I’ve been to a lot of political conferences and I know how exciting and comforting in can be to find others who think like you do, especially when you’ve often felt like you were all alone. But it’s a little different to go to a conference specifically so that you can find other assholes.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Crazy. Just batshit crazy.
Soy boys WTF??
What a way to live your life, huh?
One of my favorite genres is these grizzled, manly fellers who harken back to the days of the strong, laconic, unshakable cowboy who check notes shrieked in horror about girls joining scout groups and never stopped whining about his victimization. Pardner.
The “conference” brings to mind J. Hoberman’s on-the-money description of Top Gun twenty years ago: “It’s a suppressed sob of terror.”
But these people are certainly no less assholes just the same. Is it just me, or does each successive year seem more desperate in the caricature of imagined enemies within and without, and in these loonies’ own eager self-caricature?
The terror around sex and gender, totally ungrounded in the world of practical reality, is particularly transparent.
Oh, it’s not just you.
Compare where they were 10 years ago, to where they are right now.
Then send that out 10 years into the future.
When I used to study a lot of Carl Jung’s psychology, I was often surprised with ideas attached to archetypal psychology that would surface in books and at conferences. One lecturer commented, “Super testosterone driven males have a hard time believing that every male has feminine traits and every female masculine ones. One therapist mentioned a Nascar guy hollering at him, “That’s BULLSHIT!” at a court ordered anger management session. The therapist requested that Nascar guy lift up his t-shirt. Mr. Angry complied. Therapist pointed to his two tits and asked, “Whey would you need those? You’re a male after all. Plan on nursing some babies in the near future?” Case closed. Shirt lowered in shame.
I’m hoping his shame was from realizing his assholery, and not a result of discovering that he possessed feminine traits.
So let me get this . . . um . . . straight: The gay rightwingnut is declaring that ‘straight white men [are] liberals’ “target du jour.”‘
Meanwhile, here in Reality, this liberal straight, white man does not feel even remotely targeted by . . . er . . . um . . . myself!!! [No doubt these rightwingnut assholes have a ready answer to that already cued up: that just makes me a “soy boy”!]
Even the great Ionesco’s genius would have fallen short of an ability to capture the absurdity of the idiocy in that assholery.
The sympathy for the asshole, nevertheless.