In a comment on my recent post More Beto On the ‘Medium” Website. It’s Gonna Happen. Watch (;sid=2019/1/19/123838/716) The Voice In The Wilderness wrote:

He talks pretty. What has he done?

My response follows.

Read on:
Voice, I am not yet totally sure about what O’Rourke has or has not “done” in a political or governmental sense, nor am I sure about what he would do…or how well he might do it, no matter what it might be…as president.

However, I am damned sure about the contours of his life in general so far, and I am also damned sure that his current outside-the-political-and-media-box approach…coupled with the fact that he has traveled in intimate contact with the working classes of all races and the young for much of his life and is not shy about saying so with easily available proof (names, dates, places and photos galore) and possessing a natural speaking/writing grace that is simply a genetic kind of gift…is going to make big waves in Democratic politics. I personally think that he is the single potential Dem candidate who is simultaneously capable of reaching:

1-Habitual non-voters…especially those who withhold their vote because they think that the entire system is Deep State-rigged. This is…in my experience…a much greater percentage of the non-voting electorate than polls, the media and almost all professional pols realize. Professional politicians and the media …I include big-time polling here…have lived in their personal political mirages so long that they haven’t had any true, personal, non-political contact with real people other than as subordinates and service-givers for decades!!! This guy not only goes out and seeks that kind of contact…the same seat-of-the-pants sort of contact that informed my own dire predictions of Trump’s win more than a year before he actually pulled it off, contact in small town restaurants and bars, contact while out running (or walking, in my own case…and playing in music clubs and venues) unencumbered by Secret Service agents or other bodyguards.

2-Working class and middle class white voters, many of whom have been holding their noses while they support Trump.

3-Hispanic voters…in droves!!!

4-Young voters.

5-Female voters in general.



Because he is authentically who he is, that’s why!!! There is no stench of the backroom deal about him, no…or apparently very little, at least so far…backstabbing, no swamp smell coming off of him. This is why he almost beat Cruz in Texas, and it is also why I believe that he will be able to beat most of the potential Dem candidates and all of the available RatPublican candidates in 2020.

Will it happen?

I dunno.

The forces currently allied against him are very powerful.

We shall see.

Won’t we.

Let us pray that it does, because as far as I can see if it does not happen we will continue to be preyed upon!!!

Another Scylla and Charybdis (s)election?

I fear for the country.

For real!!!
