Naturally, you can look at the following survey results and ask yourself, “what the hell is wrong with the South?” But the numbers still are quite bad for the president.
The South is continuing to stick with President Donald Trump, though 47 percent disapprove of how he’s handling his job, according to results from a new NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll.
That’s a slight uptick from the 45 percent who disapproved of the president in the July poll. The new poll found that 52 percent approve of the president’s work.
But support for impeachment in the region does not mirror that disapproval number. Only 44 percent said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 54 percent opposed it.
NBC News|SurveyMonkey polled voters and residents in 11 states across the South…
It’s absurd that a majority of any population of any species in any region of the solar system would give Trump good marks for his job performance, but the 11 states of the South are his best region on this planet or any other. That he’s barely above water there tells you that the man is about as popular as a case of chiggers.
As for impeachment not mirroring his approval numbers, that’s an absurd observation. Why would anyone expect disapproval levels to perfectly match sentiment for removal from office? The truth is, the numbers are shockingly similar. In the South, 47 percent of the people think Trump is doing a crap job and 44 percent things he should be sent packing as a result.
Those are terrible results. What this means is that more than 4 out of 10 people you encounter in the Piggly Wiggly think Trump is so awful that he should be frog-marched out of the White House. I can’t see how that is good news for the sadist-in-chief.
So – what have you guys got against Piggly Wiggly? You are associating them with Trump for some reason.
No, he’s just associating them with the South. Which is accurate, there are hardly any Piggly Wigglies north of the Mason-Dixon line.
What this shows is that there is no possible iteration of “conservatism” that could lose majority support in the Neo-Confederacy. Even an open political criminal like TRUMP maintains majority support, even “approval”. But it is remarkable that the “conservative” majority for National Trumpalism has gotten so slight that vote suppression and election rigging have (obviously) become necessary. The tragedy is that so many citizens must live their lives as a completely unrepresented oppressed minority–i.e. southern Dem voters.
Presumably this Trumpalist support is based on two things: sadism at the border and Rightwing judges who will curtail all rights except those involving weapons and Christianism. But bellicose militarism has always been a key component of Confederate thinking, so there must be at least some consternation at Der Trumper’s Kurdish Betrayal, which has not set well with the beloved generals. Trump has, of course, maintained the region’s torrent of “defense” spending, which is one of the (many) components of its welfare system—with the (white) Southern welfare recipients all the while lapping up that hatred of the central government which has been the First Commandment of Conservatism for decades. This shows that there is no level of cognitive dissonance which is fatal!
The question is, with the Southification of the North over the past decade, do these numbers hold in the lower population density areas of the North (and West) as well. Der Trumper cannot win the popular vote–it’s simply impossible and the National Trumpalists don’t even pretend to seek it–but Dear Leader needs much better Northern rural white support than this in order for the failed constitution to collapse once again.
As for the South, only national Gotterdammerung could alter the reactionary thinking of most Southerners, (and even that would last about one election, ha-ha). It has always been thus and ever will be.
Hmmm, the “south” you say. I’ve heard of them. As I recall they had their own flag and at one point their own government. And they created these things because of their support of “sadism at the border and Rightwing judges.” NOT!