I’m probably more critical of the Kennedy clan than most Democrats but I generally have a good opinion of them and respect their commitment to public service. I just can’t support a primary challenge to Senator Ed Markey. I’m getting a little tired of Massachusetts Democrats throwing out perfectly serviceable and experienced members. But I find it particularly irritating in this case because the Kennedys are acting like they’re owed a Senate seat by virtue of their name. Young Joe Kennedy III can’t even articulate a reason why he’s better than Markey, and he’s not better as far as I can tell.

Markey isn’t a spectacular member of Congress, but he’s a leader on climate change who has a solidly progressive voting record and has slowly built up a bit of seniority, which is something Massachusetts usually enjoys but is currently lacking.

This isn’t some huge big deal, but it’s unnecessary and a distraction from critical battles that will be settled next year. Kennedy should stay in the House and seek out opportunities to rise up the leadership ladder. Warren’s seat could open up if she’s elected president. If not, Markey will be nearly eighty in six years and could be challenged then.

I honestly can’t see how Massachusetts would benefit in any way from replacing Markey with Kennedy. They’s lose seniority in both chambers and probably come away with more conservative representation.