Hey, music lovers, conversation starters, barflies, and fellow patrons of Ye Olde Frog Pond:
It’s been a couple weeks, but I am back. Still not quite 100% but improving. Thanks to those of you who keep the joint running when I am a bit incapacitated. Give it a couple weeks. Hopefully the headaches will be gone by then. In the meantime, here’s some music from near my neck of the woods.
I’ll try to post a bit more as life permits. Our trusty bartender does a great job in my absence. And of course everyone knows how to use YouTube these days. Amirite? So hoist a pint, wine glass, shot glass, or travel mug and let’s have a toast to community.
My oral surgery went extremely well yesterday but left me exhausted and $4,750 in the hole out of pocket after insurance. Get financially hammered while insured is such an American thing.
I know it. Our household has dealt with three hospitalizations in three years. One we could handle. We’re at a point where one more serious illness or injury will have me declaring bankruptcy. Only in the US. But “freedom!”
Solidarity, Don.
Our country is so much less than it should be.
At least you have insurance. I’m in Tennessee, where there’s no Medicaid expansion, and I can’t currently afford to buy into the ACA.
“Our trusty bartender does a great job in my absence.” Why, thank you! Just for that, I’m serving another cocktail for a Democratic presidential candidate. Today, it’s Amy Klobuchar. In her honor, it’s Minnesota’s official cocktail, The Bootleg. Watch Lunds & Byerlys show how one is made.
“So hoist a pint, wine glass, shot glass, or travel mug and let’s have a toast to community.” Indeed!
Fun fact: Amy Klobuchar follows my Twitter account. Hopefully she doesn’t get too bored of tweets of cats and dodgy science.
She follows mine, too. Good taste on her part!
Now time for a toast to Kirsten Gillibrand, who dropped out yesterday and whose favorite drink is a shot of whiskey. Here she is, tending bar.
What’s with New York politicians tending bar?
That’s where New York politics got started. E.g., Fraunces Tavern—where the Sons of Liberty met & conspired, where the NY Chamber of Commerce was founded, and where Washington delivered his farewell address to his Continental Army officers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraunces_Tavern
Bernie Sanders has a drink named after him. Like Trump, this one is official. Food and Wine shared the story and recipe.
Here’s the image for the Bernie Paloma.
Here’s another suggestion for Bernie Sanders from Bobbie Flay of Food Network, the Old Vermont Cocktail.