…it seems reasonable and appropriate to note that not everyone is so enamored of the Texan. Here is a link to another perspective about Beto O’Rourke’s excellent adventure, which “drips with white male privilege”. Excerpt:
“Imagine this: A 46-year-old former congresswoman and mother of three, who just lost a Senate bid to one of the most despised incumbents, sets off on a road trip adventure to clear her head. She Instagrams part of her trip to the dentist. She gives a two-hour interview to The Washington Post where she shows no real knowledge of policy. Like a first-year college student, she pontificates on whether the Constitution is still a thing that matters after all these many years. And then she writes a stream of consciousness diary entry, where she is all in her sad and confused feelings, over … something…
“This is Beto O’Rourke’s navel-gazing, self-involved, rollout of a possible rollout of a possible presidential campaign. Oprah Winfrey’s couch is next. This could never, ever be a woman. We’ve seen the field fill up already with women. And we’ve seen how they think they must run — as serious, surefooted, policy experts with big ideas.”
He also campaigns for Republicans.
Republicans running against a Latina war veteran, who now that the republican won, will now vote lock step against every democrat goal, from oversight, health care, and taxes, to unions and funding the government.
It’s funny that rules of loyalty MUST be enforced, as long as the democrat is a POC or a woman (or both), but when it’s a white male from Texas? Then it’s just politics.
However, I can see how supporting republicans and their positions is considered an asset in certain people’s opinions.
Biden did something similar. So we have two primary candidates on my naughty list so far.
Biden’s poor judgment isn’t any surprise though. I have NEVER understood his appeal.
I can see it as the symbolic successor to an extremely popular president, and as a charismatic though gaffe-prone speaker.
As a candidate on his own merits? Nah.
. . . bonding with Meghan McCain before the Phony Maverick died over Biden’s similar experience while his son was dying of cancer.
Doesn’t work for me, either, but I think that captures pretty well Biden’s appeal to some: folksy, empathetic, down-to-earth, everyday-people, nice guy you’d be fine having a beer with(!). Too many people don’t look much beyond such personal “charisma” (see ag’s drooling over Beto!). Alas.
Let’ see…
Bankruptcy bill
Crime bill
“Millennials should stop complaining”
Repeated fondling of women and girls
A Democratic nominee who’s pissed off the working class, African-Americans, young voters, and women should really drive turnout.
I would let him be my grandpa, though.
I saw that! Incredible.
Every old politician sees Pelosi and says to themselves `I still have it! I’m relevant!’
No, you’re not. Go sit on your lake front porch and count your money, old man.
One might even call such a politician neocentrist. Oh my.
“Beto O’Rourke fan club!!!”
Compared to the ratings abusing/lie spouting neocentrist trolls that now inhabit this blog?
I’m just making a “modest proposal.”
Much more modest than say Jonathan Swift’s.
I am simply proposing that a modicum of honesty be brought to bear on the totally corrupted, bipartisan/UniParty U.S. federal government and its captive media.
After all of the failures of CNN and the rest of the bought-and-sold mainstream media, do you actually believe this CNN crap?
But true.
It’s just more boilerplate, anti-uncontrolled/anti-non-neocentrist/neoliberal candidate bullshit.
No surprise, I guess.
It will not be a surprise if it wins, ether. It has done so for decades…at least since it demonized Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy as dangerous socialists in 1968.
After RFK was killed…supposedly by Sirhan Sirhan, although he claims to remember none of it and any number of people present at the assassination say that they heard shots from several directions…McCarthy was easy pickings, especially after the Yippies and other groups (including Mayor Daley’s Nazi-level crooked cops) blew up the streets of the convention.
It’s the same game, JDW…just digitized for convenience.
This may be its last go-round.
Let us pray…
I know your distraction game, Arfur. SO does everyone else here. I think your tactics come down to this:
Admit nothing.
Deny everything.
Attack, attack, attack!
Just like Roger Stone you are, Arfur. Someone points out that O’Rourke’s policy preferences are, uh, NEO-CENTRIST, and you don’t even acknowledge it. You just bullshit your way through everything and attack people who point out your bullshit. Just like you’re going to do to me.
Stopped reading there. Obviously the usual (D) racism and sexism.
Thank you.
I saw it when it first came out and stopped at exactly the same phrase.
Boilerplate neocentrist/neoliberal bullshit.
OH yeah. A woman of color pointing out that female candidates and candidates or color are expected to be serious and on top of policy, whereas Beto O’Rourke gets to just BS his way through, is clearly neocentrist neoliberal bullshit.
candidates OF color
. . . male privilege” would be catnip to ag!
(Note: not endorsing accuracy of that description of Beto, content at link, which I didn’t read, nor any primary contender, announced or not. Still WAY too early for that in my world!)
AG & Voice, check.
All we need now is NJersey ranting about transgender bathrooms and you’ll hit the wingnut trifecta.
. . . What’s the “trifecta” equivalent when there are 4 instead of three? Wingnut homerun?
Oui is terrible but not so clearly promoting the views of the wingnutosphere. I get the impression his news feed is all RT-adjacent, not Infowars.
>>not so clearly promoting the views of the wingnutosphere
that’s because Oui’s inimitable style is to not say anything clearly
Because I could have sworn he was a HUGE Warren stan not that long ago. Maybe now that she’s actually running, he’s not that fond of her after all. Maybe the fact that three powerful, competent women are running, he’s eager for a white male savior.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Or maybe he’s just trying to disrupt discussion here, posting rah-rah puff pieces hoping to incite ad hominem attack pieces, as opposed to reasonable discussion of whether less liberal policy stances are worth some demonstrable charisma and crossover appeal?
. . . his history here.
Also too, Ockham just texted me that he approves this hypothesis.
I am still a “Warren” fan. Also a “Bernie” fan. I would be very happy to see either of them get the nomination. I simply think that O’Rourke…if he could manage to break through the DNC-erected “He’s not one of us!!!” firewall…would have a better chance of winning.
Their ages…and Biden’s as well…play against them, although Warren looks marvelously healthy. Did you see her dancing at the NYC Hallowe’en celebration in Greenwich Village? If I didn’t know better, I’d have guessed she was in her mid-to-late 40s!!!
Full of a certain kind of unselfconscious joy.
If she could sustain that on the campaign trail, she’d be a mighty fine candidate.
Too old. He missed the boat last time around, mostly thanks to our hustler friends over at the DNC.
So it goes.
Arthur, you can’t keep your stories straight. That’s what happpens when a person lies all the time.
Your critique of the DNC is that it is too centrist. Yet, in supporting Beto, you are supporting a candidate who is more centrist than almost all the other candidates who are running for the Presidential nomination so far.
Additionally, there is the fact that leaders in the national Democratic Party seem very comfortable with O’Rourke, so your claim that Beto will need to overcome DNC opposition is not based in fact.
You’re constantly invested in dividing the community and the Democratic Party. That’s because you are an arch conservative with many regressive policy beliefs.
Screw yourself into whatever positions you need to do so in order to be able to continue to support the failed, old, neocentrist Dems as they now totter, centristfield.
I’ll still be here.
Tell us more about your support for voter ID laws, Arthur.
Delightful, Don.
What a ginormous, ineffective tool he’s become, grousing nastily in his diaries with his two fellows.
He is to this blog as Howard Schultz is to Twitter tonight. Look at that ratio! Go straight to hell, Howie, says the public.
If Schultz had any sense of insight, he’d look at the response he’s receiving on Twitter and elsewhere and realize that he really needs to shut up and quit before he gets any further behind.
I’m going to my local Starbucks tomorrow morning and telling all the managers that they won’t get my business until Schultz stops campaigning for President. This isn’t playtime, not with the Fourth Reich at hand.
Howie can fuck ALL the way off with his both-sideing, deficit-scolding, entitlement-slashing, oligarchic ass.
If ever there were a wrong time for a vanity campaign, this is it.
This may be unfair of me, but he reminds me of Dan Quayle.