Bet on it.

Reliable sources report that Arthur Gilroy has been in close consultation with Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Julian Assange and the reanimated corpse of Andrew Breitbart about the topic for his fifteenth Booman Tribune diary this month. Gilroy, a professional musician from New York City known for his stream-of-consciousness reports filed from roadside diners throughout the northeastern US, and for his exegeses of the Bible, the lyrics of Bob Dylan, and the plays of William Shakespeare, is thought to be preparing another hagiographical essay about former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D–TX). However, this reporter has learned that Gilroy’s strategists are recommending he return to his roots and instead write a concise summary of Ron Paul Thought. A title for this work has yet to be chosen, but in a telephone conversation yesterday, Gilroy acknowledged that he was leaning toward WTFU .
