In his recent post Dems Can Do Better Than Amy Klobuchar (, Booman wrote:
I bring up [my distaste for Joe Sestak] now to demonstrate that anything I might say about how Sen. Amy Klobuchar treats her staff should not be interpreted as some double standard that I apply to women but would never apply to a man.
Read on.
I am truly sorry that Booman feels the need to justify his distaste for Amy Klobuchar with an apology to the PC crowd. They are kneejerkers, just as are the misogynists. Are we not to be allowed to disapprove of any potential candidate…or for that matter, any person with whom we must interact on any level whatsoever…without first proving that we are not being misogynist/racist/sexist (in any way including anti-homosexual/anti-semitic/anti-what-the-fuck-ever) etc., etc., etc., etc.? This is a swamp into which the entire system will eventually sink, lock, stock and barrel.
The gears of discourse will eventually totally seize up in the rapidly thickening mud of media-enforced, faux PC.
In point of fact it has probably already done so to some great degree..
It’s the old “Some of my best friends are [fill-in-the-blank]” line turned on its head.
Some of my worst enemies are not [fill-in-the-blank]!!!
If you do not like what you are learning about Klobuchar, why must you justify that dislike? Do you feel the need to do so about Trump? Did you feel the need to do so about McCain or Sestak? I doubt it.
Tell the PCers to go fuck themselves.
They were a large part of the reasons that drove otherwise sensible people away from the Dems in 2016…either into Trump’s arms or (maybe even worse) into non-voting disgust with the whole system as it stands.
Do you trust…or not trust…say Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on ethnic, sexist or ageist grounds? Do you feel the need to apologize for your positions on people…yea or nay…to the PC hustlers who are fatally congesting the political and social dialogues with what are is essence themselves PC (Or maybe better, anti-PC) grounds?
If so, you are already defeated.
Where is the difference between saying that you oppose So-and-So because he/she is a damned (again, fill in the blank) and being told that you must perform the (impossible) task of justifying your opposition by establishing that you have opposed other people who are not whatever jive PC category the congestors can rattle up?
After all, we are all some kind of “minority,” even if it’s a minority of one.
Stand your ground with no apologies.
Or…watch the Dems lose in 2020 as faux PC once again chases the sensible away from the party.
. . . are indistinguishable yet again!
Funny how that keeps happening! What with ag telling us repeatedly how vehemently opposed he is to Trump and everything Trump.
Whenever I read someone attacking so-called political correctness, I know I’m dealing with someone who resents the fact that he now gets called out for making bigoted remarks that once upon a time elicited laughs.
Here’s some of the civil rights views our diarist has shared here:
“If an entire, thriving culture…the urban black culture of the ’30s, ’40s + ’50s…has been decimated and replaced by gang warfare, sorry excuses for schools, rancid projects and some middle class black suburban ghettoes…because that’s what most suburban black neighborhoods really are these days, white flight made them that way…how effective has the Civil Rights bill really been, Nick?
Sure, 10%…or even 20% or 30%…of the black population is living better than were their equivalents in the pre-“Civil Rights” days, but what about the 70% or 80% that’s still stuck in gang-infested, drug-infested ghettoes? What’s it done for them except trap them on yet another set of mean, dead-end streets? The state of urban America is a thousand times worse than it was in the ’40 s and ’50s. Murder rates are skyrocketing, the entire educational system is breaking down, the prison population is soaring and children are being shot in the street by other children….”.
Straight from the very worst Fox News rhetoric to the pages of BooMan Tribune. This is the diarist who wants us to believe that he sincerely believes the Democratic Party is insufficiently progressive.
Occam’s Razor, people. This isn’t complicated.
I have lived and worked in the NYC and Boston area ghettoes for 50 years, played in the same sorts of areas all over this country, and I stand by every word above.
I don’t get my shit from Fox News…I live it.
Booman knows what my life has been, to some degree…the working part, anyway, which is plenty enough evidence of my non-racist position. That’s why I am still here, I believe.
The above is McCarthy-level lying.
Have you no shame?
Joseph Welch to Joe McCarthy, June 1954:
In my opinion…for you…the answer is “No.” Fox false news or MSNBC false news. A wash.
At long last…is that all we have left?
If so, then this country is doomed. And when it goes down,…if it goes down, which looks more probable with every passing day of contentious lying…people like you will be as guilty as the fiercest pro-Trump assholes.
Good day…
Hey, this is superb content you are bringing to our progressive community. Keep writing. Good Lord, keep writing. Get more explicit in your defenses.
We’re just about to become persuaded that the vast majority of African-Americans were better off under Jim Crow laws. If you keep on hammering away at these points you will have us convinced that the Democratic Party should be remade in your image. The breakthrough is coming.
Please give us yet more defenses of Ron Paul’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act and Roe vs. Wade. Can’t get enough of that stuff.
. . . right here:
As always with you rightwingnuts, it’s all projection, all the time; every accusation a confession.
Well, don’t hide from us, Arthur. If Booman knows your true identity, let the rest of us know, too.
And by the way, Arthur, you might want to ditch the rhetoric about how some of your best friends are black. Or Latino. It makes you sounds sort of…politically correct, doesn’t it? Of course, it also makes you sound like Mark Meadows.
More like Bill Evans.
And Gil Evans.
And Gerry Mulligan.
And Bob Brookmeyer.
And the other hundreds of white jazz musicians who learned their art primarily by playing with…and studying…black musicians.
P.S. Who the fuck is Mark Meadows? He must be some minor pol that scavengers like you use to insult other people.
Work on your media addiction.
P.P.S. I trust Booman.
I do not trust you.
Will Beto O’Rourke campaign against the Democratic Party POTUS nominee if he fails to win the primary? It would be the truly progressive thing to do, we are told.
Geez, he said he would support the Democratic nominee? But…but…but wouldn’t that make him just another kneejerker, Arthur? Another DNC tool?
I wish I had more time to write about this, but I must get back to my DNC masters. We’re plotting to subvert Sanders’ campaign again and there’s not a moment to spare.