The following needs little comment. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a media phenomenon I only hope she doesn’t burn out…media-wise…too soon.

Ocasio-Cortez invokes Bible in response to White House on climate change

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y) on Wednesday responded to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders telling her to leave climate change up to a “much higher authority” by invoking the Bible.

While not quoting specific verses, the freshman lawmaker invoked scripture in defense of her impassioned pleas to address climate change.

“Genesis 1: God looked on the world & called it good not once, not twice, but seven times,” she tweeted. “Genesis 2: God commands all people to ‘serve and protect’ creation.”

“Leviticus: God mandates that not only the people, but the land that sustains them, shall be respected,” she added.

“You shouldn’t need a Bible to tell you to protect our planet, but it does anyway,” she wrote in a follow-up tweet.


Give ’em hell, AOC!!!

They certainly deserve it.
