And again I am posting the zeroed-out comment as a standalone.

It happened on Booman’s most recent “Casual Observation” post regarding the ongoing Northam ruckus. (

I will not be censored, nor will I be in any other way be silenced.

Bet on it.

Read on for more.
Centerfielddj posted a long and scurrilously inaccurate comment that…as usual…accused me of being some sort of right-wing sympathizer trying to promote dissension on this blog. Go to the “Casual Obervation” URL above if you want to read the whole thing. It starts with words “It’s generous to infer …”

I answered it quite thoroughly.

Following is my…now missing…reply to a comment by NJersey that seemed to accept some of centerfielddj’s inaccuracies as facts. I had considered posting it as a standalone instead of a comment/reply when I wrote it, but I had students to teach and ran out of time.

Thank you, centerfielddj or whichever other neocentrist tool and/or fool who zeroed it out.

Now even more people will read it.

Great work!!!

My reply to NJersey follows:

Please do not be fooled by this entity’s attacks. My non-lockstep position below (from my post above) sums up the essential source of all of the trolling done against me on this site.

This partisan bullshit has got to stop!!!

Rotten DemRats as well as rotten RatPubs need to be called out, and called out hard!!!

On every level!!!


Here are a few other red herrings that this [centerfielddj] entity throws out on a regular basis about my positions:

AG campaigned for Donald Trump here from August to November 2016 by concentrating his participation in this community by lodging nonstop attacks on Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

No. I did not “campaign for Donald Trump.” I opposed HRC because she and her neoliberal/neocentrist (and crooked as hell) DNC satraps backstabbed Bernie Sanders in the primaries in every way that they knew how to do it. I still to this day maintain that Sanders would have beaten Trump if given a fair shot in he primaries, and even if he had failed at that he would have moved the Dem battle lines way left and way sooner.

During that same general election campaign, he wrote diaries here which documented his travels in conservative areas of New York and Pennsylvania. He not only conceded then that he did not try to talk conservative voters out of voting for Trump as he tried to talk progressives out of voting for Clinton, he angrily defends that behavior to this day.

Truly…in the simple interests of sheer self-survival…I did not try to talk rural white working class strangers in Dunkin’ Donuts, local restaurants and other places out of their political stances.

I have roots in Maine equivalents of those places and I know better than to mess with the beliefs of strangers of that sort. Things can get ugly in a hurry, so I kept my peace and simply listened/observed. I was in automobile transit for more than a week at that time. Had I gotten to know them and gained their trust to some degree, I most certainly would have tried to reason with them. I have had many discussions with people much like them who know and trust my family in Maine, and have not only gotten somewhere with them but also have begun to understand why they support people like Trump.

Long story short?


We know he’s an asshole. But he’s our asshole!!!

Can’t argue with that. Not really. It’s not true, in the long run…he’s only in it for himself and his political/economic allies…but the same could be said of many people who support most mainstream Dems today. The Dems have fucked up 6 ways to Sunday…Trump’s election was just the capper…since Clinton I’s nifty little NAFTA move, and the whole country has paid for it. Talk people out of supporting them??? An almost Sisyphean task, as the give and take on this blog has so readily illustrated over the past several years. The Dems think that they’re better than the Republicans; the Republicans think that they’re better than the Dems, and the truth of the matter is that both parties are currently full of shit at their highest levels. The only truly good news as far as I can see it lies in the new Dems like AOC and Beto O’Rourke.

AG’s attacks here on Barack Obama and his Presidency were constant and frequently way over the top for most of Obama’s eight years in the office. He spent far, far more time here criticizing the first African-American President than he has spent criticizing our incredibly racist current President.

There are plenty of people…here and elsewhere…doing a thorough job of criticizing Trump, but not so many people understand that Obama’s reign…and the DNC/DNC-controlled media that supported and publicized him… were con jobs. Why pile on one side and ignore the faults of the others? The Dem’s problems are what brought us Trump.


The “Peace President?”


Obama the War president.

The Universal surveillance president.

The Wall Street president.

The globalist corporate-owned and operated president.

Bet on it.

A cursory reading of some truly progressive sites should be enough to establish that truth. Try back issues of Counterpunch for starters. (

I could go on puncturing centristfielddj’s red herring balloons, but I have to go to work now. That entity and its allies are not going to stop with the false attacks here…they hold to mainstream, neocentrist/neoliberal Dem positions and as I said above, the sum total results of those positions since Clinton I is a downward curve for this country any way you look at it. That applies to the RatPublicans, too. They both suck!!! You are relatively new here, I believe, and I hate to see new people poisoned by this kind of bullshit.

Think on it.



No more need be said.

You either get it or you don’t.

Centristfield and his little gang of neo-McCarthyites most obviously do not.




Not until faithfulness turns to betrayal-and betrayal into trust-can any human being become part of the truth. — Rumi