Hello photo lovers!
The new series of foto flogs continues.
Posting photos should be easy. Do you have images hosted somewhere? You should just need an url. Once you place an url of your photo into a comment, your photo should post just fine. No need for any code any more.
The Foto Flog was curated by a lot of people over the years. At one point, they were even themed – Foto Fairs. For now let’s keep it loose. I thought I’d start out with a recent sunset photo along a nearby riverfront, which is experiencing some flooding.
To participate, you don’t have to be a pro. I am definitely an amateur hobbyist. I’ve been taking tons of photos – mostly of landscapes and cityscapes – since I was in my early teens. Currently, I use my LG ThinQ 40 for everyday use. I do have a 35mm camera that is a good three decades old, although one of my daughters seems to have commandeered that one. I’ve always been impressed with the folks who have posted their work in the past. So, let’s make this come to life.
Looking at historic flooding this weekend. I am in a low-risk zone, but am ruling nothing out for the next few days.
Hopefully you will be without any damage.
Thanks. That’s what we’re counting on. Got way too much rain which has been bad for a lot of reasons. The water table is high enough that the ground in my back yard is getting to unstable to support one of the fences. That was a problem four years ago as well. Just got done propping that one back up, and should be secure for a bit. Not looking forward to the price tag to get it properly fixed/replaced.
It’s been a beautiful spring in Warminster, PA. See this dogwood brance
I love the hint of pink on those!
Thank You
I love flowers.
Of course, a lot of beautiful flowers means lots of pollen attacks on the car.
That car window looks like my patio table and laptop screen.
I know that scene all too well. Also means lots of antihistamines for me!
Took this one of the skate park near the river front. Police had just blocked off the parking lot, so folks parked on the side of the road. Depending on how high the river gets, it may be a good while before anyone gets to use the skate park again:

Some flowers. Planted this one last summer. Well, one of my teens was supposed to plant it, but, we know how that works out. I really did not think it would survive, but it appears to be thriving. This week brought its first blooms of the year. Looking forward to many more.