paul so honestly stated when asked if he thought his idea of unregulated/less regulated capitalism would work well, “I don’t know. It’s never been tried.” Me neither. However…nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I do know the following, though:
Clintonite neo-“liberalism” has failed.
As Ocasio-Cortez said;
You and your little buddies here are old-school “neoliberal” Dems. I call you “neocentrists” only in the interests of verbal accuracy. Perhaps “neo-McCarthyites” might be more accurate. You slander all who disagree with your positions. Whatever. Your time has come and gone. Only a few dinosaurs are left. To the tar pits with you all!!!
You call it slander to point out that Ron Paul and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are at far ends of the American ideological spectrum.
You call it slander to point out that your claim that ideologies meet each other happily ’round the bend has become an increasingly unsuccessful disguise of your own harmful, regressive ideology.
Here’s a test of your precious theory: do either Ocasio-Cortez or Tlaib agree with your claim that “”Welfare” and other giveaways rather than jobs, honest work and adequate pay hurt whoever they touch in the long run”?
The vast majority of people on social welfare programs are working or have retired from work. Extra credit: show us a statement from either of these new Congressmembers where they attempt to forward your offensively misleading conflation of social welfare programs and unemployment.
” ‘Welfare’ and other giveaways” (??? Your words, not mine.) For most able-bodied, able-minded people they are only needed when the .01% gloms 99% of the available wealth. Add to that state of affairs the incalculable amount of money spent on U.S. PermaWars (overt and covert) and you have the past, current and future economic plight of this country in plain sight. (I use the word “incalculable” above because the secrecy shrouding the financial affairs of the intelligence operations makes Trump’s missing tax returns look like some disobedient kid’s piggy bank break.)
My position is not “misleading;” it is perfectly clear. The rich are too rich…way too rich…and the poor are too poor. That could be easily rectified without substantially hurting the daily lives of the rich and their descendants in any number of ways. But…it would need to be legislated, and therein lies the rub. Both parties are essentially owned and operated by said .01%, as are the consensus-building mass media operations that are tasked with manufacturing public consent. Thus? Nothing happens except more of the same old same old. The only thing that changes is the frontmen and frontwomen. Back and forth, back and forth…first the DemRats, and then the RatPubs, then the DemRats and the RatPubs once more. Over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Well…I see some apparently right-thinking folks who look to have (so far, at least found a way around that media, and thus around the huge monetary necessities that force politicians into the welcoming arms of the corporate criminals in the first place.
I applaud and support them.
Bet on it.
You and your old government/political party apparatus?
My error. It’s a word I do not often use in this context.
But…that was over 4 1/2 years ago, at nearly 3AM on a Saturday after a hard Friday night’s work!!!
Great work, arguebonita and centristfield.
Y’oughta be lawyers.
What do you do, centristfield, squirrel away my every post?
I’m flattered.
I rarely use that word in that context…usually in terms of “giveaways” to the wealthy. But my saying “in your words” was a careless error, not a lie. I didn’t notice the link.
In point of fact, repeatedly calling me a “liar” because I do not agree with your political positions is in itself a lie. McCarthyite to the bone, you two.
McCarthyite to the bone.
In fact that’s probably about as brazen and transparent a lie as you’ve managed to date. And that’s sayin’ A LOT, given your record of repetitive lying here.
Brazen because you’ve repeated it with slight variation (including your ridiculous “cadre [blah blah blah]” boatload of lies start-to-finish), and it’s been definitively refuted nearly every time by the only person in a position to know their motivation, i.e., the one confronting you over the falsity of some assertion of yours (obviously, in many cases, that person has been me). Here I am doing it again. Pay attention for once: I. Have. Never. Called you a “liar” “because [you] do not agree with [my] political positions. Never. Ever.
So you can go fuck yourself for serially slandering me with this lie, on top of you serially lying in the first place.
Since I’ve already explained with great clarity in exhaustive detail why it is completely appropriate and accurate to label you a “liar” — Which. Has. Nothing. Whatsoever to do with your or my political positions, or any agreement or disagreement between them — at all! — there’s no point re-inventing that particular wheel:
Remarkably, for the first time ever that I can recall, you did acknowledge above the falsehood of the ridiculous claim that I documented was false. I.e., you called it an “error”. So I hereby retract my characterization of that single falsehood as a “lie”. For all the reasons re-iterated above, plus this new compounding of those lies with the repetition of the thoroughly and definitively refuted falsehood that I or others call you a “liar” “because [you] do not agree with [our] political positions” rather than for the very obvious reason that you lie and lie and lie, your lies are definitively, indisputably refuted, you do not acknowledge the refutation and retract/correct the lies, but instead knowingly leave them standing to deceive anyone who might come across them — for all those reasons, “liar” remains the perfectly accurate and appropriate descriptor for you.
Name one Progressive legislative accomplishment.
The affordable care act.
Goodness gracious, the Internet is your friend, Voice. There’s a lot in there; there’s even more here.
Saving the United States from a second Great Depression, the direction in which we were clearly headed, was quite a progressive legislative accomplishment. The record of President Obama and the 111th Congress in responding to the economic crash is at least the equal of FDR and his Congresses in responding to the Great Depression. Managing to do so while failing to get a single Congressional Republican vote on major legislation after the first two months of Obama’s Presidency was an astonishing feat.
P.S. And while I’m at it:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shows signs of being a really gifted manipulator of the Government Media Complex.
First…she won an amazing underdog election in the Bronx/Queens district that she is now representing.
Plus after only two months of being elected she has become the darling of the national press…at least in terms of coverage amounts if not blanket approval…by speaking her true intents and feelings quite plainly.
And…in only the last few days…she turned what was supposed to have been a disrespectful video of her dancing and generally goofing around with some school friends into a triumph. Then she wrote the following in support of Rep. Tlaib’s recent statement regarding Trump’s impeachment:
I repeat:
“GOP lost entitlement to policing women’s behavior a long time ago. Next.”
Like some bar fighter after decking the latest challenger with one punch.
And some wonder why I choose to live inna Bronx…
Not a quote to endear the Heartland to the Democrats.
She could of made her point without profanity. She just spreads the meme that democrats are causing the shutdown, which is what I see and hear on finance,yahoo.com, Bloomberg, even WBEZ (PBS radio) ,WGN-TV and, of course, Fox. (Why do I watch fox? Because WGN lets stupid basketball games run into the news time slot, so I can only get the local news on Fox. I think they have the same corporate owner anyway. There is no “liberal media”. At least on the internet I can protest that this began long before the House changed hands and even Paul Ryan wouldn’t give him his damn wall)
“It is unsurprising to me that Republicans would think having fun should be disqualifying or illegal.”.
Girl got talent!!!
One thing Nancy Pelosi does very well — count votes. And she can count Senate votes as well as House votes. That’s undoubtedly playing into her approach.
If Trump declares a South American “State of Emergency” and starts funding the Wall in defiance of the 1844 Law that is behind the shutdown (Sorry, I forget the full name, heard it on Public Radio, WBEZ, law states that only appropriated funds can be spent except to preserve life), then he should be impeached for that “High crime” much more important to the Constitution than lying about a BJ or covering up a political break in. It would be direct defiance of Congressional powers as enumerated in both the Constitution and statute.
This isn’t Argentina, where the President can become a dictator by simply declaring a state of emergency.
Even Julius Caesar got the Senate to declare him “Perpetual Dictator” (dictator was actually a Roman office but with a one year term).
I wonder what her Wall Street masters are telling Pelosi?
Who gets the contracts for this abomination of a wall? Who supplies the steel and concrete? How much is Trump making from it? Who else is in on the Grift?