Ye Olde Froggy Bottom Cafe

Maybe if I stay away from Grimes and Nine Inch Nails I will be able to post videos. We’ll see. I’ll start with an old Pink Floyd track that meant something to me back when I was just a year away from graduating high school. Keep in mind that the Cold War had entered another hot phase and many of us were worried that another nuclear attack was imminent.

Author: Don Durito

Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life. Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).

9 thoughts on “Ye Olde Froggy Bottom Cafe”

      1. I wore that LP out after I got it. I really think they hit their peak with that one. I know the next two LPs were bigger hits, but this was the stuff.

    1. Yesterday on NPR’s “This American Life” they had a story about a man who had a bull as a pet, and when the bull died he used the DNA to have the bull cloned, and was refused to believe that the cloned bull wasn’t the reincarnation of the previous bull. The man’s foolishness eventually resulted in 80 stitches and a gored scrotum.

      What was remarkable was that the hosts simply treated this person as if he was perfectly rational, as if anything about this story was anything than completely insane. Earlier in the week, I heard the host of their “1A” call-in show refer to Jeffrey Epstein’s victims as “underage women” and no one batted an eye.

      We have become a country of nincompoops.

      1. Yesterday on NPR’s “This American Life” they had a story about a man who had a bull as a pet, and when the bull died he used the DNA to have the bull cloned, and was refused to believe that the cloned bull wasn’t the reincarnation of the previous bull. The man’s foolishness eventually resulted in 80 stitches and a gored scrotum.

        What was remarkable was that the hosts simply treated this person as if he was perfectly rational, as if anything about this story was anything than completely insane.

        Meth is one hell of a drug. I probably shouldn’t be so danged snarky. But yikes, you’re right – there’s nothing sane at all about that story. As for the Epstein thing – I have a sort of blanket complaint about news media that goes back a ways. Basically, there seems this pathological need to sanitize stories that simply cannot be sanitized. Epstein molested girls. It’s a blunt way to put it, and it isn’t exactly something anyone of would want to hear on our morning or evening commute, or mealtimes, or whatever, but it pretty much is what it is. Same with calling any politician’s likes “inaccurate statements” or whatever. Just call them lies. It’s simple and to the point. No need sanitizing that stuff. After 45 spews whatever it is he spews, there is no amount of Febreze that is going to mask that stench. Call it like it is.

  1. Still blown away by the scope of the pro-democracy parties’ share of the vote in the recent Hong Kong local council elections – 90% pro-democracy to 10% pro-Beijing. The councils themselves may not have a lot of power, but are a harbinger.

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