Did you need another reason to hate the New England Patriots?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I live a little over 2 hours north of Green Bay. Being in Packerland, I would be shunned if I didn’t hate the Patriots.
He’s very rich. He’s very white. He’s a male. Hardly be a noticeable bump in his road.
You could be describing Roger Stone.
All over the Internet people were proclaiming how he had screwed himself and how mad mad mad that `ol Judge was.
Then he walked right out of the Court.
. . . to care at all in the first place, one way or another, about the “Patriots”.
I always go for the Pats when the Vikings go down. Join the Empire baby.
Team owners in professional sports are, by and large, complete shitheads. However, it really feels like the NFL guys are on another level: Jerry Jones, Bob Kraft, and formerly Jerry Richardson, to name a few.
Bob Kraft is one of the few good ones. He took the player’s side in the last labor dispute and over the kneeling protest.
Jerry Jones OTOH is one of the worst people in the world.
Kraft just got popped in a strip mall brothel, staffed by women who were being trafficked. I’d say that’s waaaaay worse than anything you think Jerry Jones has done.
FWIW: I’m a Cowboys fan going back to the days of Staubach, and think Jones is a huge piece of shit, but damn man, Kraft is worse.
You can’t be serious. Jerry Jones spends half of his waking hours drunk off his gourd surrounded by escorts. AND ALSO he’s a terrible person in every other way.