Hi music lovers!
Booman asked in the last cafe/lounge if anyone knew chess. I am afraid I don’t, but I do know the Chess soundtrack. Yeah, I know. Not quite the same thing. But, hey, we do what we can. This Murray Head track was a big hit in 1986, and was a staple of KROQ night at any of a number of watering holes around LA/OC at the end of the 1980s and right at the start of the 1990s.
I’m sure I will have more. I usually do. The bar is open. Add your own tunes. Say hey. The news cycles can drive you crazy. Sometimes just getting through life can do that as well. I know all to well. If you just want to shoot the breeze, cool. I’ll keep checking in.
Somebody out there has to be a chess player.
I can play checkers.
I took up the sport in the mid-50s, checked books out of the Wichita Falls Kemp Public Library (great library), studied problems, and played fairly semi-regularly in HS (often daily at lunch), and in college (my roommate was really good, and I hear he is still quite competitive/obsessive.) After decades of not playing, I got a Grandmaster 2000 and worked through the rudiments, refreshing my skills, so to speak, then it proceeded to kick my ass after 4-5 moves every time. I play bridge now. Congrats to Finn and I hope he learns to focus his disappointment into improvement and patience.
you should try Chess. com. It will match you at your level and you’ll win about half the time even if you never improve.
A lovely cover of a lovely track Tangerine Dream originally recorded in the 1970s:
“The bar is open” — yes it is! I was looking for chess drink recipes yesterday, but couldn’t find any. Darn! However, today is Talk Like A Pirate Day and there are lots of drinks with pirate themes. I begin with Walk The Plank Shots from Tipsy Bartender.
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
Since Bill de Blasio just dropped out of the Democratic nomination contest, I’m being a good environmentalist and recycling The Brooklyn from Common Man Cocktails to toast his exit.