I have some additional observations but, for now, just read Marcy. But, remember, the SDNY and associated New York City FBI field office are byzantine networks with strange cross-loyalties and protected fiefdoms. Trump and Giuliani have moles in there.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Bmaz has an excellent companion piece. It appears the Feb 7 hearing with Cohen should simply be canceled, to preserve the credibility of the record. Otherwise we could get a shit show.
Not at all to repudiate this particular point, simply to observe: as long as Repugnicans are on committees conducting hearings, a shit show is guaranteed. It comes with their job description.
I think the idea here was that given the apparent dispute of what exactly happened Jordan and friends will make it all seem Mueller doesn’t have control of the situation. Mueller may have another take on this,than SDNY, as Marcy suggested.
I would say you are too circumspect here: Gym Jordan and fellow thugs do not intend to make it seem as if Mueller doesn’t have control. What they do intend is to fµ¢k things up for Mueller as much as they can (again, part of the job description).
You’ve doubtless already read about Nunes’s propagation in his committee’s report of Old Damp Runt’s lies. They are all fully complicit, corrupt down to every last corrupt little quark.
Rudy replying to Jake Tapper this morning basically broke out in a cold sweat and told him that talks were ongoing through October about the Tower with Cohen.
Then on Reliable Sources Ben Smith and one of the BuzzFeed reporters were on and did a credible job of standing by their piece and their sources.
All goes to Marcy’s ideas that NY may have stepped in it and Mueller couldn’t take the chance of tainting his team’s credibility.
Rather than NY “stepping in it,” might this leaking be a deliberate attempt by Buzzfeed’s sources to undermine Mueller’s careful efforts and delicate balancing act?
If this the NY FBI Office (friends of Rudy) once again engaging in sabotage to help Trump, the office should be completely cleaned out and restaffed.
And that points to why Bmaz suggested Jordan and friends may try to make this a shit show. Who is investigating this anyway? Maybe Cohen should not testify.
Yes, It makes you believe SDNY leaked it. The question is why? Maybe they should burn down the office. Mueller should pull Cohen to keep his case intact. By saying Trump was talking up to the election, Rudy may have put his client at greater risk, I believe. Bribery is in the air now.
So now Rudy the Ghoul is out admitting that Der Trumper was involved in Moscow Tower talks in “October, November” 2016, long after candidate Der Trumper directly and intentionally lied to the nation about the matter. So it’s now proven Trumper felt he had to lie about Russian business involvement as part of his “election” strategy throughout 2016.
Further, political criminal Trumper has either let (or directed) countless flunkies to make statements to Congress he knows are abject lies, Cohen’s 2017 testimony in particular. He never directed Cohen to correct his testimony, and he never corrected it himself, as it would prove his own lying in 2016. Whatchagotta say about that, Rudy? What was your client’s reaction to the lies Cohen made to Congress?
Only an intellectually dishonest person would consider this behavior by Der Trumper as not lying to Congress. He either ordered the lie(s) directly or tacitly approved of the lie(s).
And every single one of tRump’s Russia denials gave Putin more and more leverage over him.
He was in thrall to Putin when he took the oath of office swearing to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. How much higher can a political crime get?
Not certain what phrase I would use, but “in thrall” isn’t it. In debt to? In cahoots with? Compromised by? Beholden to?
I see your point, but there’s something about that big goofy grin that always lights up Trump’s face when he’s about to greet Putin. The only other time I’ve seen it was when he was presiding as Lord Bountiful over heaping mounds of boxed fast food…
That Tower was allegedly worth three hundred million to Trump. So it suggests to me it could be used to bribe Trump whether or not he told Cohen to lie. Plus, I would also think that if your lawyer and others are carrying on negotiations or other talks while you deny them, you effectively directed them to do so. Trump is the principal here after all. I don’t know if that is obstruction but it is squirrelly, especially given the sanctions relief and other stuff he has given Putin, and the hacking he publicly asked for and received. Putin has him all sewn up. So Mueller appears to have all he needs and he really doesn’t need Buzzfeed or SDNY mucking it up.
Mueller’s conduct in only commenting publicly regarding a manner that is negative for Democrats while remaining completely silent about the crimes and malfeasance of Trump reminds me very much of Jim Comey in the run up to the election. Both lifelong Republicans. Something to ponder.
Well, at least Comey claims he is now “unaffiliated.”
. . . “read Marcy” as suggested.
When you hear hoof beats, you think “zebra” rather than “horse,” right?
Muellers’s office never disputes what Giuliani says, or what right wing media puts out there. Why do you think that is?
Read the damn link.
I did. It does nothing to justify Mueller’s decision to selectively release info unfavorable to Trump critics while continuing to hold back explosive information about Trump (by heavily redacting court filings, among other things). The rationale aluded to in the article is the same bullsh!t justification that Comey vomited out for swaying the election by releasing damaging information about Clinton while simultaneously burying the ongoing investigation of Trump’s campaign. If the article is correct, Mueller is just rewarding those who are working the refs. The Republicans are always working the refs and always win this game, especially when the refs (I.e, Comey, Mueller) are themselves Republicans.
Mueller’s not the superhero of your fantasies.
Wow. Your reading comprehension is embarrassing.
Dems need to subpoena Muelker to testify, find out what he knows, release it to the public and begin impeachment proceedings. This county doesn’t have the time to wait any longer on a slow-rolled report that we likely will never see anyway. Our society is being shaken to its foundations.