When it comes to how allies or potential allies view the United States, the main problem is the American electorate. George W. Bush was a transparent nincompoop and no one overseas needed binoculars to understand this. His presidency could perhaps be written off as a bad aberration–something never to be repeated. And Barack Obama spent eight years trying to give the world that impression. But it was mostly for naught, because the voters responded to the most ethical administration in modern history by hiring a charlatan and a crook. Not only that, but he’s a pawn of Russia.

So, the problem is not so much what Trump does or doesn’t do in office as it is the lack of confidence the world has that we won’t elect a downright moron in four or eight or twelve years. To restore confidence in American leadership, we will have to elect a steady string of solid presidents over a couple of decades.

But the world doesn’t have twenty years to wait for dependable leadership from a superpower. Stars will align among more dependable benefactors whether they’re benevolent or not. For much of the rest, the “Free” world will muddle through trying to fill the vacuum our idiot voters created.

What’s particularly annoying about this for me is that even at our best, our establishment was doing a crap job of leading the world. Perhaps they did so much of a crap job domestically that the voters lost their minds. But, in spite of this possibility, the voters deserve the blame here. You can’t look at a person like George W. or Donald Trump and think they’ll be a decent or even minimally acceptable leader, and yet that’s what the voters (and/or the Electoral College) decided three separate times in the last five elections.