Over the weekend, I wrote that Joe Biden has developed a smart strategy and will be branding himself as the representative of the Obama coalition. He will attempt to convince people that he’d essentially be a third-term for Barack Obama. If he’s successful in this effort, he should benefit from the huge field of alternative candidates who are promising change rather than restoration. He doesn’t need to cobble together a majority to win the nomination, or even a particularly large plurality–he just needs to get the most delegates in the primaries and caucuses or become the consensus pick in any brokered convention.
When I was writing about this, I was thinking almost exclusively about Democratic voters, but most states allow non-party members to participate in the nominating process. Some other states allow same-day party re-registration, which means people can walk into the polls and become Democrats for a day. Biden’s strategy seems well-suited for winning over a lot of these voters, too.
To see what I mean, look at the recent focus group of Ohio swing voters that was done by Engagious/Focus Pointe Global:
The group included 12 swing voters, half of whom voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 and then flipped to Hillary Clinton in 2016, and half of whom went for Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016.
- Five of the six Obama/Trump voters would pick Obama if he could run again in 2020. Among the reasons: Obama is “more of a diplomatic person,” as one participant put it; another said he’s “more intellectual.”
- Another common refrain: “I think this country needs a sense of calmness,” said Brenda R., a 62-year-old Obama/Trump voter.
Yes, I know that this is a sample of twelve people, so all caveats about sample size certainly apply here. Still, we can see a sentiment among Obama/Trump voters that could easily benefit Biden. One of these voters, a 24 year old Trump-voter named Christopher DiRando, said “I will definitely not vote for Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren; I just want to see a level-headed, competent person.” He’s clearly not looking for an economic populist or doctrinaire liberal, but he’s eager to vote Trump out if the alternative doesn’t seem even more threatening. Representatives of both the Romney/Clinton and the Obama/Trump camps had negative things to say about Trump’s honesty and integrity and compared him unfavorably with Obama. They’re looking for someone authentic, honest, and “transparent.” It’s hard to find a politician in American more transparent than Joe Biden.
For Biden’s strategy to work, he’ll need to hold onto a large chunk of Obama’s strongest supporters. The black vote in the South is going to be very important in many early contests, including South Carolina. If Biden carries their vote, he’ll be in a good position. Soft Democrats, independents, and disaffected Trump voters could make up a swing vote in states like New Hampshire, and if they gravitate to Biden over a splintered field of candidates who are competing to be the most liberal, it could be enough for him to pull off a victory.
I see three main vulnerabilities to Biden’s strategy. The first is that it’s backward-looking in emphasis, and it’s unlikely to be a compelling argument to the majority of Democratic voters. If the nomination were decided strictly on change versus restoration, I’d bet on change winning. The second weakness is related to the first. His strategy probably depends on a very slow winnowing of the field so he can pile up delegates for a long time with small/medium-sized pluralities before having to compete in a three or two-person field. The final threat for Biden is that someone else will do a better job of satisfying this yearning for non-ideological decency and normalcy. The number one complaint I hear about Biden is that he’s too old, and perhaps much younger candidates like Pete Buttigieg or Beto O’Rourke can fill that need without the same amount of baggage. It’s also possible that Biden will simply fail to hold Obama’s strongest supporters if they find someone who seems like a better bearer of the flame.
The day Biden announces his candidacy, he’ll probably still be leading in the polls. He’s not going to be easy to dislodge from that position so long as there are so many alternatives vying for attention and beating each other up. If the race ever comes down to a one-on-one contest between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, that will be really fascinating to watch. It’s almost impossible to believe that a majority of Democrats would choose a non-party member to lead them over a popular former vice-president. But it could happen, especially if Sanders can win more of the soft Democrat/independent vote.
If Biden finds himself in a one-on-one contest with one of the female candidates, that would also be very compelling. Democrat voters seem anguished on gender right now–simultaneously hungry for a woman to redeem Clinton’s loss and unconvinced that any woman would fare better than she did against Trump. I hear this ambivalence expressed every single time I discuss the election with casual Democrats. Joe Biden very much comes from a pre-#MeToo generation and the contrast between him and Kirsten Gillibrand or Kamala Harris would be striking. The lower the Democrats’ tolerance for perceived risk, the better Biden would do. The choice would split households nationwide and create some very raw emotions for the losers.
Biden has many flaws and weaknesses as a candidate, but he’s carrying Obama’s flag now and that means the others must do one of two things. They either have to capture that flag for themselves or they have to convince the voters that they shouldn’t care about that old flag because they now have a more exciting cause to follow.
What is it with you and Biden? There are other candidates. Maybe write about them instead of some old fart who won’t have any gas left to run for a second term.
As long as he’s doing as well in the polls while teasing I think some Biden talk is justified. I do think that theres not much more to talk about with Biden until something actually happens however.
It’s the Biden puffing which is annoying. Especially since Biden is one of the few candidates not taking on important issues, including Boo’s frequent topic of antitrust, which several other candidates are now talking about. Especially since that’s one of the issues a Democratic President could make progress on even if the Senate isn’t cooperative.
Right now I think literally every other substantive candidate is better than Biden on issues. If I have to have a centrist-leaning photogenic white male, I’d much rather O’Rourke.
People are not getting that Biden and Sanders are not some flash in the pan, but the front-runners of this nomination. This is not a matter of my preference, but of their relative positions at the starting gate.
I’m frustrated with the horse race framing the media thrives on. There has to be a better way to approach this critical decision making process.
It’s not that we think that they are “flash in the pan”. It’s just that the campaign has just started, most of these candidates have limited name recognition, and Biden hasn’t even announced yet.
At a point where the polls are particularly unreliable, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to be considering among the half-dozen or more serious contenders who have announced, especially when they are giving public statements on their issues and agendas, while Joe Biden is running on “being Obama’s running mate”.
As for this:
Democrats just elected a record number of women this year, and I think you need a bit more justification on that point.
The candidates that seem to me to be most likely to take on the mantle of Obama successor are Mayor Buttigieg and Booker. Klobuchar if shes still plugging away is more of a DLC type.
Klobuchar if shes still plugging away is more of a DLC type.
What do you think Buttigieg and Booker are? Hell, do you not remember Booker’s comments in 2012 when Obama rightfully skewered Mitt Romney?
I do remember. For me the Obama legacy is one of inspiration and a worldview that failed.
I find Booker as false as the day is long, but both Mayor Butts and Booker seem to be able to do some inspiring in people and I also think their worldview is a mistake, as I feared about Obama.
Sadly, I agree.
“Mayor Butts” — really!!!!
Are we in junior high here?
Mayor Butts is funny. And likely to catch on in a fun way. I’d like to hear more about your concern with his worldview. Too optimistic / hopeful? Or just too young? It’s an interesting point that no one is talking about that I’ve read or heard about. But you’re saying it’s a “mistake,” not just a product of their politics or youth, I think. What do you mean?
Fore some reason a lot of people confused Obama’s positive rhetoric about working in unity with the opposition to improve the lives of Americans as a sincerely held worldview rather than a framing device used to paint the Republicans as wild-eyed extremists.
I think I’ve figured out that you (MNPundit) mean an elitist vs populist worldview, the former being the mistake, of course. This topic will come up again, I’m sure.
Every time you write about Biden, I feel less happy about him running. Biden vs a woman would be bad. Biden vs a gay man would be bad. Biden vs a POC would be bad. Let’s not create a situation where Democrats are divided between an establishment old white man and a representative of the younger, more diverse side of the party. Obama won by looking forward. How can his flag be held by someone looking back?
Has Biden said anything about Ihlan Omar yet? There is a piece over at the Post suggesting a lot of POC voters are watching which Dems are stepping up to defend her, and how they are doing it. Warren seems to be leading that race.
Booker stepped up to defend her against the unfair treatment, too. I’m liking him more every day.
This is a link that has a convenient listing and chronology of who said what about Omar.
Not on the list is Biden, who I assume still has whiffed this one.
When he does, what do you think the odds are it will not be good.
I put them at 65%.
He does need to say something.
Two words: Anita Hill.
“Fails to defend ladies of color against scurrilous Republican attacks” would not be a good trope to establish or build upon.
Bernie Sanders quickly defended Ilhan Omar against Trump’s attacks. And AOC thanked Bernie for coming to Omar’s defense.
This is wandering a bit off-topic, but seems a good place to throw this out anyway: (The whole thing reads better than my excerpts).
.. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-dangerous-bullying-of-ilhan-omar ..
Thank you.
To tell ya the truth, I can find fault with every last one of the dem candidates, if I tried hard enough. Bernie’s old, Joe’s a relic, Klobuchar is DLC incarnate; Can Mayor Pete win as a gay man, Kamala too Hillary-ish, Warren the “native thing” and on and on. But at the end of the day, what’s the point? Primary voters are gonna decide, we’ll have one candidate and whoever the hell that is, will be a damn sight better than what we have today. Whoever it is.
Do I care about Bernie’s griping? No, and if this is a sign of Sanders being “a bad man” it will shake out in the end. Democratic voters deserve a lot more credit than we’re giving `em.
Democrats, let the primary process play out. Meanwhile start working on GOTV to surpass what was done in 2018. And instead of arguing over the candidates, how about strategizing around and put some serious effort towards counter measures against GOP voter suppression schemes, Russian social media rigging, etc?
Obama was an extension of the Clintons. Therefore, Biden is an extension of the Clintons. Not a good flag to fly.
Poe’s law strikes again.
I’m trying to fathom the deeper meaning of the concept of Biden “carrying Obama’s flag” — but I doubt there is one.