Hi photo lovers.
I wanted to focus on sunsets for a while. Those have always had an existential flavor to them – a reminder that everything ends eventually.
I am still using my same equipment, and am no professional. If you are an avid photographer, regardless of your skills and professional experience, you are in good company here.
I have been using an LG v40 ThinQ for the last year. It seems to serve me well. This series of posts is in honor of a number of our ancestors. At one point, there were some seriously great photographers who graced Booman Tribune with their work. They are all now long gone. I am what is left. I keep this going because I know that one day I too will be gone, and I really want the work that was started long ago to continue, rather than fade away with me.
Well, lasr week I tried to send three Halloweeny pictures, but they never showed up on the site.. Are yoy having the same problem? Seems you haven’t added anything for two weeks now.
Well, last week I tried to send three Halloweeny pictures, but they never showed up on the site.. Are yoy having the same problem? Seems you haven’t added anything for two weeks now.
I tried to see if there were any posts that were pending that would fit the description. Couldn’t find anything. Not sure what is going on. That is a question that is above my paygrade. Good news is that Booman is pretty good at noticing things – especially if we need to make some noise.
Not quite sunset but getting close – Louisville, KY early June, 2016.