Image: Matt Johnson
An embattled President Donald Trump on Sunday had a full-fledged meltdown that culminated in a call for another civil war if he’s not re-elected.
….If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2019
It is a preposterous, self-pitying statement on its face—but it makes me wonder. Who, exactly, would march, fight, and presumably die to preserve the Union prop up Trump’s flagging presidency—because it wouldn’t be about saving the country. There are PLENTY of people, and not all northerners or Democrats, who would be only too happy to let the old Confederate states leave. Ever since Trump was elected, I’ve seen tons of jokes saying “let’s build a wall—along the Mason Dixon Line” and “maybe we can join up with Canada.”
Seriously, who would send their sons and daughters, or put their own lives on the line, for the likes of Donald Trump and his disgusting family, Steven Miller, or the Conways? I mean, right now the president is essentially shrieking on Twitter, dropping an all-caps tirade about whistleblower laws that drips with panic and flop-sweat. Does that inspire confidence in his strong and steady leadership?
I think most people would wave a not-so-fond farewell. And in my fondest imagination, the northeast, the Pacific northwest, California, and even a few northern midwest states respond with “fuck it” and become part of Canada. You can’t have a civil war if the folks you’re ostensibly fighting just wave it off and say “nah, you go do you.”
Y’all can have Ohio though. I don’t need your civil war.
He’s not calling for a rehash of the Civil War in the 1860s, north vs. south. He’s encouraging mass shootings.
Exactly. It is a dog whistle for violence against anyone not supporting him. He will continue to double down on this as things worsen for him. It does not get reported much, but among his most ardent supporters in the gun crowd the threats of violence and death are already going out. There can be little doubt that the day is coming where someone will die at the hands of a person motivated by the rantings and encouragement of Donald Trump. As we continue to be demonized and dehumanized by Trump and his followers, violence against us is almost assured. The only questions are where, when, and to whom will it happen.
that is a high crime and misdemeanor.
Long as we got Batman and MrT we ok!
Well, some “Oath Keepers” (in OK?) quickly blared on social media that Trumper’s Civil War is already upon us. As everyone has noted, Trumper’s Tweet will been seen as a call for any number of “conservative” gun nut “patriots” to open fire on a crowd of presumably unarmed (but traitorous!) protesters, most likely in some Blue city. Or to spray some presumptuous Dem campaign headquarters in Red states with gun fire.
Reactionary rightwing movements made up of brainwashed cultists always devolve into street violence. National Trumpalism will be no different, especially since the Great Leader himself is already condoning it ahead of time. The only difference will be that our cultists are armed with personal arsenals of assault weapons, thanks to the “conservative” movement. As a result of this Trumperian incitement, it would not be incredible for one of the leading Dem prez candidates to be assassinated, ala MLK and Bobby Kennedy in 1968—that’s the type of national atmosphere the noble Repub Trumper is conjuring with his deranged tweets and bellicose rhetoric. That’s (true) “conservatism”!
Say what you want about Der Trumper, he’s a monster but at least he knows how to use preparatory rhetoric to lead his crackpot cultists. At what point will Dem leaders start denouncing Trumper’s calls for violence by his gun nuts and start declaring that Der Trumper’s unhinged and authoritarian rants demonstrate him to be mentally unbalanced? Keep the powder dry!
so this should be added to his list of high crimes and misdemeanors. Someone should tell him now so it is real to him. I rather suspect that someone already did and I am curious to see if he continues this line of attack.
I have taken firearms training since Trump was elected. I do not have a gun or desire to get one. If a civil war does come I will probably go down easy. But by god I will go down fighting the Fox news bots when they come for me. I hate them almost as much as they hate me.
And I for one am grateful for antifa.
Me too.
While I sympathize to a certain extent, we would be inviting a vast India-Pakistan 1947 like internal migration since there are millions of Democrats living in the larger Southern and southern Midwest states (e.g. Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc.). Assuming they wouldn’t want to live in a “country” without the current federal government Constitution and rights, it would be enormously costly to implement.
Better to make gerrymandering of federal elections illegal and many other electoral (and economic) reforms. That’s what will do it.