Because zombies are real, Jeff Sessions will be running for his old Senate seat in Alabama next year. This makes me want to die and not be revived, but there is one saving grace. President Trump hates Sessions hit the heat of a thousand tweets, and he’s promised to beat the shit out of him in an effort to prevent him from winning the GOP’s nomination.
This is the kind of shitshow Orville Redenbacher would love. The best part is that pits Trump against the most important jurors in his upcoming impeachment trial. Sessions’ former colleagues in the Senate will be pulling for him and grinding and gnashing their teeth every time Trump slanders and maligns him.
This should produce some delicious infighting as well as some spectacularly self-destructive behavior by the president. In this case, I hope Trump prevails in the sense that he succeeds in killing Sessions off for good. In doing so, however, I hope he gets himself removed from office.
What’s an election without The Littlest Confederate? One would think that displays of bitter acrimony between Dear (White) Leader and their longtime beloved racist senator would also induce some serious cognitive dissonance for the benighted AL citizenry. Tweet away, Trumper!
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Make the big R donors spend in red Alabama. Go right ahead and piss away cash on a grudge match. Stroke that ego, and may it distract from the impeachment.
How convinced are we that Sessions doesn’t have something politically fatal to Trump in his back pocket? Does the MAD doctrine apply here?
Don’t worry, Lindsay Graham will still be the best little golf buddy he can be to trump. If Graham can be so far up Djt’s ass after how McCain was treated, backstabbing sessions will be no big deal
How fucked is it that I feel compelled to root for Jeff Beauregard Sessions?