In a comment on my recent post Beto O’Rourke: Much Ado About SOMETHING!!! (;sid=2019/1/28/131526/654), joeldanwalls…after missing the whole point by totally inaccurately comparing Beto O’Rourke to the career neocentrists/neoliberals who currently control about 80% of the U.S. government and its captive mass media…asked:

Give me a reason to consider supporting Beto O’Rourke and I will listen.

My answer follows.

Read on:

OK, I will.

Beto O’Rourke is asking questions that to my knowledge have not been asked…publicly, at least…by any other truly possible candidates for national office. Ever!!! I am quite sure that they have been asked in private by right-wingers whose sole answer is a draconian, white supremacist, corporate-owned dictatorship, but not by someone like O’Rourke…someone who clearly believes in a one vote/one voter democracy of the people.

All of the people!!!

Like this:

“…I think that’s [this is] the question of the moment: Does this still work?” O’Rourke said. “Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships . . . and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?”

I believe that we need a real one vote/one person democracy here. That would necessitate a true constitutional convention. The minute another legitimate Dem candidate for the presidency says something this potentially revolutionary…questioning the very legitimacy of the system as it now stands…I will start paying attention to that candidate as well.

Until then?

O’Rourke stands alone.

I have heard nothing even remotely similar from the pack of lockstep Dems now vying for the presidency. They have all come up through the ranks of the Permanent Government’s Deep State political system, and are thus demonstrably good little boys and girls who are permanently in thrall to the Big Money controllers.

O’Rourke isn’t.

He sees a possible way out through the creative use of popular media.

Good on him!!!

Will he win?

I don’t know.

If he doesn’t…if a Biden, etc. wins?

We all lose.

Even Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the other (apparently) true progressives at or near the top of the current heap haven’t publicly said anything nearly this radical.

Can an empire like ours …still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?


The “empire” word!!!???

Questioning the current legitimacy and effectiveness of the Holy U.S. Constitution!!!???

Deep courage.

He will eventually be blasted by that empire’s captive mass media, and by its captive politicians on both sides of the non-existent political aisle.

Bet on it.

But…and here is the one positive thing that has arisen from the execrable Donald Trump’s rise to power…

It proved that the combined forces of the empire’s two parties and its mass media cannot any longer count on defeating a candidate who effectively uses the media against itself!!!

There’s your “revolution!!!

Gil Scott-Heron wrote and performed a revolutionarily and prophetically accurate piece of music in 1970 called The Revolution  Will Not Be Televised. He probably didn’t see how that prediction would really work out, but about 50 years later it’s looking very good that the internet and social media has…so far, at least…”Trumped” (sorry, couldn’t resist) the system. Now it’s just a matter of which side uses that power best, the right wing or the left wing.

Fascists or freedom lovers.

My bet…the only bet that I can see right now…is on Beto O’Rourke and an American Spring.

I think…or maybe “hope and pray” might be a better phrase…that he kicks some serious ass with his all-inclusive humanism.

No “deplorables” for Mr. O’Rourke.

He’s listening to everybody!!!

If not him?


Either someone else does it or an apocalypse of some sort solves the whole problem for us.


A question for 2020.

Which one do you want to support?

Your answers count.

One voter/one vote.

Unfettered access to what the candidates truly think.

Consider them.




P.S. A distillation of what I have been hearing from the rest of the possible candidates…Republicans and Democrats…and Beto O’Rourke:

Mainstream candidates:

It’s us against them!!!

(Whoever they seek to define as “them.”)


No, It’s us against us!!!

A “Wake the Fuck Up” moment if ever I’ve heard one!!!

Pogo For Preznit!!!
